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Everything posted by Scuff

  1. How does this approach long division? Does he teach the tradional placement of the numbers, or does he have his own way? We ran into problems with ds and mult because the video taught him one way and I unknowingly taught him another.
  2. Awesome! I remember watching the last (?) one. We're not it the right spot for this one, but it says we should see a partial.
  3. I didn't get the impression that she was afraid of loosing her marriage over the pregnancy, just the plans they had for the future. She's not trying to save her marriage, she's trying to make a decision about their future without including her husband in the decision. Yes, a friend need to have compassion and understanding, but a friend also needs to gently speak up when she sees her friend making a potentially harmful decision. Whether the truth comes out at the drs, or he figures it out or whatever, Even if he lives his entire life nevr having known, she still knows and will have to live with that and she's still making a huge decision about his future without including him.
  4. I don't think you understand what it means to be pro-choice. Key word: choice. I'm pro people chooseing to join the military, but never would myself. Pro people carrying a gun, but don't have one. Pro lots of things that I will never do myself. It is entirely possible for someone to believe that a woman should have this choice while also knowing that they personally eould never make it. (and I am not pro-choice when it comes to abortion.) To the original topic, I don't have much to add that hasn't been said already. I don't envy the op's position. I pray you are able to be a good sounding board and offer good councel and love. She sounds like an intellegent woman. I'm sure she'll realize these truths herself when the emotions calm down and she is able to look at it honestly.
  5. Here's some middle names: http://www.welltrainedmind.com/forums/showthread.php?t=381589 :001_smile:
  6. Yes, he should follow the rules. Yes, the school is overreacting. I'm surprised no one thought to have him put on a hat. It seems like they all are making a big deal where there didn't need to be one.
  7. I'd like to let ds choose what to do for Bible next year. He doesn't really like using R&S. No sure if that's just cause he's a grump who doesn't want to do anything. Ut science, or if he genuinely doesn't like R&S. I figure I'll give him a few choices and he must do whatever he chooses. I have R&S and a few Kay Arther books. What are other good Bible curriculums for this age? (not devotionals, real bible study) thanks!
  8. People have heard of Naomi and Lydia. Our other girls have more unusual names. No one ever hasn't heard them. I voted Naomi. That said, from your list, I have a Naomi, will have a Lydia, and in the family we have an Abigail, a Bethany and a Juliana. :)
  9. my ob for this baby was totally supportive. He is from a catholic hospital. I'm not catholic, but wow, I wish I had gone there before. Night and day between the catholic hospital and regular one. It was so nice to not have to argue about many of my choices, but have the dr actually agree with some of them. Poor lady. She's waited so long only to have a dr give her heartache.
  10. I'm not sure how to spell it. :) I'll have to ask dh. maiden name was Sheridan. She wasn't very good at choosing men and had two divorces to losers, so I don't think we'll use a married name.
  11. I'm part irish, too. My mom even made sure we all had irish names, she loved her grandpa so much. But the only Sioban i've know wasn't the nicest person.
  12. When we had ours up in the dining room, i bought a nice one with a wood frame. After school was done, we'd write noted to dad, or cute sayings, scripture or pictures. It was still a dry erase board in the dining room, but it looked more like it belonged and less like a school room.
  13. Maybe I need to learn a new song. :)
  14. So you that like Schoen don't think it sounds too much like a boy's name?
  15. I don't know. Maybe i like 1 syllable middle names? First two dds have 1 syllable middle names, now that you mention it. We already have a Claire. :) maybe we could keep Roseanne without the -a. Lydia Roseanne? I don't thiink we want a 3 syllable middle, since we have a 3 syllable first. Last name is two.
  16. I would be annoyed that she didn't wait, but maybe she assumed you already told your kids. I had a similar experience when a close friend died, pre-facbook. We were all at church when his mom got a call that he had been in an accident. She hadn't even been gone half an hour (and no way had time to get to the hospital an hour away yet) when another friend heard that he had died on the radio. They hadn't said his name, but they gave enough details that we knew. This still upses me. What if his mom had been listening and found out he died in the car, on the radio? Good grief! And what a way for us to find out! Plus, since they didn't release the name, i was easier to deny (maybe it wasn't really him?) and then we ran into his sister at the grocery store, where she was working and clueless... It created a bunch of difficulties and wouldn't have happened if they had just waited an hour to release the news story.
  17. We have a first name. (ehich is good for us! We usually don't agree this quickly) she's going to be named after dh's grandma, Lydia. Now for a middle name... :) I want Grace. It was my g'ma's middle name. DH hates it. G'ma's first name was Rosanna. I don't like Lydia Roseanaa because I don't like having both names end with an uh. But from this: Lydia Rose- i have two sisters with children. My first niece is named after g'ma with the middle name Rose. Then my second sister decided to also name her daughter after g'ma and her middle name is Rose. If we name her Rose there will be a Rose in each family. Kinda neat, I guess. Mostly I don't like naming gimmicks. I do like the name, though. Lydianna whatever-dh-wants- this combines g'ma's name into other g'ma's name but we have a ---ana (on-uh) already and the name is kinda meh. Lydia Ann- I don't love it. And we already have a lot of Ann and Diane middle names in the family. (and just repeting it in my head I noticed that it has a first name ending in an A and middle starting with an A, kinda blends together) And then there's Siobhan, which I don't know if I'm spelling correctly and I don't care. :) This is what dh wants. i hate it. Or?.... Suggestions? Cause I don't think it's going to be Grace or Sioban so maybe we need to think of something else. ETA- I forgot an option and can't add it to the poll. Dh also has a family name Shoen that he wants to use. It's german and means beautiful. But it's pronounced Shane, which is a boys' name. So there's that, too. And Siobhan is celtic or irish or whatevrr and is pronounced "shi-von".
  18. Ack!! That's aweful! I think I have a headache now. (well over the teen years)
  19. Yup. You want to feel better in the mean time. And that can help you make the other changes you need. Besides, depending on how bad it is, you stop breathing many times during the night. This causes all kinds of health problems and can even kill you. And some people have sa regardsless of weight.
  20. B vitamins make a world of difference in how I feel. But, given what you said about snoring and waking up tired, you should have a sleep study done. You probably have apnea and will feel 100xs better with a cpap.
  21. :iagree: I grew up with an (extended) alcoholic family. Made me never want to touch the stuff. (and never did until reading the OT as a married woman. Dh drank very rarely, but it was something I made him give up to marry me) i also have a cousin who died a few years ago from passing out and choking on his own vomit. I'm honest with the kids. (on an age appropriate level. Kids this young don't need to know more than she was drunk and this is what alcohol does to you if you have too muvh) I want them to know the truth of what this can do if you overindulge.
  22. You certainly don't owe them an explaination, but ai'd probably just be honest. I have with my parents inthe past. "No, dad. I'm sorry, but I just don't trust you to not discuss things with them as I have asked." Eta- just read your last post. If they won't accept your answer, than don't explain it to them. Just keep saying no.
  23. We've been happy buying straight from a (small farm) farmer. The cows live happy lives in the pasture. They do eat grain in the winter and I believe they are grain-finished. But the meat is still 1000% better than what you get at the store. It tastes better and is very lean. The prices aren't that bad, either. We couldn't afford to feed this family on grass-fed prices (which are usually twice as much). But we're glad to support a local farm and get great meat, even if it's not 100% organic/grass-fed.
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