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Angie in VA

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Everything posted by Angie in VA

  1. Retired, but I can't resist posting our favorite field trip memory: watching a case tried at the Supreme Court. It was incredible. We kept checking for the decision to come out, and the justices agreed w/ us and ruled for the side we thought should win. We had no horse in the race, just knew a friend whose friend who got us in.
  2. :grouphug: I'm so sorry. I can't bury any more of my furry friends, so we're done w/ pets here. I still have holes in my heart from the ones we've lost. I'm so glad you gave him such a good home and that you had so very many good years with him. We never had that many years with any of ours. Sniff, sniff.
  3. Love this list! And love that he's reading W.E.B. DuBois! Thanks for that reminder, unsinkable. I didn't know that (or watch the game).
  4. I don't think wanting to be safe, especially while driving - yourself, others in your vehicle, and there are others on the road! - is ever being a baby!
  5. After having a ruptured eardrum after a bad head cold, I go to my chiro who uses his activator (aka "clicker" by common folk like me) along my face to help break up the congestion. First time I went to him for this, he said it might take up to 24 hours to start draining. It started on the ride home. I was so relieved. Also, I see a video linked above, but here is another one:
  6. I think having two different duvets is our next step. We've done what you did w/ king sized sheets/blankets/duvets on a queen sized bed, but honestly, I think that makes it worse w/ the added weight. I like that blog post maize posted.
  7. I noticed the lack of packing slips in Amazon orders a while ago. Odd. I hope you solve this mystery!
  8. If there is a Chipotle near her, I'd give a Chipotle GC. A big one. ;) I like your ideas of Hello, Fresh or Blue Apron, but on nights that are late, stopping at Chipotle would be appreciated - at least here.
  9. Cozy Grammar, which I never used, has changed its format to be more affordable. I read about it here.
  10. You are my people! Goldberry, you and I have a couple of things in common. Our correct belief in being their for our children at all times of the day and night, and we both have Moxie quotes in our signatures. :lol:
  11. Yes! (ETA:) And I'm a Christian girl too! We have a tree up (artificial, pre-lit hand me down) for the kids...who are away at college. DH and ds put it up the day after TG. I pretty much wrap as I go, and since no one is here to snoop, I put the wrapped gifts under the tree already. I never do that. Now for the music. It's not Christmas until I see a performance of Messiah. Done. Now I play Beyonce and Maroon 5 non-stop because I just can NOT get into the Christmas music mood. Now, this might be from having musicians as children and attending a ton of Christmas concerts. (The worst year was SEVEN concerts in December. Think about that. Seven concerts in 3 weeks, since there were none after Christmas, right? And that doesn't count rehearsals, which I never sit in on, but had to provide transportation to and from.) So, "Say My Name" and "Wake Up Call" are keeping me sane now.
  12. Drug store? Hands down Maybelline Colossal Volume. I read or hear about another drug store brand and try it and never like it as much as that yellow tube. I hate waterproof, so washable it is for me.
  13. Oh, I wish I could find this IRL. I'd hate to pay for shipping for this. I sorta kinda have one roll of gift wrap assigned to each family member. I would get this for DH b/c he loves this commercial: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Gl3l6Bq6bMo
  14. I love this idea! New: drinking coffee! I didn't think the world was ready for Angie on coffee, but I was wrong. Oh, what I missed for so.many.years! Oh, and I re-entered the work force. Still adjusting to that. 3 words: empty nest + back injury (sorry, I needed 4) Best memory: our first visit (this year) to our kids' college. Ds is a freshman. We went to a play on campus w/ dd, and then went to the school's football game. Ds had work to do for the game, but we did see him early in the game and then he had a break and came over to sit w/ us for a bit late in the game. He sat down next to ME. That meant the world to me, since the last few years were pretty rocky b/t the two of us. I quickly changed seats so he was between me and DH. I asked if I could hug him (twice: once when we first saw him early in the game and then when he sat w/ us - and I asked permission both times so as not to embarrass him) and he let me. I teared up writing this paragraph.
  15. Meet them where they are. Always be willing to listen. One of mine is a sports nut. I like sports a little bit, but it's wee compared to this child. I try not to let my eyes glaze over when I hear which players' contracts are going to expire in 2018 and who "our" teams should trade for. Why? Because this child is talking to me. I will gladly listen to the sports talk and I try to throw in some comments that sound intelligent. ;) When First Born went off to school and was having boy issues, we FaceTimed from ~1am-2am one night. The next morning DH said it was ridiculous that she did that and that I needed my rest. I replied, "Are you kidding me? She's talking to us about serious stuff. You'd better believe I'll talk to her till 2am!" A neat lady I cyber-know once said that parenting teens is sort of like being a butler. You're aware of everything, but reveal nothing. Be prepared to "serve" but don't draw attention to yourself. She was talking about when her teens have teen friends over. I've added "Only speak when spoken to", lol, but that's not always the case. Still, there is some wisdom there. Love these ideas.
  16. I would sell them. Sorry. That stinks.
  17. Thank you IfIOnly for linking these. I ordered and really like them. Wish they were a smaller size, but until I lose weight, I need what I got. One pair has a cut on them, so I will have to take them to the store, which I dread. Still, 2 pairs are great. I never knew about this brand. Many thanks!
  18. That stinks. Bless her. I hope she finds what she wants soon. ITA the 20s are very hard. The only thing harder? Parenting children in their 20's!
  19. Update: I received my order from Mimi's Dreams yesterday. They look good. I hope the recipient likes them. Thank you again to all who replied!
  20. GPB has updated their chemistry (and physics?) videos. Could be a good supplement. I used the old version of physics for one of mine. I bought a cd-rom that had both chem and physics on it, though student's work was available free at the site. Not sure if it still is. Then the cd-rom for both subjects was ~$35. Not sure if they're still combined, since chem was redone first. HTH.
  21. Learning to flow a debate round helped mine to learn how to take notes. Full disclosure: one child did speech and debate for the last 3 years of high school. Another did speech & "junior debate" and then team policy from 6th grade on. For us, it was money and time well spent for more reasons than just note taking.
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