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Everything posted by frugalmama

  1. Hoping not to hijack this thread, but can anyone tell me if any of the fires are near littleton? I've been trying to get in touch with someone there since Friday with no luck and am wondering if they are evac'd
  2. I check at bookscouter - they are a buyback site that runs the book's Isbn through a whole bunch of buyback sites and then gives you a list of who pays the most.
  3. My dd was a twiddler too :D And I really agree on the missing it thing - dd still remembers being nursed and we both remember it fondly. No one ever told me that for MONTHS I'd wake up in the night with my bed soaked with milk - I would let down on both sides at the same time, and dd coslept and nursed on demand. I ended up putting multiple layers of the heavy fabric bedpads like they use in nursing homes covered with fleece baby blankets so that when one got full of milk I could just pull it off and there was another underneath. During the day I had to use a towel on the side she wasn't nursing on. No one ever told me that it would take a year for my milk to dry up after dd weaned herself onto formula at 13 months due to not liking the taste of my milk after medication changes.
  4. I know you said jumpers, but another option might be these: http://www.ralphlauren.com/product/index.jsp?productId=12374640 It's a long sleeved polo dress. Dd has a couple as one of the local private schools uses these with pants for their girls uniform, and they look really nice with a pair of black pants.
  5. Just finished having a lovely dinner here. I'm about to go chase dd down to get some schoolwork done - trying to get finished ASAP. This weekend was spent resting and trying to sell off books we don't need anymore. I mailed the check to the mortgage company to get us out of Foreclosure and now it's the waiting game trying to get in touch with them to confirm they did in fact process it and get proof we are out of foreclosure. Unfortunately I'm still short for the month by $150, so I need to sell sell sell. It's HOT - 98 degrees out. Next week is supposed to be hotter yet - I wish mother nature would just :chillpill: Hmm...super powers. I guess the ability to snap my fingers and have my house clean itself, like Mary Poppins in the nursery. :D
  6. I went to all the local VBS when I was a kid, and got "saved" every summer. :glare: When I was a teen and had to help with our church's VBS, I saw how targeted it is really towards the salvation experience {or was at that church at least}. My dd won't be going, even though we have some really cool ones a block away. The closest thing we do to VBS is the local back to school bash which is sponsored by 7 different churches and a bunch of community groups. They do a puppet show that is slightly religious, and if it gets too religious we leave for popsicles or something.
  7. I find it funny - 10 pages in and nobody has mentioned my favorite soda! Dr Pepper Cherry Diet
  8. We get Shasta at our local 99cent only store here in TX :D Nope - I think it's everywhere. I know we get it here once in a while :001_smile:
  9. Why no Sprite? We get Sprite here in TX. Unless y'all have a different sprite than we do :confused:
  10. That must be scary to be so close to the fires. And I have to say - you have a Beautiful view from your backyard!
  11. I'm not familar at all with CO locations, but are any of the fires near Littleton and if so are they evacuating near there? Trying to get a hold of someone from a company there with no luck for the last 2 days. Maybe the fires are to blame?
  12. Here we have Coke, Pepsi, Dr. Pepper, and HEB / Hill Country Fare. I don't think there are any other local brands around. I remember drinking Faygo as a kid :D - I grew up in the UP of MI. It was a BIG treat to get a pop at the store.
  13. Okay in my book! Cold mac & cheese is a good dinner when it's hot too.
  14. :bigear: Same problem here with dd - she has to have the goodnites ones and we spend at least $30 a month just on pullups.
  15. It really depends on how much you pay for things. I'm blessed to have a wonderful thrift shop a few blocks away where I can often find clothing for dd for $1 an item - sometimes less. At that price I would be stupid to sew her clothing. I find clothing for me for $5 an item or less - again at that price UNLESS I can't find what I need, it's just not cost effective to sew clothing. I do alter things I find quite a bit though as it doesn't cost anything but thread which I buy at said thrift shop {they get a lot of estates with crafting stuff}. I do buy fabric at thrift shops for crafting things I can't find cheaper new. I sew my own hijabs because I can make then for $3 or less when they are $12+ online. I sew dd's doll clothing as it is far cheaper to do so than to buy, even buying used.
  16. None. I never have liked having pictures of people on the walls even as a little kid - it creeps me out. And now I don't both for that reason and for religious reasons - it's frowned on in Islam to have pictures of living things displayed.
  17. I'm curious - how long do you give a buyer to pay before considering them a non-paying buyer? What do you do with a non-paying buyer? I am waiting on a payment that was supposed to have been sent via USPS prior to the 9th of June. No sign of payment yet, and the buyer hasn't returned my PM's either, even though she has been on the board during that time. WWYD? Leave feedback considering her a non-paying buyer? Give it a little longer?
  18. I'm FrugalMama aka Darla. Single mama to one dd who has suspected ASD and is gifted. This fall will start our third year of homeschooling. I'm a second generation homeschooler - I was homeschooled from 4th until 9th. I'm a former Christian / Catholic, now converted to Islam as of a year ago. We homeschool for a lot of reasons - dd has severe food allergies and would NOT be a good fit in a classroom, I want things to support our religious views, and I've seen the local public schools and don't want my kid anywhere near them. We have changed a lot since starting to homeschool - we started with a Catholic program and now use a hodpodge of mostly secular materials as seen in my signature.
  19. It's not allowed here on the sidewalks. DD draws on our front patio area, but we always have to wash it off when done.
  20. Yep. Once in a great while I can have a very tiny bit as long as it isn't milk chocolate or the waxy type of chocolate. Trust me - when eating something makes you that sick and hurt that bad, it's EASY to cut it out.
  21. Another vote for managing it with diet. I've been dealing with it for 3 years now and managing with diet and medications. I eat a very low-fat diet, cut pork and chocolate out completely as they triggered attacks, and take daily zantac as a preventative. I also take Gas-X if I start to feel an attack coming on, and normally that will stop it.
  22. Wow...I can't imagine being allergic to all meat. I developed a pork allergy over a year ago and just dealing with that is hard enough.
  23. The city knows it happened and that they did it. It happened on my property, but between the sidewalk and the curb which is supposed to be city responsibility according to both the cable company and the city. The issue isn't really with the city - it's with the cable company. They are requiring me to replace ALL of my cable wiring going to the house, which of course isn't on the area the city is responsible for, in order to fix the spot where the city cut through the wires.
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