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Everything posted by Scuff

  1. Yeah, my first thought was to toss it, too. Dh really wanted sausage this morning. :lol: i left it up to him and he decided to eat it. :001_unsure: I guess we'll see how he feels later. We have a wedding he doesn't want to go to. So maybe he's trying to get out of it. ;)
  2. Usually, they do go in with me. But if the little one was taking a nap, it was easier to let her sleep and have the big ones stay with her.
  3. Mine are abot that age and I've left the older twO for about a year.
  4. Breakfast sausage that got left in the van overnight. Got down into the 50s overnight. Sausage sealed in packages, full of preservatives. ?
  5. Don't buy paint tomorrow. Make a few trips first. Get paint strips of all the colors you think you'll like and tape them on the wall at home. This will help you narrow it down because you'll see them at home, in your own lighting. You can also move the paint strips around the room to see how it looks in different places. Once you narrow it down, you can buy a small can to test it. (I think they're about $7, though it's been a few years since we painted) you can then paint squares around the room to see the color in a larger area and make your final decision. If you don't have $ to buy the test can, at least take the strips home. The colors look a lot different in house than in the store light. I've also found that I tend to err too dark. So if I was frying to lighten a room, I'd Get strips that were lighter than I thought I needed.
  6. Get a box of Cafe Du Mond beignets. They have them at our grocery store, so I assume they're widely available. Mmmmmm....
  7. I used Luvs with my older 3, but when i tried them this time, they weren't as good. My almost 2yo is 22 lbs and I have her in huggies 3s at night. We have Pampers Baby Dry for day time, but they are getting to be too small. The huggies fit fine.
  8. Yea, they make a rediculous amount of $, and there's a lot of good that can be done eith it instead. But who are we to judge that? For all we know she is doing good with her $. And have we never wasted any? We eat out too much, which is a large waste and could feed lots of starving people around the world. Compared to many, all of us live in extravagance.
  9. :) must be an older home. We had the same discovery when we moved in here. Do you have a basement or laundry room? For linens, I bought those wire cube shelving things that can be configured however you want. They cover a wall in my laundry room and hold all linens. Our bathroom is too small to add a cabinet to, so this works well. It makes for trips up and down the stairs when you want things, but you can also just fold and put away straight out of the dryer.
  10. Sometimes my MIL says stuff that makes me scratch my head. I think she's just oblivious. (and she's great in other ways) Just yesterday she jokingly told my 1yo not to do something rough with the baby. (don't remember what- Very sleep deprived.) Don't put ideas in her head! She's 1- If she's not doing a thing, she hasn't thouht of it, and if you tell her not to, now she is! It's rough when they make our jobs harder, but I think they just forget how littles think and how their words effect them.
  11. I'm sorry you're still pregnant. Dd was born Wed, right on her due date. Those last couple days were rough!
  12. I had a humanIties class my senior year. We read tons of classics that are WTM-worthy. Illiad, Odessy, Gilgamesh, myths, shakespere, parts of the Bible, ect.
  13. When I first started swimming regularly, I'd divide it up, swimming the backstrokeon the way back. This helped me catch my breath so that I didn't have to rest between laps
  14. Along the same line, it bugs me when people use "way" instead of much or many. Like, "the moon is way bigger than it was last week". I always have to rephrase the sentance in my head. My grammar is far from perfect, but some things stick out like a sore thumb.
  15. I'll admit that I am pretty proud of how i fold fitted sheets. I don't know if it'd make me twitchy for someone else to fold them wrong; I don't give them the opportunity. ;) I like to keep a bit extra in the pantry of certain things. I don't want to think about how much ketchup or hot sauce we have left. So, I but a bunch of it at a time so that we always have some when the bottle runs out. My kids have been banned from taking things out of the pantry. At one point, I counted 4 mustards in the fridge, openned and partially used. We don't even eat that much mustard. That extra should be stock in the pantry, not taking up space in the frigerator! Growing up, we were on the poorer side and never really had extras. Sometimes I wish my kids had a little taste of running out of something. They can be so wasteful.
  16. I love our cast iron. I have mostly Lodge, also. You do have to preheat the pas before you use it for it to not stick.
  17. :iagree: It sounds like they did want her there. I'd probably even say something on fb to that effect. Sometimes we're disappointed because we're not invited to things. But sometimes it's life circumstances, not that we weren't wanted.
  18. You will have a much easier time laying off the snacks and ice cream if you eat breakfast and lunch. I tend to do the same thing. I don't like to eat first thing and before I know it, I'vr been busy with everything else, it's 2 and I'm famished. But what everyone says about breakfast it true. And it will curb that desire to then eat the whole house. Also, there are reasons you're hungry again a few hours after breakfast. Your metabolism has gotten a jump start and has already worked through that food. You want your metabolism working. It's good to be hungry again. Also, I've found that I can't eat cereal in the morning. There's nothing of substance there. A bowl of cereal and i need to eat again. Protein, a balanced meal, will get you through til lunch. If I eat a ciuple egs and toast, I'm fine. Or add some protein to the smoothie.
  19. Well, that was one of the things I liked about my mw over a hospital ob, i could get a straight answer about how much it'd cost. :)
  20. I never could figure out how to do kegels. What helped for me was pilates. That kinda goes along with what others have said about strengthening the abdominals.
  21. I understand spilling bubbles. Kids are klutzy, especially when excited about bubbles. But deliberate distruction of things, I think we'd have to change the visits somehow. Park, only playing outside with limited toys, whatever.
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