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Everything posted by ChristusG

  1. We should be schooling right now. Instead the kids are swimming. Guess we will have a rushed afternoon.
  2. I just googled it and nothing came up for me.....except this thread LOL. So if anyone from your FB googles "what happens to 14,000 people annually", they will see this thread LOL.
  3. :iagree: We have several of these: Mesh Laundry Basket . I store them in the drawer beneath our washer and dryer. If I wash a load of clothing (and I only wash one person's clothes at a time....that way I don't have to figure out whose is whose), I pull out one of these folding mesh baskets and fold each persons clothes directly into that basket. Then I use the handles and carry it to that persons clothes bins. It has really made laundry much easier.
  4. Thank you!!!!! I had that laminator in my cart last week and didn't buy it. Glad to see they have the same one as their deal today for like $10 cheaper! I just ordered it. Maybe the next deal with be the laminating pockets? Is that too much to hope for? :tongue_smilie:
  5. Honestly, it all depends on *why* you are homeschooling. For our family, I would not put them into school. It's based on the reasons why I'm homeschooling.
  6. Me! I'm on there! I really wish I had time to go all the ideas that I've found on there. Here I am: My Pinterest
  7. Sad....people take something fun and then turn it into something horrible.
  8. Wow.....wow...I have no words. Those parents are not spanking. They are torturing their children. There is a HUGE difference.
  9. We were sort of faced with this last year. We were thinking about moving to a larger house in a fancier neighborhood. But along with that would come with a bigger house payment. We'd have a bigger, nicer house, but less money to do fun things. We decided to stay put, make some improvements in our own home, and be able to have more "free" money to "play" with. I'm really glad that we did it this way. I'm happier in our home now that we've made these improvements and now we can still visit our 2nd home (Disney!) as much as we'd like.
  10. Sounds like a much better day today! I'm hoping that you'll have a LOT more of those coming up!
  11. Just to add.....no, don't look for an audiologist. DD had several hearing tests for speech therapy and it came back just fine each time. She hears just fine....it's just her brain processing the small bits sounds a bit differently.
  12. That definitely sounds like an auditory processing disorder, which sometimes comes along with dyslexia. DD7 was diagnosed with dyslexia caused by visual and auditory processing disorders. Look into finding a therapist or someone who can use the Fast ForWord program with your son. It's listening therapy (using headphones and a computer program) for auditory processing disorders. It is expensive, but it's gotten great results.
  13. That's pretty much what we do. If DD7 stumbles over a word that I *know* she already knows how to sound out, I just keep going and give her the tick. The thing I'm unsure about is how long is it okay for her to keep sounding out words instead of just fluently saying them? Some words she can say fluently. Some words, like fish, she'll still say "ffff-ish" and then follow up with saying "fish." Is that acceptable throughout the whole book?
  14. I want a good BPA free cup with a lid for my 7 year old. She's good about not spilling, but I want her to be able to carry water around the house during the day (and when we leave the house) so that she can drink more. I don't think she gets enough water. And I want to be able for her to take it in and out of the fridge when she wants it too. So I prefer some sort of lid or spout. It needs to be able to be cleaned easily too. I don't really care for the Sigg type bottles because they get so much condensation on the outsides.
  15. I thought about stopping by our local thrift stores to look for some easy readers for my DD. But then I got to thinking about the horror stories I've heard on here about bed bugs. I certainly do not want to go through that. So I'm a little hesitant to get books from thrift stores. Is this a valid concern?
  16. I agree with not buying the knock offs. I've had both and the Crocs brand is MUCH more comfy. Do you have a Bealls for a Dick's Sporting Goods around there? Both of those carry them all the time. Zappos is great for online....and super quick. GREAT customer service. Crocs.com is always an option if you have the time to order from them. On Zulily.com, today they are having a sale on Crocs. But that's today only. However, it takes a few weeks to get things from them. I don't know when you are leaving.
  17. Poor girl and poor family. :sad: This is one reason why we've stopped swimming in lakes down here in FL. I know that it is pretty rare, but still. Plus, you can't really see what's in lakes. My uncle lives on a lake and someone was swimming there and accidentally stepped on some broken glass on the bottom of the lake. They cut their foot pretty badly and developed an infection from the water.
  18. You don't. I may have have to enroll my kids in public school just so that I can have more time on here. :D
  19. I just reread your "walking on a boat" thing. Ya know, that's a great way to describe how I felt with my thyroiditis. It was hard to explain the feeling at the time. I wasn't dizzy, nor lightheaded (except that time that I nearly passed out in WalMart)...it was just....a strange feeling. I was sort of in a "brain fog" and sort of felt like I was on a boat, just as you describe. It was really strange.
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