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Everything posted by Scuff

  1. She's going to be named after dh's grandma, who's middle name is Claire. Unfortunately, we used it already. :) Middle names, so far, are Faith, Claire and Olivia. Thanks for all the suggestions! Oh, and a question for the Annes, do you think Lydia Anne sounds ok? Seems like the A's would blend together. It is a commonly used mn in my familiy.
  2. Thanks for the suggestions so far! Keep 'em coming!
  3. Our co-op is flexible at the borderline years. (last year dd (2nd) was in a few 3-5th grade classes and ds took all middle school classes for 5th) they are strict that high school be high school. I'm sure that they'd allow a pg kid to jump up more once they knew the kid. But I imagine a lot of people think their kids are advanced, which leads to them being more inflexible.
  4. Rose and Grace were my suggestions. Dh doesn't like Grace and thinks Rose is too common. Eta- :) that's awesome that while I was responding to Rose, someone suggested Grace. Great minds :)
  5. DH and I are at a standstill. I think we need to start fresh. Only a few weeks left! So, anything and everything, what would you suggest?
  6. Dh took the news of this one better than I did, too. Congratulations. :)
  7. Dh handled it until about a year ago. I'm much better at it. :) DH is just as capable with the math, but he's much more of a spender. With me taking care of things, we're much more likely to keep our savings. We do discuss the bigger things together.
  8. Not unbelievable here in MI. My sister paid about $106K for hers and the best short sale offer she could get was $15K. The bank screwed around and it ended up foreclosing. Ours is probably worth 20K, but things aren't moving here. If we had to leave it, it'd probably go back to the bank. I doubt it would sell. (and then be broken into, gutted, and eventually catch on fire. That seems to be the cycle of things here these days.) There's a house around the block from us that the neighbor bought for less than $10. He plans to demo the house and make his yard bigger. A few years ago, someone bought it and fixed it up nicely. But it's been vacant and is now uninhabitable.
  9. How low can you lower it? I assume it's paid off, since you're talking about giving it away? I'd lower it as much as you can, letting buyers know that the pipes will be replaced with a contract. Move it fast and then replace the pipes when you know someone will be in it soon. ETA- Read the other posts, now. :) Yes, sell or donate it. I'd probably lower it to what the realtor thinks is good, and donate at the end of the summer if it still isn't sold. Maybe try the auction idea. I wouldn't rent it or let anyone live there free. If you find someone who wants to live their free, give it to them. You don't want the liability of this still being in your name.
  10. Ours fit inside our minivan with the seat down. We have one that is about 7 years old. It has been repaired, the holes that hold the shelves broke, so it can't be adjusted to those holes anymore. I was pretty aggravated when it happened...until I found out dd had been using it as a ladder to get into the upper bunk. So, they don't hold up to being climbed on repeatedly, ;) but they do well with books.
  11. Switch her shampoo. I can't use most shampoos. Spent most of my teen/college years thinking I had well-hidden, never-dying lice
  12. We separate out some things, like grocery/toiletries. But things like school supplies and clothes, which aren't needed regularly, we just add into the budget with the extra money available. We do budget it in, since it is a limited amount. I suspect that if we just got cash out and spent it as needed, some things that aren't as important would be purchased and we'd run out of $ for other, more important things.
  13. I've bought used on Amazon lots of times. Usually it goes smoothly. Many sellers list their books worse than they actually are. That's crazy that someone would think a coverless book was like new. At least he listed it in the comment, I guess! Amazon does spell out condition definitions pretty clearly. Thank you all. I'm not worried about it. I've already rebought. And I'm not communicating with him anymore, so the stress of trying to work with him is over.
  14. Yeah, I am. I wrote him back to tell him exactly that and am done. When he sent the partial refund, I wanted to clear up things, so that he wasn't thinking that i was mailing it. But yeah, nothing productive comes from communicating now.
  15. Both. And i think that's ok. We're all created differently, deal with things differently and God deals with us uniquely, also. I think it's important to be honest with God. I wouldn't suggest that you stop praying, but rather that you tell Him about it. There have been plenty of times when things sucked that I told God what I thought about it all.
  16. So he wrote back accusing me of trying to rip him off. Says he provided more than enough $ for shipping. I suggested that perhaps I misunderstood. Looks to me like he refunded the shipping That I already paid. Spell it out, how much will you refund after recieving the book? His reply? The purchase price, he already refunded shipping. :001_rolleyes::001_rolleyes::mellow: But I'm glad those emails were sent and show up on our order page. Makes him look worse and worse. The claims reveiwer is going to have so much fun reading through those.
  17. When I take it myself, I usually only need 1 200 mg pill, even for mild migraines. I was giving the kids the dosage on the bottle of liquid Jr motrin. Than i noticed that it was giving them more than the 200mg that I take. So I just give them one tablet, like I take. I figure that if it works for me, it should be ggod enough for them, who weigh half+ my weight.
  18. So, Amazon hasn't looked at the claim yet. Their estimated time is two weeks. Does anyone know how this partial refund will effect the claim? It looks like the claim is still active. I wrote him again letting him know that I'm well aware that I'd still be paying his shipping and won't be mailing this until I know that he will be doing that. I don't think I will be responding to him any more unless he takes care of things. Az can handle it. The funny/irritating part? The total price was about $10. We're quibbling over shipping for one book. The cost of a coffee or a hamburger. It's insane. But he's caused so much drama over this, I'm not backing down. Do the right thing. It's not that hard.
  19. Yes and no. When we first started, money was tighter and I looked for everything used. If I could get it used, I did. Now, with a bigger budget, and with the hassle and risk of used, it has to be worth it. I did get our TOG used this year and saved over a hundred dollars. It was worth it, and the seller was wonderful, but I did pay with my cc and make sure she got insurance, just in case. For smaller things, I just bought new. And for the TOG books, I made a list of new prices, bought a few small lots of books, and then bought everything at RR, Amazon or BSC. Everything went very smoothly and it was fun to get those boxes of books. (we had a huge library fine last year when dh's grandma died, our car was stolent, ect and i didn't get our library books returned. I knew with a baby this hear, buying most of it would be best.) I did buy ds's Bible stuff used (on Az) recently and am having trouble with the seller. But since it's Amz, i know it'll be taken care of.
  20. I had an order with that little note on it that was going to take 5-6 weeks. I noticed it about a week after i placed the order. I canceled the order and reordered and it came in a few days. (not prime, just regular Az) So things can change.
  21. Glad you have a way to get him the meds! A bullseye rash with teeth marks is definitely reason to take care of things! My dh would go to an appointment if I made it for him and reminded him about it. Would yours?
  22. That's a good idea. I have an Amazon claim on it, so i don't think the CC is neccessary just yet. Godd to remember that I have that as a back up, though. Last night he refunded my shipping and said that he'll refund the rest when he gets his book back. :banghead: He's either stupid, thinks i am, or is trying to wear me down. How is this better? I'm still paying your shipping! :banghead:
  23. Seriously! Every time I've contacted him, he's insisted he couldn't help unless I figured it out. I'm sorry you're new and don't know these things, but it's not my job to figure them out for you! Good grief! I would have been happy with a partial refund at first. It's not what I ideally wanted, but since it's not something I *know* I'm going to use for all 5 of them, I would accept it and just buy another one down the road if need be. But I'm done being nice. I already ordered another and just want my money back at this point. I filed a claim and they can figure it out. I'm sure I'll win that argument. Like new has got to be the easiest condition description to figure out. It's either like a new one, or not. A torn and repaired book doesn't qualify. And if he ever decides to figure out how to get this back to him, I'll happily drop it in a box. Shoot, once it's settled, even if he doesn't, I'll just write return to sender on it and he can take his chances if that's what he wants. This is so aggravating! I've sold a few times on amazon, ebay, here, ect. I'm always careful to accurately describe things to avoid unhappy buyers. I really don't understand when others don't do the same. It would have been a good price, even for a book in "good" condition. I'm sure it would have sold for him!
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