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Everything posted by ChristusG

  1. For our family, the pros and cons are as follows: Cons: *Having to find care when you go out of town * Dog hair around the house, on clothing, etc. *Extra time to care for them when it's raining outside and you have to dry muddy paws, you have to clean up inside spills they make, etc. * Icky messes....poopy scooping the backyard, doggie throw up on the floor Pros: *Watching my kids have a ball playing with the dogs * automatic alarm system * Having a furry friend to snuggle with * Having at least *someone* think you are the absolute best thing in the world LOL
  2. Poor you!! I have nothing to complain about then. I feel naueous ALL DAY LONG. So nauseous that I just lie around all day. But thankfully I haven't had any vomiting. I think a "normal" person would have...for some reason I fight it with all that I have. I'm glad that you have found a med that seems to be helping you. Hang in there!
  3. Me! I'm 7 weeks as well and in the throes of horrible all day sickness. :ack2: Due October 27th.
  4. Definitely NOT girlie. I was a tomboy all throughout childhood and still am. I don't even own any dresses. Jeans and a t-shirt or polo shirt work for me. I've never had a manicure, pedicure, waxed anything, tanned anywhere, or plucked anything, etc.
  5. I don't care who he invited over....if my husband came back from the grocery store and invited ANYONE over, I would be ticked. Ya gotta give a little notice!
  6. We don't have any...we just wear green if we remember. But I'm all for family traditions so I would love to start some! I'll be checking back in with this thread. What do you guys do with the coins?
  7. Absolutely!! I love my downtime, but I also love all things considered "fun." We even have season passes to Disney so we can go often. Last month we hit the circus when it came to town. Next month we'll hit the fair when it comes to town too.
  8. Honestly, if you think it is mastitis, I would go to your doc or urgent care pretty quickly and get started on some antibiotics. I had mastitis when DD#1 was 13 months old. I believe it's the worst I have ever felt in my life. I don't want to scare you, but I had a medium grade fever, my entire body ached, I was nauseous, shaky, weak, and my breasts hurt like heck. I knew I had to nurse through it, but I was in tears when I knew it was nursing time. I was out of town when it came on and I had to last one day out of town, the drive back, and then two days at home (it was a 3 day weekend) before I saw my doctor. I should have gone to urgent care or something. I was absolutely miserable. I hope that you get to feeling better!
  9. Definitely Shutterfly. I'm a photographer so I am *picky* about the quality of my photos. I get all of my digital scrapbook pages printed in 12x12 Shutterfly books. I've made numerous photo books as gifts for family members. I really love them! Excellent quality!
  10. Just curious about the purpose of building the set again? I would think that once a set is built, the only thing to do with it is display it. Otherwise, all the pieces can be used to build things from imagination, without instructions.
  11. Before I even read the contents of your post, I was already thinking Titus James. I say you should use it! :D Titus John Titus Mark Titus Michael
  12. DD1 is almost 7 and I still do hers. DD2 just turned 4 and acts like she's dying of pain every time I cut them. It's a real battle...I wait until they are way too long and then I have to have DH help me hold her while I cut them. :001_huh: What she doesn't seem to understand is what is hurting is the fact that I have to hold onto her fingers so tight while I cut them just to hold them still. It's the holding her hand part that probably hurts.
  13. I wouldn't do it. No one should EVER be judged on their looks. No one can change how they look and no one should feel that other people are better because they are "prettier."
  14. Yep, this is exactly what happened to DD1 when she was around 4 and 5 years old. We went to our town egg hunt and people would grab them as she was reaching for them!! :001_huh: There were children with baskets overflowing and she walked away with 2 eggs. She's very shy and unaggressive.
  15. I didn't read all the other replies, but I always thought it was with a long i. That is, until I went to a homeschool convention and talked to the Math U See people....they pronounced it with a short i.
  16. I love the name Ephraim! I've heard it pronounced several ways but I like it Ef-rum. DH hates it though. :glare: It didn't matter with my kids since we had two girls....but I'm pregnant with #3 and do not know the sex yet....wonder if DH will veto it again? LOL. Probably.
  17. DH is up at 6 or 6:30 and out the door by 7 or 7:30. He communtes about 45 minutes, varying with traffic. It can be anywhere from about 35 minutes to 1 hour, depending. He arrives back home in the evening no later than around 6:30 or 6:45. So he's gone roughly 11 or so hours. We would not have it any other way. DH gets tons of vacation days, he can take off when I really need him to (he's off today for DD4's birthday), his company and boss are good to him, he rarely travels, etc. He has a great job. If I worked, we would have to put the kids in school and find care for them afterwards. That's not acceptable to me (or him, as we decided before we were even married). I want to be the ones to raise my children, not someone else. For me, in order for me to put my kids in school, we'd have to be in VERY bad financial trouble. I'd rather drop all vacations, all unnecessary bills, downsize to smaller house, sell one car, etc rather than quit homeschooling.
  18. Because all the big things are building up inside and come loose when the little thing sets you off. I'm sorry you are having a rough time! :grouphug:
  19. Landen Blake Landen Cade Landen Michael Landen Jacob Landen Micah Landen Caleb Love the name Landen! Although I do prefer it the traditional way of Landon though.
  20. Hmm....interesting to think about (and a bit morbid too :D ). Let me think aloud.... To God, a sin is a sin. Lying is no better than murdering, cheating on a test is no better than cheating on your spouse, etc. People say that suicide is "unforgivable" because the sinner didn't get the chance to repent to God, right? Well, how about if someone (a born again, saved, completely sure they are going to Heave believer) tells a little white lie and then two seconds later gets run over by a bus and dies on the spot. They didn't have the chance to repent. Are they going to hell because of that? It's a tough thought process. I believe that God died for us no matter what. And if we believe that, then we are saved and going to Heaven. I mean, seriously, we sin EVERY single day. Does every person that dies repent of EVERY single thing they have done?
  21. I never take baths...I just want to get in, get clean, and get out. So I'd never use the jets. The kids may use it as a novelty a few times, but that would be it.
  22. I'd say somewhat close. Growing up, MIL's and DH's roles were sort of reversed. She always ended up in abusive relationships and had financial troubles. DH found himself usually being "the man of the house", listening to her problems, consoling her when she was down, etc. So she never really "took care" of him...it was the other way around. Therefore, he doesn't have as much respect for her as a mother or a "person elder than him." Due to that lack of respect, he can treat her a bit harshly sometimes. It's because he's playing the role of the father, much like he always has. He tries to tell her what to do, scolds her, etc. There are times when I've had to step in and ask him to speak more nicely with her. He always realizes it after I speak to him and he apologizes to her. He loves her and cares for her. She lives two states away but he flies her down here once or twice a year and she stays with us for about two weeks. He does call her on the phone about once a week. So he's close....just not in the traditional way.
  23. Our Jack Russell Terrier does the same thing LOL! He knows he's not allowed on our furniture, but on the rare occasion that we leave him out while we are gone, he jumps immediately up onto the couch. How do I know? I forgot something one time and as soon as I shut the door, I opened it right back up and came back in the house to get it. I heard his paws hitting the ground from jumping back up off the couch so quickly! He jumped up there the second I shut the door! Sneaky little things LOL
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