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Everything posted by Scuff

  1. I don't think it works for AB, because then you can get a mix. (a from mom and dad, so kid is A even if mom and dad are both AB) But for O, yes, she must be the same. Not exactly sure how the +/- works with heredity. (+ means you have the Rh and - means you don't. So, I suppose our theory just fell flat. If both parents are negativE, then kiddos have to be. There's no Rh to inherit. But if you'r + and have a - parent, and so does dad, then kid could be -)
  2. Can you take legal action saying they're not taking acre of it if they are putting on bandaids? They have had exterminators out, but they are only spraying the bedrooms for bedbugs and the kitchens for roaches. Not exactly going to take care of the problem.
  3. That's probably why they're not doing it right. But also why they'll never get rid of them! It's a big building- maybe 10 floors. It was all senior housing, but they converted it to low income, while retaining the seniors who haven't left yet. She really needs to just leave! But she's still bitter at my mom for having her license taken over a year ago.
  4. You all aren't very encouraging. But it's good to know. I'm a little freaked out now because I just went through a bunch of hand-me-downs sent from my mom's. But she hasn't had any signs of it, so it's probably ok. I'll definitely have to talk to her about what precautions she's taking!
  5. I had a similar problem with regular amazon. I ordered $80 worht of stuff, well above the $25. And it defaulted to standard shipping. To their credut, they did refund the $8 shipping when I emailed them a few months later.
  6. No. It's taken a long time to get some things that I like. I don't want to start over! Go room by room and imagine that the house did burn down. What would you rebuy? Keep that. If you wouldn't rebuy it, think seriously if it's really neccessary to have. Decluttering is a neccessary skill. The influx of stuff is non-stop. If the house did burn down you'd be right back here in a few years anyway if you don't learn how to get rid of things. Don't worry about it too much- it doesn't have to be perfect! There will be things you keep too long and a couple (not many!) things you regret getting rid of. Life goes on. And the more you do it the easier it will be.
  7. So, the curious want to know, what do you use for her math?
  8. How "contagious" are budbugs? I recently found out that my ggma's apartment building is infested. They have had an exterminator out, but they are doing it in a very cheap way that won't solve the problem. The building has cockroaches and bedbugs, but they are doing just one floor at a time and only doing certain areas. In fact, my mom and aunt cleaned her apt and put one of those mattress bags on her bed. When they saw the bag on her mattress, they skipped her apt! Ggma refuses to leave. She's 93 and very stubborn. (They've been trying to get her to go to a nursing home. She's fallen several times and shouldn't be on her own anymore. I underdtand it's totta be hard to give up your independence and freedom, but be aware of your true circumstances!) So, obviously we won't be going there to visit. But what about taking her places? Ciuld we get them from her by having her in our car? Would it help to buy a seat cover and then wash after her visit? I'm also concerned about my mom's as she frequently has her visit. (we're a slight drive so she hasn't actually been here. We always go there or go to a restaurant.) i don't want to treat my ggma like a leaper, but we do need to take the neccessary precautions. We can't afford thousands on an exterminator, nor the headache while pregnant. Mh mom can afford it even less.
  9. Ok ladies, lets take a deep breath. I'm sure she didn't intend to imply they dressed like whores. And there have been plenty of threads where people complained about being judged for homeschooling or staying home.
  10. I think it's the fabric. I get holes in some shirts, but not others. I have 6 mos old shirts that look worse than shirts I've had for years. Wehave tile countertops, I have 10-20 lbs to loose (pre-pregnancy) and am 5,4". Just to prove my point, i bought some LE shirts for my daughters 2 summers ago. They were brand new and the girls threw them on the floor in the laundry room, along with other things. Then the washtub overflowed and they got wet. When I washed them the new shirts turned to rags. Complete rags with huge holes in them. The other things were fine. Just from being wet on the basement floor. (which admittedly isn't the best way to treat your clothes)
  11. He doesn't scoot. My mom had a dog that did that. And she *stank*! but, no, he doesn't. I did put some rice in his food earlier and will try the pumpkin next. Thanks for all the suggestions!
  12. Thanks for the food suggestion. That looks like a good one to try. I can't bring him in during the day. He's not in a crate outside. He's in a kennel, where he can move around, bark at squirrels, and enjoy his day in the sun. If he would lay at my feet and be my shaddow, that would be great. But he just turned teo and still has a bit of puppy in him. He likes to chew things and get into things and needs to be watched when he's in the house. If I brought him in, we'd never get anything done! I'm hoping he'll maature a little over the summer and calm down a bit and learn more of what is off limits. Maybe next year will be different. But right now school has priotiry during the day and he doesn't have a bad life outside. Lots of dogs are crated while their owners go to work and he doesn't seem have any weird seperation anxiety things going on. Just doesn't digest well.
  13. Yeah, this had actual meat for the first few ingredients. But I guess that's not good enough. Do you know what his food is called? Maybe I could find it on the intrnet somewhere.
  14. We have a 2yo german shepherd. When we first got him, the breeder sugested Blue Buffalo, so that's what we fed him. But he always had soft poo, sometimes even diarrhea. So we switched him to raw, feeding him chicken quarters mainly, with scraps (fat or bones from what we had (raw) carrots, tomatos, eggs, ect). He did well with that and had nice firm, raw-fed poo. But after awhile he wouldn't eat it anymore. He got ver skinny and was always scrounging for whatever he could fin that the kids left out or dropped. But he'd leave half the chicken in his bowl. He obviously was bored with the chicken or needed something that wasn't in the chicken or maybe a bit of both. Whichever, we decided to go back to kibble, since he'd get what he needed. I'm not a dog expert and he obviously needed something different. So, for about 2 months, he's beed eating Solid Gold, Barking at the Moon. I picked it since it was grain-free and had the highest protein content. (seemed like a good idea coming from a mostly meat diet.) He's thickened out and isn't Franticslly roaming for food anymore. But he's starting to have soft poo again. I don't know how it's been for the last month- dh takes him out. But it's gotten to the diarrhea stage. He was whining early in the morning yesterday. And He stays in an outside kennel during the day while we do school. When he was brought in, he had poo'd and had it all over his back legs and end. Disgusting. All that to ask, does anyone else have a dog with such a sensitive digestive system? What do you feed it?! He's outside now and when dh grts home he's getting a full wash down. (already been hosed off) We need to figure out how to prevent this. I cannot have this in my house nor do we want to be giving him daily baths. And it can't be good for him. I'd rather not go back to raw. It's too much work to figure Out right now. I have a toddler to take care of, kids to school and a baby on the way!
  15. then why do you need this thread? ;) just forget about finding your wow picture and mke the room how you want it to be!
  16. I think you're fretting about this picture thing too much. I haven't read the book, but I would assume that the purpose of the picture is a starting point. If it makes you feel how you want to feel, than the colors and themes should make you feel that way in your room. It's not a test to see how much emotion you are able to conjure up. Of the pics you looked at, is the jeep your favorite? If so (or even if you jusg like it a lot, but don't have a favorite), then that's your starting point. (I'll bet your pics you like have similarities) you say the chair works with the colors you want. Than start there. I can see how the chair would work with the jeep colors. It has a happy, beechy, flowery feel to it. The dark blue could fit into that. So do the natural rocks in the fireplace. (can you change the brick on the bottom. I agree that's ugly, but the rock could look very nice.)
  17. Dd's missing math book. Actually, I often find her things in her hamper. No idea why she would put them there- it'd probably take less effort to actually put them away!
  18. There's two issues here. He needs to get himself up for class. That doesn't have to be punitive and shouldn't start by you letting him sleep through finals. He also needs to respect you. I probably wouldn't make that you not driving him to class, even though that's what you threatened. Take the kid to class and take his computer/phone/whatever. He needs a consequence for the way he treated you *this* time. (I'm the queen of "next time", too. Most of the time you need to stop threatening and just do.)
  19. I don't know that anything in my life is worthy of this thread. But my first experience with an actual troll was when dh and I played wow. We joined a guild and made some friends, including two other couples and a few ladies. We all got vent, so that we could talk to each other, and things got weird. One lady didn't have a mic, so she wOuld type everything out and listen. That got old real fast, but she never seemed to have the funds to buy a mic. When we offered to buy on for her, suddenly "she" was able to get one. Yeah, not a she. We had been playing together for about a year at that point and he had hung out with us (actual) girls quite a few times, pretending to be one of the girls. Later, we had someone else try the same thing. This one announced that "she" was pregnant, when his wife got pregnant. To the extent that he even would fake aches and pains and the need for the bathroom. There are some interesting people in internet land, especially on WOW.
  20. Cook up the meat you buy ahead of time. It'll take up the same amount o room in the freezer cooked or raw. Then you can more easily thrrow together stuff.
  21. I'm pro-life. Won't even get an iUD because of how it works. (expelling a fertilized egg) But I would not hesitate to have surgery if I had an eCtopic. Yes it's a baby. Of course I would be devistated. But it's different than an abortion. This baby will not live. It can't. And I very well could die without the surgery. I've read an article where a baby lived to term in the tube. But the mother never had pain and didn't know it was in the tube. If you're having pain, I would assume you're not going to have a miracle ft pregnancy.
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