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Ewe Mama

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Everything posted by Ewe Mama

  1. Chester Comix has some modern history books on WW1 and 2 and Civil Rights.
  2. Yeesh. I didn't even notice the print in the blue box up above. I just saw the box to type in a number and the word "children". I need to pay closer attention! Thanks for the heads up! Now I am only 26.
  3. I did it twice for myself because I was unsure about how to answer number of children. I didn't know if it meant all children including adopted or biological only. I was 26 years of age with the two bio and 27 years old with all five children. Either way, I like it! Sheep Daddy is 56 and his age was 64 with a 6.9% chance of dying in the next five years. The cancer really stinks.
  4. I have never entered a Lyme/tick bite thread until today and do not want to hijack, but do have a question. I found a tick on my scalp two weeks ago. This was right after I had finished shearing the ewes, so I figured it had come from one of them. I promptly freaked out and flushed it. I removed the whole thing (visible pinschers) and it was still quite small. I flushed it before I thought about identifying it properly. This was my first-ever experience with a tick. The ewwww factor went into overdrive. Two days later I found another one in my scalp. At four o'clock in the morning. My reaction should have been on video. I saved this one in a baggie and identified it as an American Dog tick. It was also quite small and had all parts in tact. No health problems have developed. No rashes. No fever. Is it a safe guess that the first tick was the same type, as I was not walking in the woods, or do I still need to be watching and waiting? I find it very interesting that this is the first year we have not had chickens free-ranging on our land and we now have ticks.
  5. When you spend more time on the phone with case workers, doctors, and early intervention specialists than you do with your friends and family. When you have to rearrange your family's schedule to arrange yet another caseworker visit. When your child screams with night terrors for four nights in a row following a supervised birth parent visit. When you can't remember the name of your child's caseworker because the old one keeps getting overwhelmed and quitting. When you look in the mirror and see all the gray hairs caused by the stress and worry. When you cry yourself to sleep at night because you are powerless to right the wrongs in "the system." When you learn that the custody hearing is postponed for the seventh time so the drug-addicted birth parent can have more opportunities to get his life together and (not) show up for more visits. When you are congratulated at the adoption finalization and you realize it has taken over four years of this child's life to become an official member of your family and he has been in your home since he was two days old.
  6. No such luck. This one was called an Air Soft baby.
  7. Oh, please don't put creepy thoughts in my head this close to bedtime!
  8. I did lots of googling on youtube and found the ideas for the needle and rubbing alcohol, but both were a no go.
  9. How about Pure Talk USA? They seem to be very reasonably priced and have flip phones.
  10. Faith has a beloved baby doll whose eye won't close when laid down. We have tried cleaning the eye with rubbing alcohol and tried working a sewing needle around it to see if something was keeping it from closing, but neither helped. Any advice?
  11. Oh my goodness, this whole thread is making me laugh!
  12. I have no idea. I am not a telephone person, but I tend to get involved in longish conversations with family once a month or so. I looked at the tracfone site and their one year phones with double minutes would only come up to 800 minute a year. I think that is too low for my primary phone. What is the highest number of minutes for a year available on any flip phone?
  13. Total aside here, but every time I read that name, it comes across as Donnie Dorko. I know nothing of the movie. Please carry on.
  14. As I was reading this, one of the Chipmunks just walked by with his hand down his pants. I'm not naming names in case we ever meet any of you in real life.
  15. After our landline not working for several days this week, I am finally ready to let it go and get a cell phone. I just want something that is cheap, gets good reception, and actually functions when I need it to. I don't need a camera, video, wifi, dog walking, or dish washing (although that would be nice.) I figured a flip phone would be fine, but I don't know which one to choose or what a good price would be. Something that would allow the minutes to last all year would be good. Please point me in the right direction!
  16. One of our house rabbits peed on our new (fabric) couch. Ewe Mama was not pleased. I just steamed that sucker as much as I could. That couch did not last long. May your couch be as good as new and not have the scent of stinky bun residue. ETA I steamed the couch, not the rabbit, in case there was any question in your mind. :lol:
  17. We use lots of composition notebooks. Currently, they are single subject: one for history, one for Latin, another for spelling, one for Bible, one for writing, and another for history. We use CLE for math and CtGE or CLE for LA, depending on the child, so don't have to worry about using notebooks for those subjects. I am contemplating how easy it would be to use a single composition book for everything. With something like Latin, wouldn't it be more difficult to refer back to a previous lesson when everything is combined? Flipping through the pages would probably provide some built-in review (which would be a bonus) but I could totally see some of my boys losing themselves in rereading previous lessons and forgetting what they were originally working on. For my kiddos, combining history, Bible, writing, science, and possibly dictation into a single notebook would probably work well. We often print notebooking pages, coloring pages, maps, etc. and glue them into the composition notebooks to make them more visually interesting. (The only thing Alvin draws are ball pythons and cowboys/soldiers with guns ablazin', so I have to keep him on track. :lol: ) Fabulous ideas, ladies!
  18. Awwww! She looks like a beautiful, fun-loving girl! Enjoy!
  19. What a lovely little girl! She looks huge compared to our lambs! What breed is she? We raise Finns and typically have a minimum of triplets with each breeding. Two years ago our herd queen had sextuplets. That was a very busy spring! Enjoy your little bundle! I hope you are able to take a well-deserved rest today. :)
  20. Thank you for the plethora of ideas! Sheep Daddy will check with the graduate's father and ask if a backpack/messenger bag would work. Kiddo has some tactile issues, so we need to tread carefully. He likes movies, so a movie gift card would always be appreciated. His town doesn't have anything in the way of public transportation, so that won't work in this situation, but it is a great idea! He is on the younger end of the scale for his abilities/maturity/functioning. I am still pondering...
  21. I think we are all a little green with envy! :biggrin:
  22. The younger son of Simon's godparents is graduating very soon and we would like to give him a special gift to mark this important milestone in his life. He has DS and a myriad of other health difficulties. He will be returning to his high school next year in a helper capacity for other SN kiddos, so he has a job and will continue living at home. We are running into difficulty coming up with some gift ideas. None of my "college-bound, living on your own, setting up housekeeping for yourself" gifts would be appropriate. I am drawing a blank. Help, please?
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