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Everything posted by stephanier.1765

  1. Yesterday, my DS3's girlfriend took me to her hair stylist, since mine seems to have vanished off the face of this Earth, and she gave me the best color and cut I've ever had. Truly, it was amazing...until today. I washed it this morning and, of course, all the great style from her blowing my hair dry yesterday is gone. I am so inept when it comes to styling my hair that it's almost a waste of money to get a good cut because I'm just going to make it look like crap. It's so frustrating! There should be a hair styling for dummies book for people like me.
  2. We have a mother and daughter and they never cuddle either. I agree that it's very annoying. The most that happens between them is that sometimes daughter will run up to mama, lower her head in her face, mama will clean the top of the head and, after a few licks, they start smacking each other and hissing. 🤦‍♀️ This is the cutest picture! I wish any of my cats would do that. Our newest is trying to get the others on board with cuddling but they aren't having it.
  3. Another vote for Ted Lasso. It was recommended to us by DS1 and now my DH is watching it on repeat. Great show.
  4. My stomach started to hurt just reading your update. I am so incredibly sorry! I, too, hope that his suffering will cease. I can't even imagine how hard this must be on you and your family. Hugs to you all.
  5. There are some fun videos of kids opening different foods on Christmas with a very Laura type response. One little girl received a case of olives and couldn't unwrap that gift fast enough. LOL Another child, a boy, was thrilled over his onion. There was one small child that received a jar of pickles and his response included the F word, so that was definitely not very Laura of him. 😂
  6. Ooh, I wonder if Costco will lower the prices of theirs as well because I could grab the Harry Potter one for a Christmas gift for next year. Thanks for sharing!
  7. That's the most emphatic positive I've ever seen. I am so sorry!
  8. I can't believe, here in FL, we are going to have our third hard freeze tonight. It's supposed to be back up to 79 by Sunday.
  9. Between me and my DIL, I think we have sampled something from just about everything they carry and have no complaints on quality.
  10. Have you tried DXL? I don't buy tees there because DH prefers collared shirts but I do see tees in the store while shopping.
  11. Merry Christmas! I've been thinking about you and your family today.
  12. Has anyone ever tried to veganize this recipe? When it comes to baking, I'm much more nervous about substituting ingredients and getting a good outcome.
  13. That's brilliant! Thank you for sharing that. Tell you DH that we aren't laughing at him. We are laughing with him. 😛
  14. My heart goes out to you and your family! A couple of years ago, our cat, who had been sick, took a big turn on Christmas Eve and had to be put to sleep. I can only imagine your pain at not being there and not being able to say goodbye. It must be so surreal and I am so, so sorry. I am so grateful that someone kind and loving was there with him. Hugs to you all!
  15. That's awesome! Totally jealous, both for me and my parents. What a good kid you have there!
  16. I hadn't thought of it that way but that's exactly why I don't either. Storage takes up a lot of space we don't have. If the bow was extra nice and I had a way to keep it that way, I would.
  17. It never even dawned on me to put stuff in my own stocking. I just figured things would feel unbalanced if one adult in the house got a stocking while another adult didn't, so no adult stockings were ever done.
  18. Keeping the cats out of their Christmas presents (kickers filled with silver vine) was becoming stressful so I caved and gave them to them. It was ridiculous the efforts they were going to just so they could lick the outside of the packaging. Now that they've been licking the actual kickers they freak out any time I look in their direction. Cats can be the cutest, yet most frustrating, creatures on Earth. LOL I would add pictures except the whole paranoid thing is making that a no go.
  19. Mine sleep on my head when cold. I like your cat's method so much better. I'm so glad to see you how the two of you have bonded. Cats are interesting, weird, and wonderful pets.
  20. You know it's cold in FL when all your cats are napping with their faces buried in blankets.
  21. The only person I let help me bag at self checkout is DS3's girlfriend because her standards are the same as mine. Everyone else, just back off. LOL
  22. That bothers me, as well. Two of my sons have in-laws living in the NE and they think it's hysterical that when the roads get icy here everyone is told to stay home AND we do (exceptions, I'm sure). That's because we don't have the trucks to put sand or whatever is put on icy roads to help keep them safe for driving. It's a very rare thing to need here so of course we don't have them. So, ugh, it is so annoying when they start make fun of it.
  23. You know it's cold when the heat cuts on in the middle of the day in Florida. We keep it at 65 which my mother thinks is barbaric and DH is not onboard with since he won't wear anything other than shorts and short sleeved shirts. LOL But anyway, I set it on 65 and forget it because it usually will only come in during the night so it was weird when I heard it come on a minute ago.
  24. I've several times gone to stay with people I've never met IRL. My parents were also very suspicious and worried. I won't say 100% that nothing can go wrong but I don't think it will, especially knowing the wives know each other from real life. {{Scarlett}} I know how hard it can be to sit back and worry but I really do think it'll be ok and your son and DIL will have the times of their lives.
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