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Everything posted by stephanier.1765

  1. I use Weiman, as well, using both the the daily cleaner and the heavy duty cleaner depending on the dirtiness of the top. The key is to stay on top of it and never use the stove if there is any dirt already on it. My DH will leave grime behind after he uses the stove which means I have to clean it before I use it. Also the razor blade tip from above is a life saver for any really stubborn spots.
  2. Your house sounds like my house, except that I have white furniture in a bedroom that's just as bad. I thought dusting the ceiling fans would help but it didn't make one iota of a difference. Of course, I have 5 cats so there's that. Super frustrating!
  3. Put it towards a new roof. Oh yay, a new roof. How boring of an answer is that?
  4. I don't do it at home but my stylist is doing a blend of my gray with my highlights. My hair is naturally, or was naturally, a very dark brown. She uses a blonde-ish highlight to help disguise the gray so as the highlights starts to grow out it doesn't have a harsh line since my new color is still a blend of gray and brown. If I didn't still have so much brown left, I'd probably let it go gray but for now it just looks mousy on its own. Good luck, this is a hard juggle of options to find what looks best on you.
  5. Oh, I didn't realize but I do too. I try to have everything done by at least 3:30 so I can work on my cross stitch until dinnertime.
  6. My son's cat can open doors. They are the lever kind and the cat figured out all he had to do was hang on and his world would open. They are planning to change to knobs to keep their little menace in check. His favorite room to open is their game room where all their collectibles are displayed. The cat firmly believes he is being denied the best cat toys known to cat kind.
  7. Except for appointments, I schedule the things I'd like to accomplish in a day but not by time. Basically, it's just a to-do list but rigidity comes into play because once it's written down, then it must be completed. I'm learning to listen to my body and if my body says it's done then then I'm done with the list. It's hard though. I don't know why being written down a task becomes a "must do" instead of "would like to do". I've definitely, needlessly, worked my body to extreme pain and that's got to stop. I'm actually trying to decide right now if I'm capable of continuing today's list.
  8. Well darn, just when I was getting excited!
  9. I had no idea they did that. Cats are such interesting creatures and the more I learn about them the more fascinated I become.
  10. This is my house during the winter. DH prefers to wear shorts, short sleeve shirts, and go barefoot, while I prefer to wear weather appropriate clothing. I control the thermostat and he will complain about being cold. In our situation, we both could accommodate the other - I could take off clothing while he could put more on. So the winning comes down to money. By putting on more clothes, he can save us money by not having to change the thermostat and so that's what we do.
  11. I wonder what the limit is. I don't want to be stingy with my reactions so I guess I'll keep reacting as I normally do and hope for the best.
  12. You mean word retrieval is just not me?! No, seriously, I thought there was something very wrong with my brain. I've developed a bit of a stammer too where it takes me a moment to force the word I want out. I know the word but I can't get it out of my mouth. Also, spelling. I saw that other thread but, my word, am I glad Alexa is around to tell me how to spell words or otherwise I'm not sure I could write anything close to coherent. I'm also on the other side of menopause and I'm thrilled to be done with that monthly inconvenience, but if I could trade for a working brain but had to have periods again to get it, I would in a heartbeat.
  13. I can't tell you how many times I've taken my car through the car wash lately just because of that. I'm using an indoor rack placed under the living room ceiling fan. It's amazing how fast they dry that way.
  14. I wish I could get into the psyche of cats. The examples and ideas you guys have just reinforces my thought that cats are weird but also so very interesting. Each of my five are so completely unique from one another, that while I find them both fascinating and utterly amusing, I know I will never truly understand them. But I try. I keep thinking if I just could understand this new guy's quirks and idiosyncrasies, I could help him realize we are the good guys. We have to keep the lid down on the toilets because we have one cat that will drop her toys into them. 😸 But yes to the paws in water glasses. Yuck! We finally caved and now leave one on an end table just for their use in hopes they'll leave ours alone. Our one that is the biggest paw dipper even drinks that way from their water bowls. It's the oddest thing to watch.
  15. So we brought a feral cat into our home in October and his transformation into a pet has been slow but progressively better. When he does let me pet him, he no longer keeps me at the full length my arm can reach and will come within a foot or so of me, except when I go the bathroom. For some reason while I'm using the bathroom, he is super lovey dovey. He can't get enough of it and has even rubbed up against my legs. I've often sat there long after I'm done just so I can keep enjoying the love. DH says the same thing happens when he's in the bathroom. Does anyone have a guess why he let's down his barriers while we are sitting on the toilet? If I'm sitting in a chair and make any move, towards him or not, he will run. This extra love solely happens in our bathrooms.
  16. I was just at Costco today and spent $153, which is a huge amount for us. It's twice the amount than I would normally pay for our once a month visit. I'm close enough to go more often (5 minutes) but I just don't like dealing with the crowds. I do go to the gas station anytime I'm near it no matter the amount of gas I have in my car. Well, if it's full, then I won't go. LOL Today it was $3.04, which is 25 cents cheaper than the gas station I could practically throw a baseball and hit, but I drive right by it for that Costco gas.
  17. He is so bloomin' cute! It looks like a baby doll. I'm so glad he's home now where he can soak up all the love.
  18. I'm wearing ones I buy at Walmart. I live in Florida so I like my t-shirts thin and the Walmart ones are definitely that. They are also long which is another thing I appreciate. And of course, they are very inexpensive. I do buy one size larger than I wear any where else. They've washed really well.
  19. I found a glue specifically made for shells. These were made a number of years ago (7/8?) so I don't remember which one I bought but I'm pretty sure I bought it from Amazon. I'm also pretty sure I've seen some shell glue in a store recently, probably JoAnn or Michaels. I mounted them on a thick, heavy duty paper. Watercolor, I'm almost certain. I used a pencil and the mat from the frame to lightly trace around the opening in the mat, so I would know what area I had to work with. I played around with the groupings and then used a ruler to make them line up equally from each other and marked those spots with a pencil. I only used enough glue for those areas where the shell makes contact with the paper and not ooze out around the edges and then held each shell firmly in place until it was set enough not to move. If I over glued, you absolutely can't see it, I just checked. Then I left them to dry over night and put them in the frames in the morning. They fit into the frames pretty tightly so I don't know if that's helped them stay in so well but none of them have shifted over time.
  20. OMG, I had totally forgotten the crimped hair style. That's awesome!
  21. I'm so sorry! I totally get what you're feeling about finally getting Covid. I also got it for the first time this year and the realization that I had finally contracted it was surreal.
  22. Oops. Accidentally quoted myself.🤦‍♀️
  23. That's exactly what I did. I made these to go over a dresser in my bedroom. I'm looking to do one with shark teeth too but I haven't decided what wall I want them on so I'm waiting on that so I'll know what size shadow box I need. ETA: You can see I have some in a bowl, as well.
  24. Some years ago, my DH would be mad and acting put out about it. Now that he's older, he's softened and that's affected his feelings and thoughts about animals. He's turned into the one bringing stray cats into our home. It feels strange for me to be the one saying, "OK, that's enough." LOL I'm still not sure if he would pull over to help a lost dog but he wouldn't be upset if I did.
  25. I tried a number of things and, unfortunately, didn't check after trying each one. However, I think it was the unplugging of Alexa and replugging it back in that worked.
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