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Everything posted by stephanier.1765

  1. I've wondered why they don't downsize. Do they really need to live in a mansion that size in California. But if they want that size home, wouldn't another state be more affordable?
  2. H&M are middle age. Harry is 38, so not a young adult any more.
  3. My symptoms started on the 3rd of this month, I tested positive on the 4th and I'm still testing positive and experiencing mild symptoms today, the 14th. I only really felt terrible about 3-4 days, though, and the rest have been mild cold like. I'm super frustrated at still testing positive. I have a doctor's appointment this upcoming week and then there are the general errands that need running. ETA: I have had all the Moderna vaccines and boosters
  4. Just as an interesting side note: I was just reading an article stating that New York health officials are saying this latest variant is more likely to infect people who have been vaccinated or already had Covid previously. The article doesn't say but I would love to know why.
  5. This latest variant is quick. Everyone I know, me included, started showing symptoms within 2-3 days.
  6. He really is fixated on Diana. I get it. Losing a mother at any age is traumatic but he was still at a very vulnerable age and, I think, he is still stuck at that age. From his many older women, to immature behavior, to his fixation on discussing it. I feel so bad for that little boy, royal or not, but I wish he would grow to his 38 years and learn some wisdom from his experiences.
  7. So, I was just reading an article about a body language expert who analyzed BK's look as he entered the courtroom as intense fear. Now, I think in all likelihood he's guilty but, come one, I think intense fear is normal reaction for anyone walking into that situation. If it was me and I was completely innocent, you can bet your bottom dollar that I would be walking into the courtroom with a look of intense fear on my face. It's such a news feeding frenzy that they are writing about nearly anything to keep covering this story. I know it's nothing unusual but this particular article had me rolling my eyes so hard they nearly rolled out of my head.
  8. I really don't. I can't explain how I think of them but definitely not as celebrities or even people to watch. I guess the term "institution" that is often used to describe them is probably closer to their image for me.
  9. Thank goodness for no expensive treatment! Have you had a chance to ask your regular vet what he thinks about the change in diet?
  10. Ouch! My jaw hurts in sympathy. I hope all goes well. Please update us when you can.
  11. You make me wish I could go on walks with you guys and Aslan. Too funny!
  12. I agree. A lot of adolescent drama happens in homeschool groups too. The upside is that the parents are usually more aware of this happening and have a lot more say in how it's handled but it still happens.
  13. They really are the best. I miss my mine too. I have used them for so many things. They are all gone now, though I have no idea where they disappeared to, and I have yet to break down and buy more. Yesterday, I was trying to decide which t-shirt to sacrifice to use as a dust rag but ended up using a thin dish towel that I rarely use. Still too thick but it worked. I may just have to try this flannel Swiffer idea.
  14. This is exactly why I won't be buying a copy. If I do read it, it will be a library book. I don't want one red cent of ours to feed this machine of constant pleas, interviews, and book where no one else in these pleas, interviews and book can refute what has been said.
  15. Ours did a total redo of their self checkouts last year and now no longer have scales under bagged items. Thank goodness! Now I can leave soda, cat food, litter, and other heavy items in my cart and just use the "gun" to scan them.
  16. It's the only reason why I like grocery shopping at Walmart over Target. Scanning produce really does speed up the process.
  17. Hugs! I just don't have the right words so all I can offer are virtual hugs. You can have as many of those as you need. ❤️
  18. I have one child whose first name ends with "r" and our last name begins with "r". They just sort of roll together. Maybe it's because the first name is 3 syllables and the last name is 2 that helps them fit together but they do make a lovely sounding name.
  19. I am so sorry! What a crappy thing for that person to do. Sometimes I would love to be inside people's head so I could see their reasoning for the stupid, unkind and cruel things they do.
  20. FFH, I hope today is a better day and that you've found something to settle your stomach. I'm a stress eater too. When my stomach gets painful and has knots, my brain goes into this mode that if I keep throwing food at it, it will feel better. Never works, of course, but my brain keeps trying.
  21. That's what I tell everyone too. And if I sold it, it would take all the fun out of it because I'd feel the pressure to make it perfect. There's no fun in perfect.
  22. Is there a middle ground? Some place between where you are now and where the kids are. I guess you could use the rest of your lease to really investigate your options and hopefully a good one is out there somewhere.
  23. {{{FFH}}} I know I'm a day late and a dollar short but I wanted to pop in and say "hi" and see how are you are doing. I'm so sorry and hugs to you and your family. Nothing really interesting here. I'm going to test myself to see if I'm still positive for Covid just as soon as I'm done reading here. I'm really hoping it's negative because we need groceries. LOL Edited to add result: still positive. It was so positive that line popped up almost immediately. Ugh.
  24. That's too bad because 2 of my 5 would probably benefit quite a lot by being allowed outside on a leash but they are also my most fearful ones. That's probably why they survived so well outside until we brought them to live inside with us. Oddly enough, they are also the 2 sweetest of our cats. The one who was actually born inside the house and should be the most friendly to humans is an entitled a**hole. LOL
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