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Everything posted by stephanier.1765

  1. There is every reason for me to like curry. I love all the ingredients that go into making it. Yet, every time I try again thinking this will be the time I like it, I don't. It doesn't make sense. I really, really want to like it. LOL I so glad you like it. It's really satisfying to find a new food that you love.
  2. I was awaken this morning by a call from my dentist's office to cancel my appointment for today...again. This is the third time they've cancelled my cleaning appointment. Earlier this month, I accidentally forgot an appointment. I was unknowingly coming down with Covid at the time and my brain was focused on being sick and forgot about the dentist. They are going to charge me $50 for forgetting but yet they cancel appointments on me again and again. This isn't the only appointment they've done this to me. It took 3 months of appointment cancellations before I finally got my crown put on. I really like my dentist and that's the only reason I put up with it but I'm so aggravated that they've cancelled yet another one but are going to charge me money for forgetting. Even if I hadn't forgot, I have to cancel 48 hours ahead of time and I wasn't sick until that day. So even if I had called, I would still be out of $50. Signed Annoyed and Aggravated
  3. That is a lot to bear for one person. I hope that she is able to find some peace to live the life she has and to one day find someone, friend or someone more, to share her life with her.
  4. If you found what you think will work for artwork for your room but aren't sure about arrangement, you can always trace them onto butcher paper and then tape the paper to the walls so you can get a feel for the balance and look you are shooting for.
  5. I'd probably do it room by room with the public rooms getting priority. I'd decide how I wanted that room to look and then "shop" my house. If you can't find everything you'd like to have in that room, Goodwill is a great place to find decor. The final rooms might not have enough items left for you to complete your redecorating ideas but they aren't seen by friends and neighbors so you can take your time finding what you want to put in those rooms.
  6. My number 1 worse symptom was a sore throat. The only reason I took a Covid test was to rule that out so I could go to urgent care and get a strep test. Might have been the worse sore throat I've ever had. After that was a headache that lasted a couple of days which I think was sinus congestion. It wasn't until I was nearing the end that my nose started to run and I started a dry cough. I had some fatigue but nothing terrible unless I over did it. The fatigue is actually worse now that I'm testing negative. I'm struggling getting things done. I had what I would call a mild case.
  7. They do. My son's girlfriend got the results back from them yesterday for one of her dogs. It was 1/3 one breed, 1/3 another breed and the last third was supermutt. They did break down the percentages in the supermutt into probably 7 other breeds. The most interesting thing I thought was the number of first cousins he had. I don't know the number but the list was long.
  8. Unfortunately, I'm completely out. I really should pick some up because you never know when a can will come in handy.
  9. Regarding parents keeping things for their children. I did this. Whatever I thought of as a keepsake was put to the side, like the baby my youngest insisted go everywhere with him. He kept it tucked in his arm even while walking around the house. But then I reached an age (or my parents did), when my parents started giving me the things they put aside for me and I find I have no emotional attachment to those items at all. They were interesting to see but my feelings towards them is more of an irritation that now I have to find a place to store them. So what I learned is that I have an attachment to my children's childhood things but they don't. For me, those things bring back memories of when they were small and how much I miss those days but, to them, they are just interesting things to look, not something they want to keep. So I'm keeping the most precious things for me and the rest are going. As I was finishing writing my response, I remembered there are childhood things I have kept. Books that I read and re-read over and over again, pieces of jewelry, my letters from high school sports but those are all things I brought with me when I moved out. So maybe my lesson to myself is that if it's meaningful to my children, they probably already took those things with them.
  10. I had no idea anyone was nervous about opening biscuits. I've always thought it was fascinating but, then again, I'm kind of weird that way. BTW, I read the thread title as Opening a Can of Whoop A$$.
  11. My library account doesn't tell me how many copies are in the system (they do when I originally put something on hold) but as of right now I am #28 on Jinger and #496 on Harry. We have a large library system so I'm guessing there are quite a few Spares out there to be read. At #1000+ you may not see that book for another 2 years. Heck, by then, both he and Meghan probably will have put out a couple more books and, maybe even, a movie based on Spare.
  12. This is one time where I wish I could use two emojis to express my feelings about a post. The "laugh" one for sure, but I'm also feeling a great big "heart" emoji, too. BlsdMama, I really wish I could meet your sweet girl. She sounds just wonderful.
  13. There are some quilting books that are worth their weight in gold, too. I can't remember which ones those are but I do remember spending a lot of time trying to track down out of print patterns that I wanted. Of course, some of them aren't worth the paper they are printed on any more. I know I would be completely overwhelmed trying to figure out which is which. Do you have any crafty friends who could sit down with you and work through this?
  14. Your mom had really great taste in machines. She knew what she was doing, that's for sure. I'd want to keep them all but probably wouldn't be able to but it sure would be hard deciding which ones to keep.
  15. My worries for your machine (mine is heavy as well): it would be very difficult to get in the overhead bin and it won't fit under a set. If you get it in a bin, then you have other people shoving their stuff in there not caring if they are banging your bag. I'd be really concerned about your knobs. I've tried putting my machine with it's hardcover on into a rolling tote and it didn't fit. If you can find one that will fit, maybe a Tutto, then that's your best bet. Still super heavy though.
  16. Oh Quill, I am just so sorry! Both my parents came from nothing and turned themselves into people that many have admired, including me. People like that can really fill our lives in big and wonderful ways and I'm so glad you had her in her life. Hugs!
  17. I do too and sometimes the answer is "never".
  18. I used to for a long time but then I went to hi-cuts a few years ago, which are essentially granny panties with more leg. LOL
  19. I also had what I consider a mild case of Covid. I just finally tested negative yesterday. Oddly, I was having problems with my BP dipping too low, such as 85/65. It's so strange the way this disease affects people in so many different ways. JumpytheFrog, I also agree with low and slow. Because my case was mild, I thought I would use the time to get some spring cleaning done. 🤦‍♀️ Whew, it was so easy to wipe myself out that I would just about fall asleep any where. So please, take it easy. Your body needs you to really take good care of it right now. Good luck!
  20. I'm so glad that's over and that's she's progressing well. And I'm so pleased the boyfriend has stepped up, especially after the thread from another poster whose dd's boyfriend turned out to be a big jackass after she broke her leg. It's times like these that really show us who people truly are. I hope she continues to do well and that the healing is quick and successful.
  21. My sitting area is much smaller and is also part of the master bedroom. There's a TV sitting on the short end of a long dresser so that it's pointing sideways in my direction. One day, I want to get it mounted on the wall so when I'm not watching it I can fold it back against the wall making things looking cleaner and neater. I sit in a big comfy chair with a floor lamp to my left and a window on my right. Also on my right is small table that use for drinks, my tablet when not in use and a remote/pen holder. My bedroom is decorated in a beach cottage look so the color of my table and the decor on the walls around me continue that look. I love this little corner that I've carved out for myself. It's very cozy and it's all mine (LOL).
  22. The one thing I miss since downsizing is the ability to haul things. When I find that great piece of furniture at Goodwill, I have to really, really, really want it because then I either need to find someone to haul it for me or rent something. It's taken a lot of the fun out of re-doing a room. Other than that, no regrets.
  23. You were right because I just tested negative. Yay! Huge sigh of relief and now to get busy taking care of those things that needed tending.
  24. Happy Birthday! I had it on my birthday, as well. I took a test that day even though the odds of it being negative were pretty slim but I really, really wanted to get out of the house. LOL I hope you feel better soon!
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