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Everything posted by ChristusG

  1. DD6 knows it and learned it this year. DD3 picked most of it up by listening to me practice with DD6.
  2. Yep, first I'd look into PANDAS, then move on from there.
  3. I got this one for my then 2 year old DD last year on Etsy: http://www.etsy.com/transaction/25842004 . That's not her name on it, but it looks exactly like that one, just with her name.
  4. Love it! I bet he had a great day!!! Birthdays are a big deal around our house too! I try to make them as special as possible for our kids.
  5. DD#1 I waited till 4 years old. With DD#2, I took her at a year old since big sis was already going.
  6. I'd continue it unless other side effects come up too. Just make sure he takes it with food.
  7. Mommy, Carry Me Please (my DD loved this and had it memorized around 18 months - 2 years): http://www.amazon.com/Mommy-Carry-Please-Jane-Cabrera/dp/0823419355/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1297819246&sr=8-1 Go Dog Go - a favorite of my oldest DD around 2 years old Fox in Socks God Gave Us You http://www.amazon.com/God-Gave-Lisa-Tawn-Bergren/dp/1578563232/ref=sr_1_1?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1297819327&sr=1-1
  8. Hmmm....I'm really not sure. Last week I used one of the "line" tests. I wasn't 100% positive on it though. So I got the one that says "pregnant" or "not pregnant." I needed someone to spell it out to me LOL!
  9. That looks absolutely amazing!! However, there's not a chance on this earth that I'd let my kids sleep/play/climb on those things. Kids are....well, kids. They climb. They sit two on a bed sometimes. I'd be afraid those things would come right out of the wall. The blog said the beds are really heavy.
  10. I'm with you. I have no idea why he cannot see it. I mean, really? Sometimes I think the whole "men just don't see those things" is a cop out. HOW can he NOT see the big mound of toys that he's stepping around in order to get to the couch? He would rather step around them 500 times instead of pick them up. My DH doesn't really help around the house. He says that he will if I specifically ask, but even then he does it with an "I guess." To me, "I guess" means" if I have to, but I really don't want to." Well I don't want to either LOL!
  11. Honestly, I can't stand her. And after googling some of her lyrics, I can understand why.
  12. According to what you've read, I would think they should arrive tomorrow. Check again in the morning for the "out for delivery" message. :D
  13. I have to agree. I remember attending youth group and youth camp as a teen. I had an absolute BLAST and I was closer with the Lord then than I am now. To be "successful" with teens, you have to do fun things. Usually things like that are an intro and then they move into the lesson. I remember at youth camp they did the nastiest skit where there was like 5 people up on stage and it had something to do with eating an oreo, swishing their mouth, and spitting it back in the cup....the next person did the same...with the same cup. :ack2: It was the counselors who did this and maybe a few of the 12th grade guys. It was so gross, but boy did it get a reaction from the audience and was talked about for the whole next year. I think it was harmless fun....maybe not the best choice of beverage, but youth groups do things like this. I think it is fine.
  14. My girls have awesome imaginations. I very rarely hear anyone say "I'm bored." We don't do a lot of screen time. But I do allow them to use their iPod Touches in the car around town. And if we are traveling for more than an hour or so, I'll allow them to choose a DVD to watch.
  15. I expect Sunday School and Children's Church to keep my kids engaged. Entertained? Hmmm....that could be a part of keeping them engaged. But no, I do not expect them to be entertained. I expect them to find fun and kid friendly ways to teach my kids Biblical truths, stories, knowledge, and scripture. But, of course, my kids main way of learning of those things is here at home.
  16. WOW!!!!! That is AMAZING new!!!!! I am so happy for you!!!
  17. Majority of my home is what I would consider "minimalist." I very much dislike clutter, I feel that less is more, etc. Our kitchen, living room, sitting room, sunroom, and bathrooms are very minimalist. I'm working on our bedroom and it's nearly there. The laundry room/mud room is pretty minimal. The playroom and homeschool room are different stories. I've attempted going "zen" on the playroom and I've since decided that I'll NEVER get it there. So I've decluttered as much as possible. The homeschool room.....ugh. I feel like I have so much stuff in there that I'm just "holding onto". Maybe I'll use it when they are older, what if we need it, the books are really neat, etc. I just cannot seem to declutter that room. I want it to be very learning friendly. We don't even do school in there right now. It's the smallest room in the house and all we can do is sit at the table. We much prefer schooling in the sunroom or kitchen table. I'd like to be able to use that room for something more than "school stuff storage" .....that's exactly what I feel we are using it for right now. Just storing school stuff....a whole room! A small one, but still. Do you have a "zen like" school room? Or anything close? I'd love to see pics if you do! I'm in the process of trying to redo ours. I'd love to put a kid computer in there, a HUGE white board (not sure where to get it), beanbag seating, etc. I'd also love to be able to display the kids school projects. Not sure if the room is too small though.
  18. Mario Kart Mario Party 8 Carnival Games Just Dance 2 Just Dance Kids Smarty Pants Wii Party
  19. My girls each have their own iPod Touch and it's the best gift we've ever gotten them. I loaded them up with home videos, family photos, kid music, games, educational things, netflix, TV shows that they love.....it's awesome!
  20. As for internet on the go, it depends on if you want to pay a monthly fee or not. If not, then you'll have to be in a WiFi spot for internet. If you pay a monthly fee, you can have internet anywhere. I have an iPhone and I'm trying to justify getting an iPad, but I just can't see doing it if I have an iPhone....it's just the same thing but bigger, more difficult to fit into my purse, and an added fee if I want to be able to access the internet everywhere.
  21. Late calls panic me too. Our phone rarely rings after 9. Actually, it rarely rings after 8 too.
  22. Just wanted to add, that like everyone se with a Phil and Teds, I also have a Maclaren lol. I use that when I only have my three year old with me and I just want to run into Walmart real quick. My 6 year old can fit in it too though.
  23. I've heard it can keep you awake....but I say that exercising at night is better than no exercising at all.
  24. I haven't read all the replies, but I do what I call a "Clean Sweep" every night before I go to bed. If there are toys out of place, I put them back. If there's a cup left on the coffee table, I put it in the dishwasher. If someone left dirty clothes on the ground, I put them in the hamper. If there's dog toys around the living room, I put them into the dog's bin. I put every single thing back into it's place. Sometimes I will even quickly wipe down the mirror and counter in the bathrooms or kitchen. That way, when I wake up in the morning, everything is clean. I love starting each day with a clean slate like that. I have to do it EVERY night or it will begin to build up and I'm not able to to the Clean Sweep at night....it would take much longer than the 15 minutes I allow for the Clean Sweep. The key is EVERY night. Also, every night before the kids go to bed, I have them return all toys to the playroom. That way, there's no toys cluttering the house. If they want to leave toys set up to play with IN the playroom, I'm fine with that. But not in my living room or the kitchen table, or the sunroom. Playroom only.
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