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Everything posted by stephanier.1765

  1. I wondered that myself and I might yet offer, but they may want the kids to go. I just don't know.
  2. No, the cost was on me. It was another reason I said no. That's a lot of money for us. I actually didn't say no right away because I was afraid of making a knee jerk reaction. So I gave it some thought, talked it over with DH, and ultimately decided it was all just too much, especially with the unpredictability of my fibromyalgia.
  3. You can also add a motion activated spray deterrent. It could be used to either deter the raccoon family or your dog. Something like this.
  4. They are 2 and 4. Right now I'm on the "ignore" list because they had asked me to go on a cruise with them, her parents and extended family so I could babysit the kids while they (son, wife, and her family) went off to do their own thing. Well one, I do not enjoy her family. Two, I've never been on a cruise so navigating one on my own would be stressful but navigating it with two small children in tow seems especially so. Three, I'd like my first cruise experience to be one I could actually experience and not be the third wheel. And four, my fibromyalgia has gone through the roof. It could be better by the time comes around for the cruise but it very well could not be and that's scary for me. So I told her I couldn't do it and I haven't heard a peep back since. I told her as nicely as I could and as soon as I could so she could make different plans if she needs to but it's been silent air.
  5. Let me tell you, it's hard being the mom of only boys in regards to grandchildren. Yes, DIL should be closer to her mom but that doesn't make me less important of a grandparent. I don't expect to be in the delivery room but I do hope to be able to visit while they are still in the hospital. I hope I can help as much as they need, even if it's staying up with the baby at night so mom and dad can get much needed sleep. I absolutely hope to be just as important to my grandchildren as they are to their maternal one. It would be impossible for me to love them any more than I do. They are the light of my life and just the thought of them puts a stupid grin on my face. But mother's wishes always are assumed to more important than father's, so even though I try to have great relationships with my DILs, one is glued to her mother's side and that makes navigating any sort of relationship very, very difficult and this is the one who is the mother of my grandchildren. I have cried more tears over this than I can express.
  6. That poor family. 😞 I hope his health starts to turn around soon and that they are start getting some turns in their favor.
  7. Oh gosh, this is me! For a very long time, I had no idea that anyone was any different. For me, the voice is just another instrument and what it is saying isn't as important as how it sounds.
  8. I've never had that happen but, knowing me, I wouldn't say anything only because I would feel dumb for not knowing what it was about that song that they were trying to say. I'm not saying that's what you should do but only how I know I'd react. I always feel everyone else knows more than me so I really hope no one every drop song communicates with me.
  9. I have a small suitcase like that but I don't think it would have fit under my seat, though. Just stuffing my backpack under there seems to fill it up. If you want to get a look at them to see the size in person, I found mine at TJMaxx. You could also try Marshalls and Ross, as well.
  10. Morning and night unless sometime comes up, like eating a food that tends to get between the teeth or I'm on my to the dentist.
  11. When I had Covid (also my first time but I also suspect I had it in the early days), I had been feeling ill for several days and had tested negative twice. I had just figured I had been doing it wrong but now that it has happened to you, I have to wonder. Not to freak you out, but I tested positive for 10 days, even after I no longer felt ill. I stayed home until I tested negative but that's not a huge disruption of my life. I don't know what I would have done had I needed to go to work. I'm sorry your sick and I hope you are already over the worst of it and will test negative again soon.
  12. My memory for every elementary year was of being the fastest in my class. I got the blue ribbon on every field day. Boy what a shocker it was when we got to the middle school years and the boys were outstripping me. Huge blow to the ego.
  13. I wish I knew because we put house buying on pause but I'd really like to buy one sooner than later.
  14. If this was a movie, they'd find some way to open a hatch on an airplane and pull that sucker in. I don't know the logistics on the difficulty of them actually getting their hands on it but I wish they would. You'd think they'd want to know what the balloon knows.
  15. Those of you who use Libby and Hoopla can you listen to the books through Alexa? That's how I listen to books 99% of the time.
  16. Right! Length is the first thing I look at after description. I don't care how interesting it sounds but it if is only 10 hours long, then I'll read the book. Recently, I needed a new audio book and the first one I looked at was 24 hours long. I threw my arms up in the air and loudly proclaimed, "Score!"
  17. Yes, I did too. I have distinct memories of this. I couldn't tell you the exact year but I was in school for the entire 70's.
  18. I did something sort of like this for my youngest except it wasn't family related, it was kid related. So the "H" page had pictures of him wearing different hats, the "A" page had pictures of him with his brother Andrew, the "B" page was him with his stuffed Barney and so on. We still have that book. One of my favorite things I ever created for my kids. Just an idea for going in a different direction or for future books.
  19. I remember it used to be this way but last year I was listening to a lot of things I already had so I ended up having way more than 12 credits built up.
  20. I have done all that, well except for replacing the base. I didn't even know that was an option. What a great idea! Costco had the same model I have on sale recently for not much more than that. I really should have jumped on it. They have one of the more expensive models on sale now and it's very tempting but I need to read reviews on that one before I make that leap.
  21. Thank you, this is such great advice and I'm going to follow it to the letter. I'm just so disappointed because I really wanted to do some sort of exercise to help my body start the day and the word "gentle" made me think it was a perfect fit for me. I'm sure it is for some other people but my body must be one that doesn't think even gentle is gentle enough. I'm going to look into both of these too. Something has to work because I can't keep on going like this. I never, ever use the word suffering when referring to myself but this time I think it's fair to make an exception. I am suffering.
  22. I have fibromyalgia and I had Covid in the early part of January. I'm struggling, really, really struggling with pain. It's far worse than it has ever been before. I wake up unrested and already starting the day in more pain than I would end the day with previously prior to this bad round of pain. In January as part of my NY's "get better" resolution, I started the gentle yoga for fibromyalgia that's only 10 minutes long by Joelle. Last week, I started working in her 20 minute one too. 10 minutes one day and 20 the next. There are two days where I'm not doing any yoga and I feel better on those days than any of the others. Not good, but at least better. So my question is, could this gentle yoga designed for people with fibromyalgia be making my pain worse? Could it be residual effects from Covid? Or maybe, my fibromyalgia has just decided to up it's game. I am desperate for help! This pain is just so overwhelming and so bad.
  23. I need one too. My Shark just doesn't have the sucking power it used to yet I'm afraid of getting something new that's going to hurt me. My back went out while vacuuming semi recently and I had only just started. I think I was maybe on my 3rd push. So getting a canister is scary to me because the Shark isn't a heavy machine and, with it's lesser than stellar sucking power these days, it's really not that hard to push and pull. Ugh, I just so stuck on what to get because I'm scared to death of the back thing happening again.
  24. 😂 Nope, not yet but that is a really, really great idea. 😂
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