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Angie in VA

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Everything posted by Angie in VA

  1. I'm so sorry. I hate outliving my 4 footed friends. We lost our lab the day my son was born. That day was nearly 2 decades ago and I'm not over it. Ditto w/ our cats, especially one. We are a petless home now. I can't bear to bury another one.
  2. We have a 2' tree we used for a few years. Now I love it more than when it was our only tree. I put it in the kids' bathroom on a timer and I just realized while reading this thread that it is for me. I thought it was for the kids (who are now in college, but ever since we moved to this house ~ 9 years ago, I've put it in their bathroom). Their bathroom is right outside our bedroom. I set the timer so the tree lights come on before I go down to make breakfast for DH and me and pack his lunch. It's also set to come on when it gets dark. It's a cheap little tree and DH found lights for it a few years ago when they died, but it has become a sweet little tradition that makes me happy.
  3. Brilliant idea. I would add AAA batteries, cause some things take those too. And a roll of tape to make sure those bows stick, especially the recycled ones. We reuse tissue paper too - sometimes past its prime. Possibly more than one pair of scissors? To help open those plastic packages? If your family a time, then one pair will suffice.
  4. Ah, no adjustments needed. I still like my basket, but just added this to my IP's Amazon wish list. Thanks.
  5. I would love nothing more than to die at home in my sleep, have my family roll me up in the bed sheet and put me 6' under to push up daffodils near where our yard ends and our tree line begins. There is also that mushroom suit to consider. Or being a cadaver donated for forensic science. I can't find it now, but bodies are left outside in various stages of decay for students to learn how to determine how long they've been out there. I could be useful in death! I realize that my family may want - or need - a service, but I'm so introverted, and have such few friends, the thought of fake friends and church goers gawking over my coffin (or ashes) leaves me cold. We're private people. I know closure is huge, so that is a draw back, and really, I won't be here to know what my family does. I have told them to go the cheapest route possible and use money that would be used on a funeral to go on a fun trip! And I mean that with all my heart. Even if they have some sort of service, they don't have to spend a lot. Go make fun memories! Lastly, if I am lucky enough to know when the end is near, I'll do my best to throw myself a wake while I'm here to enjoy it. A man at church has agreed to sing at my funeral, but I want him to sing for me while I'm alive so I can enjoy it. I also want to blare a few fun songs, lol. I asked my children to play a certain song for my funeral -should there be one - but both said they'd be too sad. So, they will play it for me on my death bed if at all possible.
  6. ^^^This.^^^ And I live in VIRGINIA. :lol:
  7. 1. Join the IP social group! Lady Florida set it up for us here. She rocks! 2. I have an Amazon wish list just for my IP. :lol: I have extra rings (in various colors to use for different dishes, since odor can be an issue) on that list, but haven't really had a problem w/ odor. Good old fresh air has done the trick so far. 3. The only accessory I've bought so far is this basket. I have the 6 qt 7-in-1 IP. I asked DH to bend the handles so they would go straight up and fit in the pot, but I told him I didn't care if they came off. They came off. It's no big deal to get it out. I just made HBEs in mine this morning. One dozen. In the basket. I also like to cook sweet potatoes in the IP using that basket. (I still need to try this method for the eggs.) 4. Let us know what you end up getting. Enjoy.
  8. Oh, I love it when things like this happen. Our family would quote one of the Night at the Museum movies and say, "You did all three!" LOL. On sale + two coupons = BLISS! Enjoy it. I use mine daily for tea, and a couple of years ago starting using it for a mocha drink I have as a treat every now and then. I don't use K cups. Ours has that re-usable cup and we love it.
  9. Of course I'm curious about both! I sure hope you get your heart's desire, if not for Christmas, then soon!
  10. After hearing about a few friends' positive experiences and seeing one friend's in action, I would love a Roomba (or knock off). I don't dare to wish for it. We have other financial goals right now, and while it might be in my future, it is it not in my immediate future. The real gift would be if both dc play violin for me. It's all I ever ask for because 1) I love to hear my children play and 2) it's FREE. Both kids are in school (one in grad school and one in undergrad) and are broke, lol. They usually give me my heart's desire. I request this for my birthday, for Mother's Day and for Christmas every.single.year.
  11. See my signature to see my opinion. Every one in this house is getting at least one book as a gift - myself included!
  12. We have to walk past the DW to get to the kitchen sink (they're adjacent, but still). And still, my family members put things in the sink instead of the DW. And there is a plan, visible from the outside of the of the DW, in place to know when it's in load mode or not. Baffles the mind. And let's not even discuss loading the DW.
  13. I wish I'd known about this job when I chose a career. I bet I am older than you, but I'd love to do this. I penciled it all out 2 years ago, but our time, money, and energy was spent on our last child at home. We got him in college classes and those paid off big, so I don't regret it. Still, in a perfect world, we could have both been taking classes. Congrats! I'm so happy for you!!! :hurray:
  14. I hope that OP sees this and posts what she took/takes! Not as painful, but when I'm tired, I feel nauseated. This started decades ago but in adulthood. I feared I had an ulcer. One night I realized, "I feel sick to my stomach every night. I'm fine in the morning." Now I also feel nauseated when I haven't eaten. So odd. Sure, I feel hungry sometimes, but if I'm super busy and skip meals/snacks, I go straight to nauseated. All that rambling to say, is it better in the morning? Could it be that you're tired? Regardless, I hope find a solution.
  15. Agreeing w/ The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks, but if little ears are listening, there are some mature themes (incest, molestation, abuses in a mental hospital). A quick, fun listen is As You Wish by Cary Elwes. He narrates it, but you also hear other cast members and the director Rob Reiner. <3
  16. My biggest regret in homeschooling was not listening to the advice I got to not use a program for K. Now, that was me. Some "programs" are more rigid than others. ITA w/ looking at Timberdoodle, CTC and Sonlight. You could look at Sonlight's titles online and hit the library. Play, fresh air, sunshine, exercise, reading aloud, playing at school (agreeing w/ workbooks as their attention and interest allow), playing math games are most important at this age IMO. You could invest in audiobooks and memory work cds and play at that too. A lot seeps in w/ such play and background music. Just my 2 cents. ;)
  17. You can't care, but I looked and I looked and I looked. OK, so twice I was in a big hurry and did look. Today I had time and I found not one but two styles. I settled on one and re-wrapped DH's gifts in the sloth gift wrap. (Wrapping over the existing wrapping paper, b/c I'm that lazy and bonus: it'll be twice as much work for him to open them, lol. ) Thanks for telling me about sloth gift wrap's being at Target!
  18. This. Every word of this. Exactly. I could have written this. I'm so very sorry for your loss, JanOH. I can't imagine. Praying for your family at this sad time. :grouphug:
  19. Maybe someone already asked this, but what speaker did you get and recommend, and what is that app? We have an Anker bluetooth that was on sale for ~$25. It works great. DD wants one and $15 is a good price.
  20. I use coconut oil like the father in My Big, Fat, Greek Wedding used Windex. :lol: It is good for so many things - inside and out!
  21. This is what I was going to recommend too: pineapple it. Taking notes on the cases and bonnets!
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