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Everything posted by ChristusG

  1. :iagree: YES!! THIS!!! I am going nuts. I thought it was just me that was getting this error. I've looked at it, my husband has looked at it, and I asked the company to send me another download code....nothing has worked. I'm going to try installing it on my laptop instead. I am SO frustrated!!!
  2. No sleep deprivation here. Our babies/toddlers sleep with us in our bed. Very easy to nurse and go right back to sleep. My babies slept like angels right beside me.
  3. DD6 is having lots of trouble reading. We are even taking her to vision and auditory therapy. Plus, she has speech issues. I wonder if this would work....I'm excited to give it a try! Downloading now!
  4. I've never understood owning more than one game system. We have the Wii and will keep it with only that. I know that Wii's game are very family/kid friendly. Playstation and XBox have lots of games that are rated much more mature.
  5. We're Baptists. We can have the kids come with us, but they prefer to go into their own classes. We go to the worship service first and then Sunday School second. I am uncomfortable taking kids into our Sunday School class because it is a small group of married couples and some of the teachings involve marriage specific things....things that do not pertain to children in any way. I have taken our three year old a handful of times since birth, but I won't really bring them in any older than that. The kids have their own Sunday School class, and then children's church where they have their own lesson, worship songs, etc. Wednesday nights they have AWANA.
  6. Continue doing what I love to do but do not have time to do much of now.....a photography business.
  7. Being alone doesn't bother me either. However, what makes me uncomfortable is when someone *thinks* that I must be uncomfortable sitting alone and they come over and try to talk to me....not necessarily because they want to talk to me, but because they feel bad that I'm sitting alone LOL.
  8. First, There's no way I would have attended that party LOL. Second, if I had to be there, I would have just sat on the couch and preoccupied myself with my iPhone.
  9. I would be upset too....I'm sorry your DD's friends let her down. :sad:
  10. I believe that abortion in itself is wrong. And then this takes it to another level. They are keeping one baby? How in the world are they going to explain that to the one they chose not to murder? And how in the world are they going to choose which child to keep? And, God forbid, if the surviving baby is born with something wrong with it, will they forever wish they chose the other one? What a horrible situation they have chosen.
  11. We usually invite close family over. We play board games, Wii, have finger foods or pizza, sometimes we karaoke, and this year we are playing Minute to Win It games (you can look on the website and get the games plus a list of things you need to play them).
  12. I've seen a white spot on my tonsil before and it wasn't anything. I didn't come down with any symptoms. Could it be a piece of food on it? What about a tonsil stone?
  13. Oh my gosh....I think you've been in MY household LOL! I've heard lots of arguments very similar to that one! No...not sick, hungry, or growth spurt....this has been going on for months. As far as sleeping, this child is like the energizer bunny. She's not hyper or anything like that, she just doesn't like to sleep. And she functions fine on less sleep than what I think she needs. Well...fine aside from the jealousy LOL. She's always been my strong willed child. Please, yes, I hope it is just a phase. I think I'll ask her about why she feels she needs everything better than her sister. That is CRAZY LOL! I feel for you....this is not a fun boat to be in LOL. Thanks everyone for your advice! I guess I'll just keep talking to her about it.....keep taking away the material things that she's upset about. But the non material things, like the pizza, I don't know. I guess I'll just treat that as whining. I try to banish whiners to the bedroom as often as I can. When we are out and about, that's harder to do. And she's a whiner all day long. It's hard to banish a whiner while walking through Target or while out to dinner LOL.
  14. Assuming your are good in the shoes, undies, t-shirts, socks, and pajamas departments, I'd go with.... 2 pair of jeans 2 bras black dress pants (I don't like dresses, so I use these) 2 nice shirts to go with above pants 2 pair comfy lounge or yoga pants for around the house
  15. If you can afford it and you really think you would use it through multiple pregnancies, babywearing, and winters....then yes, I think it is worth it. You can easily pay $100 or $150 for a nice, warm coat. If you think it has the possibility of sitting in your closet, then no, definitely not. I would only get it if you can machine wash it at home. Now down here in FL, I would definitely have no need for a coat like that LOL. However, I paid $400 for a stroller....so it's all in what you can afford and what your priorities are for where you live. If I lived where it is cold, a warm, versatile coat would definitely be a priority.
  16. My 6 year old is endlessly jealous of her younger sister. She's jealous of things that she need not even be jealous of. She is acting in ways that are completely opposite of all I have taught her. I've always taught my children to be thankful for what they have, etc. And of course, I always treat them equally. This has only begun within the past 6 months and it continues to get increasingly worse. She's about to make me lose my mind. Reasoning does not work with her....it will work with my other daughter, but not with this one. Let me give you a few scenarios: Scenario #1 - Last night she spent the night at my parents house, which is something that she loves to do. When she got home today she realized that her little sister had leftover pizza for lunch (leftover take-out from what her dad ate last night for dinner). There was no more pizza left. She began crying because her sister had pizza for lunch and she didn't. I tried to tell her that she got to do something special by spending the night with Mimi and Poppy, but the crying continued. Scenario #2 - Last weekend my SIL brought gifts over for the kids. My 6 year old received something that she had been wanting for months...Squinkies. She was very happy. My 3 year old received something (a Teacup Piggy) that I knew would she would never play with. So I took her to Toys R Us the next day (dd6 was not with us at the time), we returned the piggy, and I allowed her to choose a toy....she chose a few Chuggington trains. We get home and DD6 has a meltdown because now her sister has more Chuggington trains than she does. She wailed and wailed about how she no longer wanted the Squinkies but wanted to get Chuggington trains. Suddenly, the Squinkies were not good enough anymore because her sister now has more trains than she does. Scenario #3 - My parents planned some Christmas activities for the girls. One was musical chairs where we all played...adults included. DD6 was the second person out. She wailed. Then she wailed again when her little sister ended up winning the game. She wails if her sister gets to the front door first and opens it when we get home. She wails if she thinks her sister got a bigger dinner roll than she did. She wailed on her sisters birthday because her sister got gifts and she didn't. She got upset today because I mentioned that when her sister accomplishes potty training (yes, we are having potty training issues over here....she's nearly 4, UGH), then she can go to the store and choose a toy....just like she did when she potty trained. She wailed because she wouldn't be getting a toy too. The girls opened stocking gifts and my 3 year old got a Rapunzel book and my 6 year old got a Marley book. She LOVES Marley, yet she was upset because she didn't get the exact same Rapunzel book as her sister. I tried to explain that it would be silly for us to have two of the same book in the house, but she wouldn't hear of it. Her main concern in life is to make sure she receives equal to or better than her sister. Oh. My. Heck. I'm losing my mind. I try to teach my girls that jealousy is not an attractive trait. I explain that Jesus teaches directly against it in the Bible. I tell her it's not nice to act this way....we should be happy for others when good things happen to them. I explain that life is not always equal. This child acts as though I favor my 3 year old and that she gets the short end of the stick all the time. In the musical chairs game that I mentioned above, she even went as far as to claim that her aunt (the one stopping the music) cheated and was peeking and purposely stopped the music when she knew that DD wouldn't be able to get into a chair and would get out. HUH???!!!! Riiiight sweetie, your aunt is out to get you. I don't even know how to discipline this. This is certainly not the person that I want her to be. Jealousy is such an ugly quality.
  17. Actually, I have heard multiple times on the news that you should avoid picking things up off the curb or from craigslist right now due to bed bug concerns.
  18. Last week I booked a trip to Disney for the end of January. We have seasonal passes, so we are going there for four nights. We'll probably go to Disney several more times this year too. Aside from that, I'm not sure. I'm sure we will go somewhere, but I don't have any plans yet. We usually go to the beach for a week in May with some cousins....but it's not planned yet.
  19. Honestly, I think people just get worked up over words and try to be too PC nowadays. Sometimes, things just are what they are. If people are using the terms and not meaning any offense by them, then I don't see what's the harm in using them. For example, I'm caucasian. If I was called a white girl, I'd have no problem with that. Cause guess what? I'm white LOL. As for hearing impaired....isn't that correct? A person's hearing is impaired? Same with broken home.....if the home was peaceful at one time and now the parents are split up, hasn't it been broken? As for retarded....I would never use that word on a "casual" or joking basis. And people who do are just being rude, in my opinion. The same for people who say things like "that's gay" when they dislike something. I just don't understand that if the term is true, and someone is not meaning to be offensive by using the term....then why is it hurtful? I wear glasses. I'm vision impaired. My vision is not working properly...it's less than perfect. It sounds right to me.
  20. I've stopped doing goody bags. I usually give one small toy. That way, it is not lots of junk toys that's going to get trashed as soon as they get home. A few times I've ordered stuffed animals from Oriental Trading and given one of those to each child.
  21. Best thing I did this year....I got a free trial of Amazon Prime and did a ton of online shopping through them. I had majority of Christmas shopping finished by the beginning of December. Wrap as soon as you bring the gifts home. If you buy it in July....go ahead and wrap it! This saved me from a marathon wrapping session. Go shopping the day after Christmas. That's what I did this morning. I got wrapping paper, labels, boxes, bags, etc. That way, I'm all set for next Christmas. Start a list. I listen for people's ideas all year long. I jot down their likes, things they prefer, etc. November is when I really begin shopping. All the new Christmas toys have been released, the kids usually know what they want, and I really begin my shopping at the beginning of this month. I do Black Friday. I can find lots of things for my "odds and ends" people....you know, the ones where you don't really purchase them something personal because you don't know what they have or really want. So you purchase them something more general. On this day, you can get those sorts of gifts for deep discounts. Decorate early. I used to decorate the weekend right after Thanksgiving. That weekend got to be too hectic with Thanksgiving, family get togethers, Black Friday, etc. So I began decorating the weekend before Thanksgiving. I don't care if it is early....it saves me from stress later on.
  22. I was so hoping it would snow on my side of Jacksonville! It didn't though.
  23. I'd get to the dentist first thing tomorrow. Tooth pain can be HORRIBLE. It sounds like you probably need a root canal. If so, the tooth is probably infected and you don't want an infection while pregnant. They'll probably start you on antibiotics right away and then want to do the root canal. I had horrible tooth pain during my second pregnancy. I told them that I was really uncomfortable and didn't really want to have to lie in a dentists chair for hours during a root canal. So they did a pulpectomy on me, which is usually reserved for doing on children when they need a root canal on a baby tooth. It literally took like 7 minutes and I was up and out of there eith zero pain. I went back a year later and got the root canal and a crown.
  24. I think that it's a very fine line to walk and a kid would have no clue how to walk that line gracefully. If the kid was saying something like "I got more than you. You only got so-and-so? Well, I got three of them." That's outright bragging. But it's hard to tell the difference between excitement and bragging at times.
  25. I like how you put the console table behind the love seat in the living room. I don't think I would have thought to put it there...I like it!! We haven't moved in a while (been here 6.5 years and plan to stay a lot longer), but some vows I try to keep for our house are: Shoes off when entering the house...keeps the floors so much cleaner. Food in kitchen only....no finding crumbs down in the couch. "Clean sweep" each evening where I go through the house and put away everything that is out of place....it's nice to start the next day with a clean house. For the most part, toys need to stay in the playroom. I allow some toys out sometimes, but mostly they need to stay in the playroom. That way, the playroom can be a complete disaster and as long as the rest of my house is clutter free, then I don't have to stress about it LOL.
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