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Everything posted by shalom22

  1. I am using Rainbow Science this year with my two kids. I had bought an additional Lab Book, but in the beginning it was backordered, so I ended up just making a copy of the Lab for my dd to use during the experiment. I have since received the lab book, but decided to continue to make a copy and keep the lab book to sell with the text book when we are done with it. So if you want to, all you would need two of would be the lab book. My kids have really liked RS and the labs are great. We are getting ready to start the second year with Biology. We went through Physics and Chemistry faster than what is expected.
  2. Be sure to visit the message board on GG. There you will find lots of great help and ideas. Welcome to the game.
  3. Me too. After my ds was born, I was in so much pain and discomfort I wouldn't let my dh near me for 3 months. ;) But then I immedialely got pg and I have irish twins. My two are four days short of being exactly one year apart. I saw a pattern developing so I quit after dd.
  4. I am so sorry to hear about that. I know that you are just sick. :grouphug:
  5. Thank you MIch elle. I was checking that out and it was looking really interesting. Then I checked out the pricing:scared: Looks like a great program, but definitely too rich for me.
  6. I would like to get some ideas for science for my dd. We will be finishing up Rainbow Science 2 this year, which is an intro to physics, chemistry and biology. My ds will be doing Spectrum (Chemistry) next year, but my dd is not ready for that. So I need to find something for her. I would like to find a good pre-chemistry or physics course and would prefer it to be mostly secular. References to a Creator is fine. Any ideas?
  7. We have done a dissection of a chicken wing. It was great for a beginning and intro to dissection without to much gross factor. My daughter really enjoyed, but my son did get a little squimish. I don't know if he could make it through anything too involved. We will be doing a worm in their biology course coming up. We will see how that goes.
  8. I exercised race horses way back when I was 19. I am 6' tall and yes I am sure it looked funny. One of them was a pita and bucked all the time.
  9. :iagree: Beef that is finished with grain even for only 30-60 days increased the omega-6 to unhealthy levels. The beef that we have been buying is grass fed and grass finished. The cow is not fed any grain and I do not notice any 'gamey' taste. The ground beef cooks up so nice and clean, the grease that cooks off is opaque instead of gray or brown like store bought meat. And it does not smell funky. The meat has very little fat in it, so you have to cook it a little differently than grain fed beef so that it isn't too dry. But the health benefits, for me, are more important than having marbling in my steak. I understand that not everyone has a source for grass fed/grass finished beef, there just aren't enough farmers out there that are doing it yet. And buying local beef is much better than buying from the grocery store.
  10. My thoughts exactly. :D Mornings are my time. I love the peace and quiet, drinking my coffee out on the deck (when it isn't too cold), checking the forums. And that is when I get my grocery shopping done as well. My kids are old enough to stay home. I love my mornings...
  11. Not personally, but I had a friend who had a cycle that lasted for 3 weeks. She was premenapausal.
  12. My dh drank it for awhile and he really liked it. I had a hard time getting the flavor that he liked so he went back to coffee. I think he liked the vanilla nut.
  13. I was going to say stir fry, but you already have two votes for that. We eat a lot of stir fry. For a family of four, I can get by with 1 or 2 chicken breast and use lots of veggies. We love broc., cabbage, zuchinni, onions, bell peppers, carrots, etc. It is my go to meal. You can make so may variations. Serve with rice or even pasta.
  14. What about a London Broil? It is usually a leaner cut of beef and may not have enough fat. If nothing else, how about using ground beef? I make a hamburge stew all the time. My kids like it better than when I use a roast or stew meat. It is easier for them to eat. Not as chewy.
  15. There is an announcement from last May that they were reprinting some of thier books. It doesn't mention a new version though. I bought mine used last summer, it was the first edition. I had to buy an additional lab book, which I had to wait for it to be printed. But it was exactly like the one I got in the first place. I would try calling them and just ask what is the current version. Btw: We really like Rainbow Science.
  16. I have been using Texmati Rice, which is the same thing. I just use the same ratios as any other rice. Does your rice cooker come with a cup measure? I usually cook 2 of the cup measures and add water to the '2 cups' line, if that makes sense. It turns out great.
  17. It is advised to get the largest paper in you city/area. They will usually have the most coupons. I live in Texas so I am no help to know what would be the best paper in your area.
  18. I have made my own charts and hung them on the wall. I just make them up on my computer and print them out. I have a chart that lists the latin sounds of letters and the first declension so far. I have others in the works. You can make one with definitions of the terms that you have a hard time with.
  19. My favorite cookbooks and the ones that I go to all the time are Taste of Home Annual Recipes. I use to get their magazine which has great recipes. But I have six of the annuals that I have used to teach myself how to cook. I didn't learn that when I was at home with my mom.:D The recipes are simple and use everyday ingredients. There is a section in the back with definition of cooking terms and a measurement guide. I have picked up a couple of these cookbook on PaperbackSwap and also found them at used book stores like Half Price Books. I saw one at a Goodwill the other day, but it was one I already had.
  20. I sent this link to my bil. He was just commenting last week about the poor quality of meat that the school system was serving his kids.
  21. That is were we put ours. We have a small living room so we even rearranged and changed out our furniture to accommodate the machine. It takes priority right now. Must get in shape.
  22. We bought this elliptical machine and we are loving it. http://www.truefitness.com/products/residential/product.aspx?seriesID=52&productID=87 It was not cheap but I like exercizing on this machine so much better than on a treadmill.
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