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Angie in VA

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Everything posted by Angie in VA

  1. The quick response? "We're not socialists."But I tend to want to be snarky, and I'm working on that. http://tnhomeed.com/LRSocial.html] is a link to an article on this topic that is my favorite. But last of all, you must remember what a dear friend once told me, "To those who would understand, no explanation is necessary. To those who would not, none would suffice." It amazes me how people feel free to judge us on our decisions. I don't know any homeschoolers who go up to people whose children to to public school or private school and challenge them about their decisions.
  2. Hello, dear friend! I miss you! Just had to say that. I didn't recognize the name, but peeked in this thread (because I love cast iron, the last we bought was Lodge at a local store) and saw your pretty face! I need to email you!
  3. LOL! Glad you saw this. I was getting worried! (((Ellie)))
  4. Ellie! I can't believe you'd tout ANY product that teaches PROPOSITIONAL phrases!!! I'm shocked and amazed!!!!
  5. I'd never heard of them. I like them better than Birkenstocks (which don't claim to be a gym in a shoe, of course) but when I met Keen, I broke up w/ Birkenstock. These aren't sold near me. I'd like to try them out.
  6. We have the Easter one and LOVE it. We ALL tear up from one song on there.
  7. I prefer SOTW on audio. It's a treat for my dc to listen to stories at night, or on long car rides. It is a supplement, however, and not our main course of study or even our spine. This works for us. We only have volumes 1-3. I hope to get 4 soon. HTH.
  8. Thanks, Audrey, this is what I've been doing too, and will probably just stick w/ that. Thanks!
  9. Still waiting for the W-2 here and some banking info too, for that matter, but what I do have is in order and I'm ready to go! And for those who owe, at least you don't give Uncle Sam a free loan like we've done before! :(
  10. OK, I only read one blog: Confessions of a Pioneer Woman. That's it. But I hear feeds are the way to go. I'm so confused! How do they work? Are they just for blogs or do other websites use them too, and if they do, for what? And the one time I looked into them, THERE WERE CHOICES! :eek: *Gasp!* TOO MUCH INFORMATION!!! I'd appreciate hearing how you use them, which feed program (not the right word, I'm sure) you use, and if it's worth it for this old dog to learn a new trick! Please explain, or if it takes to long to explain, please sum up. (And chocolate goes to whoever knows that quote!) TIA!
  11. Hi, again! I'm Angie in VA and I just posted for the first time last week and then POOF! The boards changed, and I'm old and hate change, but my appreciation for the hard work the good folks do on this board overrides my hating change! We have "officially" homeschooled since 2000. I didn't trust the theory du jour of the public schools to teach my dd to read, so I taught her. Then I realized we already WERE homeschooling and wanted to keep doing it. We've been enjoying the journey ever since. I have a dd and a ds and use a mix, loving a mix of Classical and Charlotte Mason, but we're using Sonlight until we move into our new house which is under construction. I live in the finest state of the union and when I run away from home (WITH my family, not FROM them!) I go to Colonial Williamsburg. I see some familiar names here, more than I saw last week, even. I lurked for a while, and have always learned and laughted a lot here! :)
  12. And, boy howdy, did my friend get superior care from that midwife than I did from two different OB/GYN's I saw for my 2 pregnancies/deliveries. About supplements, how to breathe, how to moan even (sounds crazy, made a difference!), etc. She almost needed a transport due to her bleeding, but white vinegar and some shepherd's purse saved the day. It was wonderful, but this friend got a great midwife who helped her w/ her birthing plan and would have gone to the hospital w/ her to be an advocate for her if it came to that. Oh, and this friend's home birth was a VBAC. Amazing, just amazing. I was so honored to witness that and be a tiny help to her.
  13. I don't know the author, but this seems to apply to more and more things in our lives: To those who would understand, no explanation is necessary. To those who would not, none would suffice.
  14. I have always put a small, glass jar right side up in the top rack, at the front. When you open the dishwasher after it's been run, it's full of water. If it's empty, it's in load mode. HTH!
  15. OK, I'm waiting to vote, but while I'm thinking, do you know what it costs to heat and cool these homes? You have to consider that, and alternatives: is there a fire place? Can you get a woodstove insert? Can you put solar panels on the home down the road, or does an HOA forbid that? Or maybe you live in a warm climate and heating is not a factor. Just thinking out loud here.You've already considered the distance to work, church, activities, etc., right? We're building out in the country where there is NO HOA. I know they have a purpose, but I guess "property value" is a relative term. I love the sound of 2 acres, but I believe in space b/t neighbors and room for kids to be kids, and around here newer might mean prettier, but not necessarily better built, kwim? Pray on it, visit all the options at different times of day and night, try to find out about utility bills, and consider visiting Virginia!!! ;)
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