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Everything posted by frugalmama

  1. Here when they ban fireworks it's a total ban - no sales to anyone. All public firework shows are normally canceled too.
  2. This is the 4th or 5th year in a row they've banned all fireworks in our county - everyone was really looking forward to fireworks as it had looked like they weren't going to ban them this year since we've had quite a bit of rain. So - are fireworks banned in your area?
  3. Dd thinks it is a treat to get to go with me. 90% of the time I leave her home with grandma since I use city bus and it takes a lot longer to get around.
  4. Have you read Gluten Free, Hassle Free? It's really good - I don't even do gluten free and I own a copy.
  5. As usual, Harry Potter fanfiction :D I did read two really good kindle books the other day - Prison Nation and 30 Pieces of Silver: An Extremely Controversial Historical Thriller
  6. Sugared Lime :D We're leaving all the cabinets the same - they are dark pressboard. Eventually I want to replace those too
  7. I'm finally after nearly 7 years living here pulling down the horrid orange wallpaper and painting my kitchen! I'm just so excited I had to share with someone. I'll post up pictures :D
  8. We unschooled a good part of this year, due to 2 deaths in the family, a foreclosure and a major loss of income. DD read a lot, watched a lot of PBS & educational videos, and played educational computer games. We did the occasional lesson when I could, and lots of hands on talking about things learning.
  9. I've bought some that were clearance on Amazon groceries, but not in a while. I can get things cheaper at my local grocery plus Amazon is cash spending vs. EBT at the grocery store.
  10. My mouth is watering already. I saw some packs of them at Central Market last week when I was there - as soon as I get paid on the 1st I'm going to get some I think.
  11. I left dd with grandma at 5 days old for about an hour - I had to go take a test in one of my college classes :D Is there any particular reason babe needs to stay in for 4-6 weeks? Dd was out and about at just a few days old - mama needed to pick up classwork.
  12. Very interesting. You just listed almost every one of the symptoms I've been dealing with for years. How did you find out you had the deficiency, if you don't mind me asking?
  13. :iagree: This is what we had to do with our repair guy's son who is 5 - he kept stealing dd's matchbox cars since they were "boy toys"
  14. We're doing the half price books program this summer and I'm really hoping we don't run into this with dd since she is so young. They want how many minutes a day she reads - which often is 3+ hours a day by her own choice.
  15. I've been selling quite a bit on the FB group too. I have some listings one Homeschool Classifieds but haven't had a lot of luck selling there.
  16. I'd be making a complaint to her supervisor. There is NO excuse for treating a child like that, especially in a program that was clearly spelled out for rules ahead of time.
  17. I keep mine in my bOOkshelves :D. It's the only place it doesn't seem to fall out of and get lost when I'm bending over or working.
  18. Oh please don't throw them out! Send them to The Book Samaritan! Or post them in the free for shipping post in the for sale board here. Someone surely wants them :)
  19. They are a little twaddle-ish, but The Christy Miller, Sierra Jensen, etc series sound exactly like what you are looking for. Christian viewpoint, slightly romantic, and thought-provoking but not blatantly so.
  20. Could I get some prayers / good vibes for dealing with our mortgage company? We sent off the cashiers check to get us out of foreclosure, and they received it on Friday. I have USPS signature proof of that. I've been calling trying to reach them since Saturday morning to confirm that the payment was processed and get proof in writing that we are no longer in foreclosure, but I haven't been able to reach the person I need other than her voicemail which I've left several messages on. I just called my bank and they confirmed the check has NOT been cashed. This is making me very worried that they are trying to pull something - this company is known for this {Aurora Bank}. Could I get some prayers that I get a phone call back today and that the payment is processed today so we are fully out of foreclosure?
  21. Calling the mortgage company non-stop until I get someone to answer. :glare: I've been trying to reach someone there since Friday to confirm that the payment I send in to get us out of foreclosure has been processed and to get proof of us being out of foreclosure in writing. And a trip to the bank later on today.
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