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Everything posted by alisoncooks

  1. I could use some help: I'm in search of a science gift for a 6-year old boy. He's getting our hand-me-down Magic School Bus DVD set, and I'd like to include a fun, INEXPENSIVE add-on. $10 range? A kit, maybe?
  2. We don't. We have tried to give this kitty water on several occasions but he doesn't seem interested. Should we just keep a water bowl outside? (FWIW, it's not often we're below freezing, here.)
  3. Haha. I don't know if the cat enjoys it or if he's just the most tolerant cat EVER!
  4. Yikes! I have thought about getting him OTC flea treatment...I'm just not 100% sure he's a stray. He's here a lot (daily) but does wander off. (Don't want to overdose him.) No garage here, unfortunately. I'm hoping, since the heated house will go right next to the front door, that other critters will steer clear. (I've actually never seen any raccoons or possums in my yard...though we do have a "rival" stray that stops by occasionally.)
  5. Congrats on the new kitty! My girls would love to adopt this cat, but it can't come inside. Also, we can't commit to its veterinary care right now. But it is the snuggliest, friendliest kitty...and enjoys our company (meows at the door several times a day).. I figured *I* would feel better if I knew it was warm and dry.
  6. Aw, thanks. He also has a Kitty Tube in the back yard, but doesn't seem to be a fan. (That darn thing was expensive, too!) Lately, he prefers our tiny front stoop (probably because that's where the dryer vents, lol -- warm air!) I'm hoping the little shelter I ordered will fit.
  7. ...just got himself a heated cat house. Cause it's chilly and wet and he looks so pathetic! (And because my kids keep wrapping him up in our towels, like a cat burrito, and giving him snuggles...but my towels are getting ruined!) I was going to buy a new Christmas tree this year, but I guess that can wait. Kitty looks cold now. (We feed this cat and love on him, but he can't come in the house -- my youngest is allergic.)
  8. Thanks for the thoughts! We've been using A&P. Oldest DD is partially through book C, and we'd hit a wall with it. (Not seeing improved/transfer to other writing.) I've considered using Megawords but she's resisting the idea of starting a whole new program with all those levels (I actually have several on hand for younger DD, who just finished REWARDS and did very well with that "word chunks" approach.) Maybe we'll just stay the course with A&P since we're halfway through. It has worked for us before...so maybe this is a blip.
  9. How about set up a photo booth? https://www.amazon.com/dp/B076P3NM8N/ref=sspa_dk_detail_2?psc=1&pd_rd_i=B076P3NM8N&pf_rd_m=ATVPDKIKX0DER&pf_rd_p=21517efd-b385-405b-a405-9a37af61b5b4&pd_rd_wg=YagY1&pf_rd_r=YWDT4HEQHZGFJ4QKTHCH&pf_rd_s=desktop-dp-sims&pf_rd_t=40701&pd_rd_w=3NULX&pf_rd_i=desktop-dp-sims&pd_rd_r=0b3d7b87-e7b7-11e8-b007-a7b99bbf58ac Turkey on the Table? https://www.amazon.com/Turkey-Table-Book-Activity-Kit/dp/B01N1GH4C8
  10. I've been unsuccessfully searching for the Teacher Presentation Book 1 for this program. (I have the student workbook and Presentation book 2 seems to be more readily available). I'd love to buy it from someone who's finished with it. I'd even be willing to RENT IT if you're not wanting to sell!! I'm just desperate for a 1-year spelling remediation for oldest DD and hate that I can't get my hands are on this when it seems promising.
  11. All of the above? Our church encourages everyone to bring their Bible or use an app. If you don't have a Bible, the church will give you one. The Scriptures are always shown on a big screen and are usually read by the preacher.
  12. We know a young man who took fencing classes. Idk if they had weekend tournaments.
  13. I have a ton of kid craft junk. Just this past summer I got rid of all my knitting needles and yarn and stuff. Sooo much stuff. I regret it, but I was in purge mode and unstoppable.
  14. Following because I have a kid who'd love to draw digitally, but I don't even know where to start.
  15. Bummer indeed. I was hoping to snag a cheese calendar (l lurv cheese) but I don't live near enough to stalk Aldi. *sigh*
  16. I love this thread. Now I can claim that I'm not tacky...I'm following European tradition! (Says the woman who's chafing because I've not yet pulled my Christmas containers down from the attic...)
  17. When DH was hospitalized after his cancer diagnosis (2014), he was in there for 40+ days over a 2-month span. I was only able to go for short visits (my kids were 6 & 8) and not at all once flu season hit and the kids were banned for being underage. He definitely wanted visitors -- his days days were so long and boring. Me: I don't want visitors and I don't want to visit. (I did for DH, of course.)
  18. We don't have checklists, but my 7th grader does several subjects independently. After we do history together, she does math (TT). After math, CLE reading (mostly independent but we talk about some things every now and then). She does EiW on her own, and reads her science text on her own. But we talk about each day's work before she goes off and does it. And I look over it when she's done.
  19. Yes, this 100%! At 22-23, my DH was so unreliable...and he really couldn't help it. As someone who didn't have those issues, it angered me so much, lol.
  20. I love toy catalogs. I got the Amazon and Rainbow Resource Christmas catalogs the same day. I've been thoroughly enjoying them!
  21. Yes, the triangle. And I can't wait for the temps to drop.
  22. I turned my AC on for a few hours yesterday evening because I couldn't bear the humidity at bedtime. It's also sooo wet out. Just...yuck.
  23. I also have a 7th grade DD who isn't especially self-motivated. I schedule my DD's work in "blocks" (chunks of time). For example: 9-10 is math, 10-11 is reading, etc. I check her work after *each* block. We also touch base before each independent block, so there's no chance to fall behind or get overwhelmed. If I saved checking work for every other day, I know I'd let it slip (*I* need more structure). I realize you have a lot of littles, so this might not work for you. I just wanted to share what works for my similarly-aged child (who is dyslexic and who sounds a lot like your description).
  24. DH said his voting place was inundated with people holding signs and leaflets, crowding the parking lot. He basically said the same thing: it's bothersome since he already knows who he's voting for.
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