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Ewe Mama

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Everything posted by Ewe Mama

  1. No time for boredom here. There are days when things are slower and more predictable, but I know that's just the calm before the next storm, so I enjoy it.
  2. I recently had one claiming to be the IRS. It was supposedly a final warning before the IRS would sue us. RoboDude, the IRS knows where we live and they send us our refund every year.
  3. I had a polyp on my cervix that bled lightly during my second pregnancy. The bleeding stopped after about a week and everything was fine with the pregnancy.
  4. I have eight banker's boxes of kids' clothing sitting in my formerly clean closet, just waiting for the weather to officially shift over the whole way. Today is 73, tomorrow is 85, Wednesday is supposed to be 63... You know the drill. I will be thrilled when it is officially cool enough to wear long sleeves all day just so I can have my closet back. We do the one dot, two dot, three dot thing on all the boys' clothing. That is the best time saver for us. I would love to buy a boatload of the same type of socks for all of them to share, but Alvin has wide feet, Joy has narrow feet, Faith has tiny feet, and they all like different style. He likes ankle socks, she likes bobby socks, one likes knee socks, and the other likes crew. If I could just get rid of all the socks! The boys always make me laugh when I have to organize their pants for the fall. Simon is super tall and thin, so he wears slims in the next size up every year. Theodore is my peanut and wears the same size as Faith, but he is a regular size, not slim. However, he can put holes into the knees of every brand of pants faster than any child I have ever known. The others never have holes in their knees. Alvin is my straight up and down, no waist in sight boy. He is built like Frog in the Frog and Toad stories. He has to wear husky pants even though, weight-wise, he doesn't qualify; he needs them for his rectangular body shape. All three boys are almost the same age, but none of them can wear the same size anymore and probably never will again. I can get rid of their pants as soon as they are outgrown. I am very selective about hand me downs. If it doesn't spark joy when I am sorting through it, into the donation bag it goes. If I have to wash it, I want to at least enjoy washing it! Put me in the odd duck category...I actually enjoy sorting, organizing, and shopping for the seasonal wardrobe updates.
  5. My one and only niece (all other nieces and nephews are from Sheep Daddy's prolific side of the family) is going to have her first child in October. I have not seen her in many, many years as she resides in Hawaii. I am an avid crocheter and I would love to make something for her new little guy, but would a crocheted afghan (lightweight) or sweater be practical for a baby living in Hawaii? I looked over her registry, but everything she listed pertained to parenting books or organizers. No actual baby "stuff" was involved, so I am totally clueless. Do babies in Hawaii actually wear cute outfits, or do they tend to live in diapers and onesies all the time? You are talking to someone who only sees a handful of days over 80 degrees every year, so please be gentle! If crocheting something would be ok, what would you recommend? Baby items are my favorite things to create, so I would love some special ideas/patterns. Thank you!
  6. You look like you had a wonderful time! I wish I lived closer and could meet you all.
  7. I'm so sorry. :grouphug:
  8. I do have a couple of their geography studies. I'm not sure if they updated the Modern guide since 2012 or not (that's the edition I own), but they have Some of the Holling books scheduled for US geography or a world geography option using the book WorldTrek. We are doing the WorldTrek option.
  9. Clocks and telling time in general are excruciating for me, too. Long division is a close second. We're just following along with the CLE math teaching, although I like Hunter's suggestion immensely. Is there a place to see the Singapore algorithm online so I can figure out how to present it to them?
  10. Hunter, that plan is ingenious! Thank you so much for sharing it with us. I will work on a game board tomorrow.
  11. I opted for retiring to my bed with a raging headache and trying to pre-read books for my history curriculum. I'd really love an apple cider, though!
  12. Thank you for the hugs. I needed them! :)
  13. Yep. All three. My mathy boy is having the most difficult time. Go figure.
  14. Special unicorn, indeed! My eldest is actually doing the new BF guide. I guess I will have to bite the bullet and write my own. I just tend to overdo it and my child ends up begging for mercy.
  15. Homemade from scratch with lemon frosting. Nothing fancy to look at, but oh so yummy!
  16. Trying to teach three boys the basics of long division. Enough said.
  17. It's ok. Sheep Daddy once referred to me by his ex-wife's name at a dinner with his entire family. You could have heard a pin drop after that one!
  18. I am trying to find a Modern History program for my younger four, age 8-11. I have been unsuccessful with finding something ready made, but have come up with a couple options. I am looking for Christian friendly, with some hands on activities, some notebooking, living books with a good spine, and map work. Doesn't sound too difficult, right? I hear you all laughing out there! Option #1. SCM's Modern Times history guide, using Stories of America Volume 2 and Stories of the Nations Volume 2 for the spines and some of the scheduled readers. I would switch out some and add in others that I already own/prefer. I would also add in the hands-on activities and map work correlating to the readings, probably via MapTrek. Basically I would rewrite the whole thing. I like the flow of the SCM guide, but I would have to change the majority of it, thereby possibly ruining the flow Option #2. Guest Hollow's timeline from roughly 1870 until present day. I am hesitating only because the spines are not my top choices for this age group. If they were a bit older, I could probably go with the SOTW 4 and Hakim, but I have serious reservation about how much they would absorb. Option #3. Spend the next two weeks combining the best of both #1 and #2 and pray I don't sidetracked by something else, like Option #4. Option #4 Wait for some awesome recommendation from the Hive and eat cupcakes and learn some Highland dancing in the interim. What says the Hive?
  19. Thanks for all the links, Katy. I appreciate all the investigating you did!
  20. I was just Googling that question and chuckling at the best images they could come up with for nude shoes for women of color. What a joke! I haven't put her in white shoes since she was about six years old and she wanted them to go with her Easter dress. I usually stick with brown, black, or various colorful hues. Her skin tone is very difficult to describe because it varies, depending on which part we're talking about. Her face is a warm chestnut brown, but her legs are a cooler shade with bluish undertones. I am looking for gold shoes now (the dress is has warm undertones, so silver is out), but I am really, really hoping the other wine colored ones work out. She prefers closed toes. I love sling backs, but her feet never stay in them properly. Thanks, zoobie! You do realize that autocorrect changes your name to zombie, right? You are an autocorrect trendsetter!
  21. Stupid question...is nude only nude for vanilla people? Joy is AA, so would nude even work?!
  22. I knew there was a reason I snapped them up right away! Thanks for the info on the leather paints. I was going to place an order with Dharma Trading in the near future, so I will look into it then.
  23. I tried the dance wear solutions site, but they don't have Joy's size in stock. I was hoping to try a pair of beige for her. It says to go a half size up, so that would put her in a 10.5 narrow, which they don't carry. Bummer. The first site you linked looked like it was outside of the continental USA, and I doubt they could get here in time. They had some fun styles, though! Thank you so much for your help!
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