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Everything posted by stephanier.1765

  1. Morning and night unless sometime comes up, like eating a food that tends to get between the teeth or I'm on my to the dentist.
  2. When I had Covid (also my first time but I also suspect I had it in the early days), I had been feeling ill for several days and had tested negative twice. I had just figured I had been doing it wrong but now that it has happened to you, I have to wonder. Not to freak you out, but I tested positive for 10 days, even after I no longer felt ill. I stayed home until I tested negative but that's not a huge disruption of my life. I don't know what I would have done had I needed to go to work. I'm sorry your sick and I hope you are already over the worst of it and will test negative again soon.
  3. My memory for every elementary year was of being the fastest in my class. I got the blue ribbon on every field day. Boy what a shocker it was when we got to the middle school years and the boys were outstripping me. Huge blow to the ego.
  4. I wish I knew because we put house buying on pause but I'd really like to buy one sooner than later.
  5. If this was a movie, they'd find some way to open a hatch on an airplane and pull that sucker in. I don't know the logistics on the difficulty of them actually getting their hands on it but I wish they would. You'd think they'd want to know what the balloon knows.
  6. Those of you who use Libby and Hoopla can you listen to the books through Alexa? That's how I listen to books 99% of the time.
  7. Right! Length is the first thing I look at after description. I don't care how interesting it sounds but it if is only 10 hours long, then I'll read the book. Recently, I needed a new audio book and the first one I looked at was 24 hours long. I threw my arms up in the air and loudly proclaimed, "Score!"
  8. Yes, I did too. I have distinct memories of this. I couldn't tell you the exact year but I was in school for the entire 70's.
  9. I did something sort of like this for my youngest except it wasn't family related, it was kid related. So the "H" page had pictures of him wearing different hats, the "A" page had pictures of him with his brother Andrew, the "B" page was him with his stuffed Barney and so on. We still have that book. One of my favorite things I ever created for my kids. Just an idea for going in a different direction or for future books.
  10. I remember it used to be this way but last year I was listening to a lot of things I already had so I ended up having way more than 12 credits built up.
  11. I have done all that, well except for replacing the base. I didn't even know that was an option. What a great idea! Costco had the same model I have on sale recently for not much more than that. I really should have jumped on it. They have one of the more expensive models on sale now and it's very tempting but I need to read reviews on that one before I make that leap.
  12. Thank you, this is such great advice and I'm going to follow it to the letter. I'm just so disappointed because I really wanted to do some sort of exercise to help my body start the day and the word "gentle" made me think it was a perfect fit for me. I'm sure it is for some other people but my body must be one that doesn't think even gentle is gentle enough. I'm going to look into both of these too. Something has to work because I can't keep on going like this. I never, ever use the word suffering when referring to myself but this time I think it's fair to make an exception. I am suffering.
  13. I have fibromyalgia and I had Covid in the early part of January. I'm struggling, really, really struggling with pain. It's far worse than it has ever been before. I wake up unrested and already starting the day in more pain than I would end the day with previously prior to this bad round of pain. In January as part of my NY's "get better" resolution, I started the gentle yoga for fibromyalgia that's only 10 minutes long by Joelle. Last week, I started working in her 20 minute one too. 10 minutes one day and 20 the next. There are two days where I'm not doing any yoga and I feel better on those days than any of the others. Not good, but at least better. So my question is, could this gentle yoga designed for people with fibromyalgia be making my pain worse? Could it be residual effects from Covid? Or maybe, my fibromyalgia has just decided to up it's game. I am desperate for help! This pain is just so overwhelming and so bad.
  14. I need one too. My Shark just doesn't have the sucking power it used to yet I'm afraid of getting something new that's going to hurt me. My back went out while vacuuming semi recently and I had only just started. I think I was maybe on my 3rd push. So getting a canister is scary to me because the Shark isn't a heavy machine and, with it's lesser than stellar sucking power these days, it's really not that hard to push and pull. Ugh, I just so stuck on what to get because I'm scared to death of the back thing happening again.
  15. 😂 Nope, not yet but that is a really, really great idea. 😂
  16. Oh you should absolutely get the upgrade fee back. I always have.
  17. Do you mind posting who you eventually find, even without names, because I might die of curiosity if you don't. LOL
  18. My son, as a teenager, had a one of those large talking buttons that said, "That's what she said." Annoying doesn't even begin to describe it so I hid it. He was good natured about it and would occasionally go on the on hunt for it but, thankfully, never found it. And even though he is now grown and out of the house, that thing is still hid. This thread reminds me I need to go dig it out and throw that annoying son of a gun away.
  19. That is annoying! And the exact reason why I've been dragging my feet on seeing a doctor about it. I even had an appointment with my primary in December and didn't even bring it up with him. I just stuck to our usual topics because it seemed like more trouble than it was worth. 🤦‍♀️
  20. You guys really are awesome! I'm making a list of your suggestions because so many look so good that I'm probably going to be reading these genres for the next few months. LOL Well these and the books for the rest of the challenges. I'm going to earn me that swag bag, by golly. I almost feel like a kid again participating in the library's summer reading program.
  21. The challenge is to choose a book from a genre you don't usually read. The genres I can think of offhand that I don't normally read are horror (I hate being scared), romance (not a fan of sex scenes) and mystery (which I do read occasionally but usually stick to my favorite genres). If anyone knows of a horror that won't give me nightmares, a romance without the sex scenes, or a mystery that you can recommend, I would be very grateful. This is a good challenge for me because I do find myself choosing the same genres over and over again and expanding outside that would be a nice change of pace.
  22. Oh my gosh, me too! Pretty much the exact same time period. I had Covid during the first weeks of this month and my sore throat went through the roof. But before Covid and now after, I have a sore throat that goes from mild to really uncomfortable. I can find no rhyme nor reason to why it's bad one day but mild another. I know I need to go to the doctor but I'm already dealing with so many other health things that I'm putting it off. I hope you find a solution to yours. Seeing your post has lit a fire under me and I think I'll go try to make an appointment now.
  23. My son's girlfriend's sister just had her Kia stolen. They couldn't get the alarm off so they drove it around the apartment complex until they found another one. Stole that car and left hers there.
  24. I've learned the hard way to give myself grace in these types of situations. Your body was telling you were exhausted and your body's response, since it couldn't sleep, was to comfort eat. Stress and exhaustion do that to me too. But even in just unusual situations I give myself grace, such as when my son took me out for my birthday recently and he bought me a vegan donut. I've been saying hard no's to anything that calorie dense but, since this was an unusual situation, I took that donut in the spirit it was given and ate it guilt free. It's hard to learn to be kind to ourselves.
  25. I totally agree with this. I would have been embarrassed had I been the one with the drunk relative and someone dumped the bottles on my lawn. I, either would make sure my idiot relative no longer did such a thing, or started keeping the area clean myself. Best case, I would kick the son of a gun to the curb but maybe neighbor is hoping to save the relative from himself.
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