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Everything posted by Scuff

  1. That was me crying, when it should be her! I started having contractions Tuesday afternoon. They weren't regular, but they were real. Painful, achy, backache, wrapping around, keeping me up at night. Through yesterday, they slowed down and now... Ahhh! MW says it's normal to start and stop with a 5th baby. But I don't want to stop! I want to have her! The timing right now would be perfect and with the long weekend coming up, dh could be home and we could all be together a few days before life starts again. Come out, baby! :(
  2. My sister was supposed to get them on her bottom teeth. She chickened out with the spacers. Then, my mom further learned that the plan was to file down enamel to make her teeth fit and she just cancelled the whole thing. Sis has soft teeth and is probably better off eith all her enamel. As an adult, she doesn't care thT her teeth are crooked, but it's the bottom ones. Her smile looks fine. A dentist told me a few years ago that I needed to take ds for a consult. We decided against it. His teeth are perfect, but had larger than normal spaces. Sure enough, those have closed a bit as he grew. Dd's teeth stuck out a bit in the front. I actually was concerned she would need them, though the dentist who saw her (same practice, but more conservative dentist) didn't say anything. Her's have straightened up a bit, too, though we'll see how muvh they move on their own.
  3. Oh, you know. Contractions through the night and are now slowing down. MW says that's normal for a 5th pregnancy. :glare:
  4. Glad you got what you wanted. There's a bit more to think of with a homebirth. I nested with the others, but i didn't care if my fridge was cleaned out. :)
  5. Slow going. #4 was like this, too, though the other came in a timely fashion. I've been having contractions since about 1:30 yesterday afternoon. They're real labor, painful, wrapping my whole abdomen, achy/crampy, backache. But pretty mild as far as real contractions go and not very regular, some being 3-5 minutes, some as muvh as 15. I was able to doze off and on through the night and now I'm just relaxig and waiting. It's a little frustrating to have everyone on hold and not really knowing what to tell them. DH had a job he needed to get out today, so he's at work, as is mIL, who will be taking the kids. But they can be here in 15 minutes, so that's not a problem. With #4, I was in labor for 23 hours, but it didn't get bad until the end. I showed up at the hospital at an 8 and had the baby an hour later, but was still going 8-15 min between. They did hurt worse than this at that point, though. So, we'll see I'm sure this is it, just don't know how long it's going to take. I cracked the whip yesterday and got most of what I wanted done yesterday. And then started a big pot of chicken stock for soup. So, I guess it's good that I feel up to picking out the bones and finishing it. Thanks for asking! I'm glad to have been able to rest through the night, but now that it's day, it's a bit frustrating to just be waiting around.
  6. Right there with you. Except it defi itely is labor, just not too painful yet. Wishing away the contractions for a few hours. I'd really like it if everyone could get a bit more sleep before we get this going. Hugs and no contractions.
  7. If you're not even sure if you want to do this, maybe buy less and get it cut up? Get 2 birds instead of 4. Then take your time with those two. It's been 20 yrs; there's no hurry.
  8. I live right next to train tracks. I do complain. It rattles the house, is loud and is busy! I had no idea when we bought that there would be days that 15+ trains would come through between 3 & 5 in the morning. But I complain on facebook and to friends, I don't expect anything to change. These neighbors can complain all they want to each other. But to expect the farm owners to change stuff for them is a bit much.
  9. Farm was there first. If you move out to the country and buy a lot right next to a farm, you can't really complain about farm things.
  10. DH would love the hotel look. I'm more comfortable eith something a little more lived in. Reality with children, our house is a bit cluttered right now. Not very, compared to many, but too cluttered for my tastes. It's small, so just a little clutter looks like a lot fast. (and I define clutter as any kind of stuff that doesn't have a place or is stacked up and not put away.) Our house gets kid-cleaned almost every evening. This doesn't mean it's cleaned- their abilities are very sub-par. But it does help to keep things from getting out of hand. Once a week (normally, non-pregnant), we do a deeper cleaning where we mop, mom-sweep, and clean off surfaces that have gotten stacked up. I need to start adding in dusting, but haven't. So that get's done when I notice it. my house does drive me crazy when the kids get lazy/quick/ we're not checking consistantly. Like this past week when they trashed the laundry room dumping stuff in there instead of using the hampers. But theoretically, i'm ok with it most of the time. Oh, and I also clean the bathroom with my shower. But I do it after, when everything is steamy and damp. Seems like it'd get cleaner then. Or at leadt not need as much scrubbing.
  11. We had two Grow-A-Frogs when the kids were young. The boy liked to "hug" the girl and squeeze out her eggs. I just let them think that. :) If it makes you feel better, when I opened the thread I thought he had walked in on you.
  12. You've apologized. If you don't drop it, you make it a bigger deal than it is and put a burden on her to make you feel better about it.
  13. I don't think #10 was meant as a slam against atheists. It's a christian author writing to a christian audience, yes? Seems to me that it's addressing christians who don't make passing on the faith a priority.
  14. I can't handle tums. They taste disgusting and my tummy is already oversensitive to disgusting. I have found some relief with Calmacid from Melaluca. I hink you have to buy it from a distributor, like other mlms. But they taste better and don't make me throw up.
  15. A $16 Lowe's receipt? Did you even have it? I would never keep a reciept for so little unless I thought it was something that might break.
  16. Epidural with the first, nothing with the rest. While i don't regret getting the epi ( i was exhausted with my first and it let me rest), I much prefer eithout. With it, i pushed for 3 hours and had to be told when to push because I couldn't feel anythi g. Without, I KNEW when to push and had the baby in minutes.
  17. I don't know how she would handle it. I can see how it could be a touchy area. I on the other hand, would love any help i could get. We do talk about hygien, but it seems to go in one ear and out the other without cleaning anything on the way. Are they boys?
  18. I've never had strep throat. Even as a kid, the whole family would get it except me. But i always test + for GBS. Glad your numbers are better. Must be comforting!
  19. That's what we do; everyone has a keepsake box to put whatever they want inside. When it's overflowing, you have some decisions to make. It helps the kids a lot to evaluate how much they really like an item. For the garage sale, it depends on how hard up you are. Earlier in our marriage, it would be worth it. Then, I just sold the stuff that would bring in $20+ on ebay or CL. Now, having the space and not having the extra work is worth much more to me than the few hundred dollars i'd make on our junk. I even mailed off a box of curriculum to Book Samaritan. Felt SO good to have that out of the house and not hanging over my head anymore. Evaluate how much you truly need the $ you'll make at a sale. Weighed against the time/energy/space cost. And don't feel guilty if the answer is to donate it all. You didn't throw away $10. You helped someone else and bought yourself sanity.
  20. That's tricky. I assume she's being honest, she doesn't really have anything to gain by lying. But that is a long time to wait and school is starting soin, so you're loosig other potential sales. What is her plan if this is just lost in the mail? I'd probably have to honestly consider how long i could wait and let her know that. Then, if you get another offer after that, take it. If the $ comes, send it back to her with dc and insurance if it's a significant amount. And don't take m.o.s anymore! I *think* that's how I'd handle it, anyway.
  21. Babies sleep. With my bladder only holding a teaspoon, heartburn and backache, I am not. My almost 2yo was a breaze as a baby. (I imagine it'd probably depnd on the baby) Being close to the end eith a toddler is not. I was up about every hour last night. It'd be hard to get less sleep when the baby is here.
  22. I was just rear ended pretty hard in our minivan (Freestar) and it just cracked the bumper. And we drive it every winter in the snow. It doesn't handle as well as dh's old 4 wheel drive truck did, but it's good enough. (and a lot better than the little cars do) I do like it, for all the reasons you mentioned wanting one. With the kids, it's very practical. Oh, and when I was a teen, we rolled our Aerostar minivan. We were driving in a blizzard (probably should've just pulled over, but it hit fast and dad kept going) hit ice, spun, flipped all the way atound and landed in the ditch right-side up. The front end was bad and the driver's door wouldn't even open. But we all walked away perfectly fine. So, I think a minivan is safe enough.
  23. Yu need an other" or a "I've tried all of the above and currently have no system". :D Thanks for the thread! :bigear:
  24. My girls' hair is much more managable at about shoulder length or a little shorted. Older dd liked it long (and it was beautiful), but she has been able to care for it herself now that it's shorter. I wouldn't break out the clippers just yet. Get the cut and Im sure it'll be fine. My girls don't really get major tangles anymore as long as they comb their hair every day and wash it about once a week.
  25. Do they reallygo in pants and touch genitals? Why would they possibly need to do that?! I was always one to think people were probably too touchy about this. (I was patted down pre-9/11) but that's much more invasive than someone touchig clothing.
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