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Everything posted by Scuff

  1. I voted in between- submissive. If it came down to it, that some important decision had to be made immediately, I'd let him ahve the final say if we disagreed. In practice, we tend to hash things out until we come to some sort of agreement. I have a more compliant personality and he's more of a leader, so Sometimes people assume I'm a doormat. But I have no trouble telling him what I think about things and he usually wants to make me happy. ;) Most of the time, I win. :D In general, I don't think there's a right answer to this question. Each couple has to figure out what works for them. Biblically, it says that a wife should submit to her own husband. That's going to look different for everyone.
  2. I've known several couples who saved their kiss for the wedding day and they all were very happy to kiss their wives after that. ;)
  3. Fuzzy. I can picture where things are on a page, so i know where to find them, but I can't read the page. (that sounds great!)
  4. Both. To an extreme, it can be negative. If you're bottling it up to explode later, you need to just handle it. But not everything needs to be hashed out. Many times we just need to extended a little grace towards one another and let things go. And I voted negative when I meant kilt.
  5. I would not help her if her husband is there and capable, but being lazy. Other times, when you do decide to help her, give her a time limit, since she has no plan. Remind her of it while you're out and stick to it. "I have 2 hours available." "remember I have to be back at 5. We have a half hour drive, so half an hour left to do what you need. What should we take care of now?" and don't be at her beck and call. It helps to keep boundries if you say no sometimes, even if you don't need to.
  6. Just popped into this thread and there are deleted posts. Who knew makeup was so contraversial. :lol: i don't wear it very often. Most o the time i don't find it worth the trouble. Shrug. I don't really care if others agree or do differently. To each her own.
  7. I don't know. We had beagle puppies about 10 yrs ago, but we just had them in a crate without the top. Mom could come and go, but babies couldn't step out. I don't know woth puppies the same size as mom! Maybe you could get one of those baby gates that makes a circle and just rescue mom when she needs it? They sure are cute. :)
  8. I can't vote. I don't know what this soda is that you speak of. ;) Hide the cans and go buy some 2 liters. $10 should get you enough, with sales, for everyone to have a glass or two. Then they can drink the tea and lemonade when the pop runs out. ETA- I don't think it's thoughtless to not serve your whole pantry. But people see pop and assume party=pop. Hiding it prevents anyone from accidentally drinking it or awkward momments if someone asks. You don't need to worry about someone assuming your bananas or bread is on the menu, but if you don't want people eating "party food", best to just hide it.
  9. I grew up on cool whip (off brand) and fake syrup, but I definitely eat the real stuff now. Maybe it was because we didn't have sweets very often. We get our milk locally and every once in awhile we'll get a bottle that's plugged up with cream. :drool5: How can you go back to cool whip after that?
  10. So, how did you find your awesome pT, or was it trial & error? Our insurance covers it, and i do have a script to go for my knee. I hate finding health care professionals. It seems very hit or miss. I have an S curve in the upper 40s. I had an HMO as a kid, so my drs changed a lot. I almost had surgery 3xs, but each time it was delayed by drs leaving the HMO and then the new dr wanting to wait further. Last time I went was in my early 20s. Seemed kinda pointless at that point. I've had a lot of pain. Mostly in my lower back, with muscle tightness in my mid-back. It was quite depressing to be in such pain so early in life. (if I feel this way at 30, how am I going to survive to be 60+?) i've been going to a chiro consistantly for the past 5ish years. I <3 her. She gave me back hope. I still have trouble spots that go out between visits, but I don't have the debilitating, constant pain that i had. I do pilates off and on and do notice quite a difference. I have thought for awhile that I should do something to help my back get stronger and hold adjustments. Never had a massage, though it sounds heavenly.
  11. I would never think to complain, either. We live by tracks that switch cars all the time. We avoid going that way if they're out. More annoying is the need they feel to repetedly blast the whistle at 3 in the morning.
  12. Just read your last post. She can learn fife, if she wants. :) depending on where you live, she could also join a corps. I played fife for 6 years in a corp and have many fond memories.
  13. I played the flute and could pick up a piccalo without and trouble at all. I did switch to oboe later without ever being able to make a sound on the clarinet. The mouthing was completely different than a flute, and i did need a teacher to help me with that. But I see no reason someone couldn't learn without ever playing a clarinet. (or any other instrument. Though the mouthing is awkward and i can see why you'd want to start with an easier instrument.)
  14. I'd pass on her. In my experience serious buyers get back with you quickly. If you have to hunt them down, it's usually not worth the trouble. I have been appreciative of a few sellers who didn't follow this when I've been flakey, thOugh!
  15. Well, yes, everything needs to have a place and less thigs to take care of definitely helps. We went through the kids' rooms last winter and purged, purged, purged. Everything that was left got a labeled spot. But they still have to do it and it can still take them hours to clean their room when they choose to be lazy dawdlers. (should take less than 10 minutes.) We have similar issues with people just not respectig the house. I've tried so many things and they do get paid a certain amount for each chore completed. (and that does help eith cleanup. Not so much in not making thr mess in the first place.) i was just disgusted with them yesterday. My basement is an utter disaster, but shouldn't be. You can't even walk past the bottom of the stairs without climbing over things. All of it, ALL of it, is laundry they dumped or diapers or groceriesthey were supposed to take to the pantry. All dumped at the bottom of the stairs. The laundry room is carpeted with clothes, including two blankets that I personally washed and dried, and then ds dumped on the floor because he was too lazy to fold it and put it on the shelf next to the drier. SO frustrating! How is this place ever going to be clean when they tear it up so quickly! I'm pregnant. If i ask you to do somethig it's because I need you to do it. I don't need to come behind you a day later and find it ruined or scattered whereever you dripped it. Anyway, obviously mine can't do a job without being checked up on. I've tried checking them and giving them extra work if it's not done, but I can't check everything all the time. So, I changed it up yesterday. If I find a mess that you were told specifically to do, but did a half-way, lazy job than you get to redo the job, do somethig else, and lose your game time for the day. It doesn't matter if it's two weeks later. If that's when i find out you didn't do it, than that's when you get to be sad about game time. I will find the mess eventually. I'm thinking this will work. It hits them where it hurts and solves the consistancy problem in my ability to check right away. Time will tell. Hit them where it hurts. They can clean up after themselves. They can also help with some of the work. Reward them for a job well done and make it very sad for them when they ruin what is done. Then work on establishing better habits. (picking things up as soon as your done, using a trash can, ect)
  16. We have a 2005 Freestar sith well over 100,000 miles on it. We've done very minimal repairs on it. (in he last year we've gotten new tires and spent $300 on a vacation emergency repair that would have cost less than $100 at home. We paid a premium for help-us-now-we're supposed to be driving home service) Honestly, you'd be paying a lot of $ for only 3 yrs difference. All things being equal, I'd buy the older one. But check the miles, too.
  17. Agreeing with Eliana completely. When I sell, I get insurance if it's more than i'm willing to lose. I had a package get lost that I purchased here last year. My PO obviously lost it. DC said that it was waiting for me at the PO and a note had been left (nope). It was no where to be found. (small po, the manager did look) who knows what happened to it. The seller and I eventually split the cost. I suggeted it to keep the peace. But it was very frustrating. If you sell, buy insurance! I do agree with whatever pp suggested having guidelines spelled out so that everyone follows the same rules. I'm guessing they don't want that responsibility, though. It does make you more careful to ask questions when buyig. So glad it was found. Truly a miracle. ;)
  18. My first thought was bri-nuh also. But in defense of the general public, many people are using strange spellings these days. So while i would have looked at that and hought correctly, I would also wonder if it was truly how you pronounced it.
  19. Yeah, I think this is my dd7. She really does hate being alone. The rest of us are all introverts. But she never wants to give us our alone time. :) i guess it's good that we'll be continuing co-op. i hate giving up that day of school, but they do love the socialization aspect of it. Ds is the Just the opposite. Needs that alone time, but my goodness, the boy can TALK! Takes after both his grandpas, who never knew a stranger.
  20. Thanks so far Anyone else? I don't think I'll really use it for raw meat. We get that local and it comes individually packaged already. But i would for taco meat and stuff like that.
  21. Just wondering if anyone fits this description. I know in the introvert threads many people have said that shy doesn't equal introvert. (which, as one, I agree with). Dd acts very shy in new situations. She does not like aproaching people she doesn't know and is quite content to stay in her own little world if the alternative is to talk to someone new. But, by all other appearances, she seems to be an extrovert. This child does not do well if she is the only child home. She really thrives and needs that companionship and hates to be alone.
  22. Does anyone have and use one of these? Any insights or recommendations? Does it make a difference in how well your food lasts in the freezer? I'm thinking about getting one. I'd like to cook extra throughout the summer to stock the freezer with meals for when this baby gets here. I'm thinking maybe this would help things to still taste good when we get to them. Yes?
  23. For my first three, I save it all. They're close enough that sometimes one is going into a book not long after another has finished it. For the last two, I have saved stuff that I love and know I wil want to use again. That's a lo of money to have to spend again when we don't have to. I also don't really resell things anymore unless it's stuff that's flopped. After 5 kids spanning 12 years, I'm not really counting on much of a resale value.
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