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Ewe Mama

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Everything posted by Ewe Mama

  1. Oops. I hit the the post button before typing my reply.
  2. I prepared Joy for what was going to happen and then I let her pick out what kinds of cloth pads she wanted off of etsy. I made a special dessert for her, but only the two of us knew what it was for. I didn't tell Sheep Daddy for a couple months because I knew he wasn't mentally ready for it yet. :lol:
  3. Our current house had an above ground pool when we made an offer on it. The pool removal was a stipulation of the sale of the house. I didn't want the safety issues (there's already a 3/4 acre pond to worry about) nor did I want to worry about maintaining it. The smell of chlorine makes me ill, so it needed to go!
  4. We have all been invited to a wedding in September. It is a church wedding beginning at 1pm, with the reception following immediately afterwards. The invitation includes the phrase "formal attire." What is formal attire for an early afternoon wedding? What would be appropriate for our boys to wear? They always wear khakis and polo shirts for church and that is quite dressed up for their age group. I am rather baffled by the whole formal attire request, because the bride and groom are rather casual people who are planning on including a lot of children at the wedding. Are they expecting suits and ties for all the boys? Thank you for your help!
  5. Jane is lovely. She was obviously waiting for "her family" to walk through the door. Our recently adopted older kitty was the same way. We all knew when she came running to greet the whole family that that was our new kitty so we didn't keep looking. What kind of little dogs do you have? Your animal situation sounds like a mirror to ours, complete with three small dogs and an older lab adopted from a shelter (only ours is black instead of brown.) Looking forward to pictures of Roman and Lady Lab tomorrow!
  6. Theodore was a mess. He had severe acid reflux. He had eczema everywhere. When he wasn't spitting up, he was crying in a pain-filled rage. We had him tested and discovered he was allergic to milk, soy, rice, and corn. He had to be on the "Liquid Gold" of baby formula. It was a blessing he was still our foster son at that point, because the formula was covered through WIC. Otherwise, we probably would have had to mortgage the house. Aquaphor healing ointment was a big help in healing the eczema. Hoping your little one gets some relief very soon!
  7. I usually purchase four cartons of premium ice cream at a time. Depending on how warm the weather is, all of it will be gone in about five to eight days.
  8. I bought a couple of these for myself for Christmas while they were a lightning deal on Amazon. One is in a cupcake pattern. Every time I wear it, I think of the Hive. :)
  9. I went through all the options with Joy this evening for her Modern History year, and she chose BF. I think we already have 80% of the books, so this should be an affordable history year. Hooray!
  10. I'm glad you're taking him in. Our hugs and prayers go with you. Please let us know how he's doing. :grouphug:
  11. I'll play.. In the last 6 months I have had 162 orders on Prime. In 2014 I had 352.
  12. I once taught a college student named Peter Whacker.
  13. http://www.biggerbras.com/catalog/category/bras/type/sleep-leisure/ Maybe something at this site...
  14. What about a front closure sleep bra? I just googled and found several different possibilities. I did not check specifically for her size, though.
  15. We are also using McRuffy with one child and Strayer-Upton for extra practice.
  16. I had always planned on going deep with Latin. I understand that it is the foundation of many languages and that learning Latin makes learning many other languages easier. I understand the connection with English words and building a better vocabulary based on knowledge of Latin (and Greek) roots. I get it. I really do. In an ideal world we would continue with Latin until we could wow the world with the best of them. But our lives are not ideal. We have been plowing through GSWL and were enjoying it immensely until all those pesky parts of speech and their similar endings started popping up and wreaking havoc on the children's translations and confidence. I laughed out loud at Simon's translation that the inhabitant's islands went swimming near the shore. He was not amused, nor easily consoled. I wasn't laughing at him; I was laughing at the mental image it created for me. The thing is, the fact that the word order is so loose and does not resemble English (or French or Spanish, as far as. I can tell) in sentence structure, and I'm questioning its benefits in helping to learn other languages. French translates much more closely to English than Latin in terms of sentence structure and word order, doesn't it? Maybe we started too early, before everyone was comfortable with the parts of speech in English. I am just wondering if we should put it aside and focus on French or Spanish, like the kids want to. Joy still seems to enjoy Latin, and I plan to continue, but the littles are floundering about. Would studying word roots be just as effective, or should we pick it back up and keep plowing through at a slower pace? I was considering purchasing Lively Latin, but wonder if it would be worth it for us or not. Please share your thoughts. Sorry for rambling to much. Just trying to get a plan in place and go with it.
  17. My wish would be 25-50% off of everything on the site.
  18. Very underwhelmed by the whole sale. All the decent items I was sort of interested in were sold out by the time I was ready to buy. I have been disappointed repeatedly with Kindle products (they quit charging and freeze within a week of purchase) so will not be purchasing another.
  19. Shedding, lots of shedding for a lab mix. But I still love all four of my dogs, especially my lab. Two dogs would be way too boring. You need at least four!
  20. Praying for you, your father, and his healthcare team. :grouphug:
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