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Everything posted by mumto2

  1. We love the old Dr. Who's. DH has been collecting them for years so we own them. Some are availiable on amazon prime not sure about the other services. We don't allow the current Dr. Who. It's just too.... everything!They were allowed the Christmas special but that was because of the Narnia theme. Lost in Space is also a favorite. We just started Young Indiana Jones. There are some good documentaries that go with each episode. They are actually educational!
  2. Just asked DH and DS12 about your post. They say $99 to high for used. If you search on amazon should be able to get one for $65. My son said WII fit plus is better if it comes with the board. That just the fit can be bought for $2. If you see the game Chicken Shoot anyplace used we really like it. Its quite funny even if you do shoot cartoon chickens. Our game was used. Hope he enjoys his present:001_smile:
  3. I am not familiar with your other math choices but Singapore I know. It would be very hard for multiple teachers to do a good job. The methods are not what the average person/tutor will expect. The home instructors guides are easy to use and detailed, but I cannot imagine teaching some of the lessons without being familiar with the previous one. This is going to make it hard for different tutors to simply walk in and teach. Something like Saxon will be easier for the tutors. It is going to be what they are familiar with. Basic spiral method. Clear instructions. Easy. Another thought would be something like Math u see because of the Dvds. Then the work would be presented consistently and the tutors could watch too. That would bring them up to speed each time they are teaching math. I don't know if that program would meet your province's requirements but the Dvds would be nice.
  4. For me Sonlight is worth it. But that is because our family's lifestyle requires that I have all the books on hand and ready to go-- we travel with dh for work. Years when I did my own curriculum were hard for me. Did I have everything? But for someone with access to a good library, who are home to receive book deliveries, that have a kindle or don't mind reading aloud from the computer screen, Ambleside looks lovely. It's free! Yes, you need to source your own books. But they even tell you if they are free on the kindle. Sonlight is great. We have enjoyed it. But it is expensive. You are paying for convenience. I would give Ambleside a try first. If it doesn't work then I would consider a switch. Good luck!!!:001_smile:
  5. Lucinda-- thank you for sharing your post with us. My dd13 loves to draw and paint and is very talented. But she also has other academic strengths. I am not sure what her future holds. I loved the fact that an artist was employed by a bank! It gave me hope that she may be able to combine her strengths into one career!
  6. I live in the U.K. I would certainly expect to pay for the proper shipping rate. I would have told you up front.
  7. I am no familiar with Lials. We do like the key to Algebra series as a supplement. The books cover everything through square roots and quadratic equations. Quite a lot of graphing. No really complicated problems but a great foundation. I would use it, if he liked the others this should be easy for him to use. Just saw it is Larsen not Lials. Oops!
  8. You can use Sonlight however you want to. I have added and changed lots. But to be really honest the read a louds are the best part. I wouldn't skip them. You could assign them as readers too. You would just move slower.
  9. When I was first starting I spent a lot. If you are able to go to a convention and look at everything. It will save money in the long run. Some things that sound great will just not be right and you will know it very quickly. Don't spend it all at the beginning. I really enjoyed being able to place a new order every couple of months. Just buy what you really want to start and plan to add after you see what you and your daughter enjoy.
  10. We still crawl in the big bed for SL school everyday. Even when we aren't using SL! My kids are 12 and 13 and something needs to be read by me in my bed each morning or they feel cheated. I'm currently doing biology for bed school.
  11. :iagree: You didn't mention the ages but 3 cores at that level are way too many. The thing that is so lovely about sonlight is the ability to teach more than one at the same time. They learn together and enjoy it. There will still be plenty there for the child who is older. My dd has always done sonlight with her younger brother. You can add other resources if needed. Three cores at once will be a huge time commitment each day.
  12. :grouphug:I consider myself to be their tour guide. They really don't t require me to teach, I just keep them on track. I assign essays because they try to avoid those. Grade things. Spend money on new things. Drive. I don't really teach.
  13. :grouphug: The advice I received for after the bed rest stage was "never stand when I could sit and never to sit if I could lay down." It worked! Praying for you and the baby.
  14. During my first years of home ed we always bought the entire package -- student only. It was an inexpensive way to satisfy our families that our children were getting a proper education. We used most of the material. More as filler work for the science and history. My dd has gorgeous penmanship thanks to A BEka. The 3rd grade cursive book is really good. My children have done the math through algebra. We stopped there because I was irritated at the postage charge without the motel meeting. They had also revised it. Anyway we prefer it to Saxon. More colourful with an attractive page presentation. Great story problems-- Saxons are good too. You don't have to read the Bible verses. We learnedly a lot about their church activities from the story problems. Prompted many discussions at our house. I highly recommend going to a display. You may find things that you love. For the lower grades just the student text is fine. I always used lots of library books and other resources too.
  15. Thank you for the AP Calculus thread. Great resources!
  16. I read the first book with my kids when they were both under 10. No content problems at all. My son didn't like it too much but that was do to the length. I think it is the perception of the book which has a lot to do with your age. I have always loved Jane Eyre. But for Wurthering Heights I adored it at 14-- at 45 it was dark and sad. I was shocked because I remembered it as so romantic. A good friend who fist read it in her mid 20's wouldn't let her 16year old read it. She had never censored anything to my knowledge. Her daughter asked my opinion and I said how much I adored the book. Her mom said dark and aweful(she has a literature masters) so I reread it. It is dark. But I am letting my 13 year old read it right now. I loved it so much when I was that age, I hope she does too. I really don't want her to miss the wonderful
  17. They sell a castle cake pan at Michael's. I think Wilton brand. Maybe you can find a coupon. The picture is pink and purple but it shows the brown version someplace. I did it several years ago with chocolate and Carmel icing. It was really good and fun.:001_smile:
  18. I think you need to set up an account to track everything. I set up my teacher account but discovered my dc's need to be tracked via their email accounts. Not going to work well for us -- so gave up. You can just watch videos and do the problems at the end. Then click on the next suggestion. The sections that have been completed are a different Colour. So far this is working fine.
  19. We enjoyed Prof. B Math. I only had the workbooks so I can't give you any input on the Cd version. I remember that they looked like fun. I would take a look at your overall mix of coursework. Add the Cd if more computer work is acceptable to you. I don't think adding the Cd when she has already completed some of the workbook is a problem. The first book was mainly drill for basic facts. Doing it again on the computer will be fun. Just don't remind her that she has already done it!
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