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Everything posted by ticklbee

  1. I started all my kids out on Saxon. By time my first dd got to Saxon 5/4, she pleaded with me to change. She hated it. She really needed something that would immerse her in a particular topic so we switched her to R&S. My other two are doing fine with it and seem to enjoy it so I will stay with it for them for now. My only complaint is that they do not drill the multiplication facts up to 12. Not sure why but that is very easy to remedy on your own.
  2. Just for your own fyi...most insurance companies do not cover speech therapies for anything that would be considered a lisp. Hopefully your insurance will. I tried to go through my insurance for my son and was denied and then tried the school district and was also denied. He's eight now and still can not pronounce the *th* sound at all - mother comes out like mudder; things like that. As soon as his two front teeth come in, I will have to try to do something.
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