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Ewe Mama

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Everything posted by Ewe Mama

  1. I'll join, too! I actually just bought a copy of KonMarie at Goodwill yesterday. I have a kindle copy, but prefer a hard copy. I think I will do a combo of Kon Marie and FlyLady's 27 fling boogie. Anything to get me out of this funk i don't give a flying fig's fat fanny about the house.
  2. I purchased the TMs and student kits for Levels 1&2, but never even opened the student kit for Level 2. The tiles and cards just added clutter and were soon set aside. I have used all seven levels successfully with only the TM, a whiteboard, and a notebook.
  3. Alvin and Theodore both decided to go as ninjas. Super easy costumes. Simon is going as a stick figure. White sweatsuit, electrical tape, paper plate, and elastic to secure his smiley face plate mask. Faith decided to be a pig. Large adult pink hoodie, scraps of felt, toilet paper tube, a button, and some pipe cleaners. This one required some sewing, but was fun to make. Sheep Daddy is taking the youngers out while I stay home and play Monopoly with Joy (her favorite).
  4. My first one was a boy, as bald as could be. This was also during the height of the CPK frenzy. My parents had gotten a rain check from the toy store when the store ran out of stock and were called a few days before Christmas to come and get the doll. They were told to come to a side entrance and not to breathe a word to anyone. That doll was double-bagged and smuggled out of the store so there wouldn't be a riot. I was disappointed he was a boy, but I was the only one of my friends who received one for Christmas. The sad thing was, I never really wanted one, so I didn't ask for one. I did learn to like him, though. It's kind of strange, but my son Alvin really looked like that doll when he was an infant! LOL
  5. Rocky Abbott Addie Harrietta Jessica Cathyleen
  6. I can't eat eggs that are even remotely squishy or runny. I have sent scrambled eggs back to the kitchen in restaurants because they weren't cooked long enough. It's all about texture to me.
  7. I plan to stop when my hair is entirely grey. I'm about 45% grey now. My natural color is a chestnut brown and I dye as closely to it as possible. I look ghastly and washed out when the grey is showing through. My mother colored until fully grey when she was about 57 or so and she looks smashing now with her silver grey hair. Grey hair doesn't bother me. If I could wear it without looking sickly during the transition, I would.
  8. Joy - I have to buy a lot of (natural) products for her very kinky curly hair. Probably $150per year, but I do all of her trimming and styling myself. Simon - I keep his hair very short, and usually replace the clippers once a year, so about $50 per year. Theodore - he looks better with his kinky curly hair a bit longer, so I have to use some products beyond what I use for Simon, along with his own new clippers every year. About $75 per year Alvin - has very straight hair. He prefers buzz cuts in have summer and slightly longer in the winter. DH takes him to the barber in the longer hair phase, and I buzz it down in the warmer months. $100 Faith - super straight hair, I usually trim as needed. She usually gets her hair cut once per year at a salon. $50 for shampoo, conditioner and trip to the salon.
  9. Yes, I'm familiar with the term, mainly through reading.
  10. :grouphug: I hope you feel better very soon.
  11. Cooper looks like a great dog! Congratulations on your new family member!
  12. PSA: If you read only one page of this thread per day, it will take you an entire year to complete it. Please carry on. :D
  13. My kids didn't really care for the student pages. They thought they made the lessons unnecessarily complicated and drawn out. We instead use the BSGFAA original binder volumes with copies of the pictures from the back of the book (duplexed to save paper) along with the review questions. We do it regularly because it is so easy and straightforward. I just bought volumes 3 and 4 on Currclick for $19.95 each. FYI, If you do decide to use the student pages, the currclick downloads are sized for 8x11 paper, so the the pictures are sized down to facilitate that change and are more cramped than the worksheets you can order.
  14. I was just cleaning up in the kitchen with Simon and Alvin goofing off underfoot. They were teasing each other and one of them said something about hair and the other said that he didn't have as much as the other one had. I innocently asked what they were talking about. They said they were growing hair "down there." I am so not ready for this. Simon just turned 11 and Alvin won't be 10 until December. Alvin is apparently the hairier of the two. I always thought I wouldn't have to deal with this until the boys were about 12. Looks like I am definitely wrong.
  15. Composition. The spiral notebooks start to look ratty pretty quickly.
  16. My dd is only on lesson 9 so far, but it is going well. The first book is Across Five Aprils. She had a bit of difficulty with the dialect, but I was able to read portions aloud with her so she could get the feeling for rural southern Illinois vernacular. The questions encouraged deeper thinking and we had some good discussions pertaining to prejudices. She started the second book, The Perilous Road a couple days ago and seems to have overcome her dialect issues. The lesson plans have the student define any new words which will be encountered in that day's reading and then proceed with the reading itself (usually two chapters per day), followed by answering the questions. She prefers to write everything down in a composition notebook, rather than answer orally. She has had to reconsider some of her answers because she didn't grasp the meaning of the questions. The plans also include research reports. She had to choose one of the battles mentioned in Across Five Aprils to write about. That was an added bonus. I was ogling the newest release on the Beautiful Feet site. Now I am am in high trouble because I had always planned to use MFW for high school, but the BF guide looks really good. It's affordable enough that I will probably end up ordering it.
  17. I have two fireplaces I am longing to paint; I just haven't worked up the courage yet. Your pictures are gorgeous!
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