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Everything posted by alisoncooks

  1. I have a cat-loving kiddo who has always loved Legos. I ran across this and am sorely tempted: https://www.jekca.com/index.php?route=product/category&path=582 (But I've already bought all the "big gifts" for this kid and the price point is a lil' high. Also, I think it comes from overseas, so I don't think it'd come in time...)
  2. This thread is interesting to me. I come from a long line of teetotalers, LOL, so alcohol at family events is a totally unfamiliar thing. Even my extended family members who do drink, do not bring any to family gatherings.
  3. Meh. Yesterday was just an obligatory appearance. Today is my real Thanksgiving. Turkey in 2.5 hours -- woo-hoo!
  4. Blah. I hate teeth troubles. I'm dealing with crown drama myself (from a broken tooth/root canal).
  5. I'm sure I was totally "that relative" today. We drove 4 hours to my niece's house, who was hosting. When we were about 40 minutes away, they texted us to say niece had been robbed at gunpoint last night, likely by an acquaintance (that they didn't turn in and who has been hanging around their apartment today). The same apartment complex also had a murder last week, right in front of niece's unit. Well...nope. Sorry. Call me uppity and such, but their hurt feelings are pretty low on my priorities (when my kids' safety is at risk). So the girls and I went to MIL's house and stayed there. MIL stayed with us; DH went and ate and came back.
  6. I was all set to say I couldn't think of anyone, when I saw the mention of Kiera Knightly. My word, yes. I can't stand her talking -- and she *so* was not the right actress for Elizabeth Bennet. Aw, lol. Mr.Bean is classic. I keep trying to make my kids like him.
  7. Haha. Well, "The Knight Before Christmas" was fairly enjoyable. We watched it this week. I liked "Let it Snow" but it isn't family friendly (well, unless your family uses a lot of profanity, then it is, haha). We don't but I'm still considering letting the 13 yo watch it because I liked it so much. We also watched "Princess Switch" (or something like that); it was okay. My 13 yo daughter's absolute favorite is "A Crown for Christmas" with Danica McKellar but I think it's not on Netflix but Hallmark channel, rather. (It's SUPER cheesy but she insists we DVR it every year.) Obviously, all of these require one to suspend disbelief and just accept the story (time travel, identical strangers, etc). 😉
  8. I was thinking this, too. OP, does she like paper crafts? If so, maybe the Homeschool in the Woods stuff?
  9. Oh my goodness! I think we have the same inlaws!! The above describes our holiday meals exactly, except we never-ever sit on the floor because ewww. We bring camping chairs. 😉 (Also, just add some loud arguing and suspected drug use in the backyard to make it a perfect match.)
  10. I can't even. Why don't they just buy/make a 3rd pie and keep it at home??? Then no one sees just how stingy they are!
  11. But the check is not a gift. It's compensation for work he did. Should he thank you for giving him what he earned? (Just wondering for the sake of wondering. I'd likely say "thank you" but I tend to lean more unnecessarily polite.)
  12. My inside decorations have been up for a couple weeks. All presents delivered and wrapped and under the tree. I've already started watching cheesy Christmas romances on Netflix. (I wait for outside decorations until December - same for the Advent calendar.) I regret none of it. I'll still enjoy Thanksgiving, and I'm still just as thankful as I'd be if I'd waited. I'm peaceful and calm and burning a Frosty Gingerbread candle. 😛
  13. I'd be worried about the puppy's safety, with 16 kids in the house. Hopefully the owners won't let him be underfoot (to possibly get stepped on or tripped over).
  14. Here's the story of our non-traditional Christmas Eve dinner. Every year we eat lunch with MIL, then get in the car to drive 3 hours to my parents' house. Due to timing, and the fact that we're driving through rural areas, we always end up stopping at 7-Eleven for Spicy Bites. I detest it. I'm determined to make better plans this year.
  15. Neither of those sounds like a negative comment?
  16. Frostbeard Candles now has monthly, book-themed boxes. November is a Jane Austen theme... https://www.frostbeardstudio.com/products/lit-box-november-2019-austentatious
  17. My oldest has refused pizza for years. We finally narrowed it down that she didn't like pizza sauce, lol. Come to think of it, I don't really either. So now we order a separate pizza, just cheese and pepperoni --no sauce-- for us. 😄
  18. I think this is what my MIL is doing this year. That way she spends less time prepping food and more time visiting (we drive 4 hours there to spend about 5 hours before driving back home).
  19. Entitled much? Yikes. Good on you for sticking to your guns and not getting sucked in.
  20. Yikes. It stinks to so something kind and then feel taken advantage of. I'm with @Rosie_0801 - I'd not include the son in any future offers. Does he live with the mom? Grocery delivery is a great suggestion. (And I'm cracking up thinking of the little old lady spending all that time at a saloon. *salon 😉 )
  21. This is probably what I'd want my kid to realize. The instructor has an obligation and cannot be persuaded to pass someone simply because they want it badly. I think it's a great idea to ask for insight on what he did wrong and how he can better prepare next time.
  22. I considered this! I wonder if a reservation is needed...
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