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Everything posted by ticklbee

  1. LOL...maybe you can do what a woman in my homeschool group has done. She has established what she calls a "A Living Library" and she has approx. 6000 books. She has opened this up to the local homeschool community here and you can check things out just like a library. Amazing!
  2. Have a blessed time! We went to camp as a family two years ago and it was great! Between time with the Lord and fun activities, the week flew by.
  3. My nephew's name is Lucas Harrison and I've always thought that his name was very aristocratic sounding.
  4. THANK YOU! This is exactly how I feel but you said it so much better than I could.
  5. I just started selling my curriculum from this past school year. I usually cut the price of everything by 50% and then add a couple of dollars for shipping. But I keep getting requests to cut the prices even further. Everyone seems to have a "story." Does this happen to anyone else? How do you handle it?
  6. Ours was pretty good. We had the kids end of year soccer party then they had some friends over. After that, we went out to eat, played mini golf, got some ice cream, rented National Treasure 2 and then bed. Over all it was really nice. Not one of our typical Saturdays. They are usually more work oriented.
  7. Wow...your dd is beautiful and the puppy is just too cute.
  8. Wow - I'm so glad she is no worse for wear. Thank God kids bounce back so quickly.
  9. I read this and I had a hard time with it. I almost gave up but decided to stick with it and I was really glad I did. Her commitment to the Lord and her ministry to India were so inspiring.
  10. Oh Duh! You were recommending the site, not asking for suggestions! Sorry! :blushing:
  11. Have you tried donna youngs site? http://www.donnayoung.org She has a ton of planners and things that are free to print. It's a wonderful site.
  12. What sweet relief this must be for you. Enjoy it to the fullest! :)
  13. Oh my, I certainly hope this wasn't a scam. Maybe you can ask for your money back and see how she responds. And always ask the seller to use delivery confirmation. It only costs 75 cents and they can email you the confirmation number so you can "track" it. I always use delivery confirmation when I ship books.
  14. {{Karen}} I'm so sorry about your brother. How hard this must be. I feel exactly the same as you do about some things, but mine are silly little things, not big emotional things like this. I guess the sooner you deal with this, the faster you can put it behind you. Do you have any other siblings that can help you? Or maybe another close relative? It would be easier to share the burden with someone.
  15. Looks like they are having a great time! :) Our church has been going on missions trips to the Ukraine for about 13 yrs now...more specifically to Bashtanka. There are so many children in need over there. We have a couple from our church in the process of trying to adopt a little girl from there. Her name is Valia. The church in bashtanka is also in the process of trying to establish an orphanage. It's starting to come together and it's exciting to see. God Bless you for your heart for this little girl.
  16. I agree - it's usually better to be safe than sorry. And if it is something, the earlier they get it the better.
  17. Erica, This sounds so hard...my sympathies are most definitely with you! I would address this immediately by saying something along the lines of " your brother cares and you are being rude to him, please apologize" This is unacceptable. First time obedience is so important because of the potential for harm. Come up with a consequence for not obeying the first time, explain to dd what you expect of her - doing what you say the first time - explain what the consequence will be if she does not obey. Then FOLLOW THRU and be CONSISTENT! This sounds like pride. I have a dd who will argue to the ends of the earth that she is right, even when we both know she's wrong. Your dd knows on some level that she's not right - but won't admit it. I don't know how you can humble your dd - but she needs to learn empathy. Is there some way she can serve the other members of your family? On a consistent basis? Something along the lines of "ds had a hard day. Why don't we do his chores for him tonight)." I absolutely won't tolerate this kind of behavior and my dc's have tried it. If my dc's don't do it the way I told them to and I perceive it's because of a rebellious attitude...they have to do it again, and again until they have done it my way. I don't yell and scream but am very matter of fact about it. If they refuse, they can go to their rooms and not come out until they are prepared to do it right. I would address this in this way. "Well, you are right but you said it in a wrong way. I don't talk to you that way and you are not to speak to me in that way. Now, tell me that again, only speak politely." I hope some of this might have helped you. I also have a difficult dd but she's 12. So I know what you are going through!
  18. Your dd is only 2 years old right? I might be in the minority here, but why would you want to send a 2 year old to preschool? That seems really young to me. I really believe that the best place for a little one like that would be at home. Really, what can they learn at pre-k that they can't learn at home with you? Maybe your dh was under the impression that the homeschooling was just for your older dd? Or maybe he wasn't aware that your heart changed about sending dd to pre-k? A nice heart to heart with dh will probably set things straight.
  19. How about a nice summery 3 bean salad? You could substitute any kind of beans you want. Ingredients 1 15-oz can cannellini beans, rinsed and drained 1 15-oz can kidney beans, rinsed and drained 1 15-oz can garbanzo beans, rinsed and drained 2 celery stalks, chopped fine 1/2 red onion, chopped fine 1 cup fresh, finely chopped flat-leaf parsley 1 Tbsp fresh finely chopped rosemary 1/3 cup apple cider vinegar 1/3 cup granulated sugar 1/4 cup olive oil 1 1/2 teaspoons salt 1/4 teaspoon black pepper Method 1 In a large bowl, mix the beans, celery, onion, parsley and rosemary. 2 In a separate small bowl, whisk together the vinegar, sugar, olive oil, salt, and pepper. Add the dressing to the beans. Toss to coat. 3 Chill beans in the refrigerator for several hours, to allow the beans to soak up the flavor of the dressing. Serves 4 to 8.
  20. As long as I don't see the actual process of it, I'm ok with it. Ever watch those shows where they actually eat the bug itself? Now THAT's gross!
  21. I hate it when people say something "sucks" or they're "pissed off" Surely they can think of something better to say.
  22. Andrew because in the gospel of John it is Andrew who runs to find his brother to share Christ with him. I love that boldness. I would do Andrew Thomas I also like the name Paul David Choosing names is so much fun! Thanks for letting us share in the joy!
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