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Ewe Mama

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Everything posted by Ewe Mama

  1. Helping in the kitchen, helping with chores = social studies and large and fine motor skills development! health and nutrition Reading/phonics Math Penmanship/copy work Being read aloud to Poetry Games Narration Finding answers to a child's questions Playing outside= physical education Nature walks and following rabbit trails = science Educational videos Taking care of pets Field trips Playtime All of these things (and many others) are how a child learns. A child's rump does not need to be in a chair at a desk to be called "instruction." Best wishes to you as you find your way through this journey!
  2. I have used both and prefer BF for our brood. The TruthQuest guide was a bit overwhelming and the author's comments interwoven throughout the scripted portions could be a bit...much. Some parts were great and I appreciated the parallels she drew, but other areas were border line annoying/offensive. I am not very good at editing on the fly. If you have time to go through the scripted portions and edit out anything you feel is distracting, TQ can be a boon if you want to choose your own books. BF was simpler to use, clear directions written to the students (for higher levels), and less of a chore to wade through on a daily basis. My kids liked having assignments they could work through on their own and showing me their notebooks upon completion each day. Basically it comes down to whether you want to select books or have book plans already laid out. Once you make the decision, the rest should be easy! Best wishes on your selection!
  3. We used and enjoyed the levels for grades 2 and 3. Grade three had more writing involved, as it should have, so we stretched those lessons out over several days. I used them with our youngest and she really enjoyed doing the lessons, so much so that we completed both levels in 15 months. She is technically just getting ready to begin third grade and is a very young third grader because of when her August birthday. I am planning on going through the third grade book with her again and then ordering 4th grade. I had tried unsuccessfully to use PLL with all the older kids, but just could not make it work as it seemed so dated. Language Lessons for Today was perfect for us and our CM-loving ways.
  4. My mother signed my up for swimming lessons as a child. I did fine, swimming wise, but developed some sort of bizarre rash from the chlorine exposure. My doctor told me to avoid swimming pools for the rest of my life. So I have. My kiddos aren't as far along with swimming as I would like them to be. We have expensive indoor pools or cheaper neighborhood pools in our community. The past two years there have been very few days that have actually been warm enough to use the outdoor pools, so they are out of practice.
  5. My best friend is Jamaican, so technically not AA. We are good friends with an interracial couple at church. Oh, and three of my children are black, but I don't know if that counts.
  6. Yes, I still have my dress. It is hanging in my closet, where I can see it every day. It is a simple, but beautiful, traditional gown. I would love to wear it again but, although I have gained only a few pounds since my wedding day, my ribs have spread just enough to make it difficult to button. One of our daughters may be able to wear it, if she so desires. I had planned to have it made into a baptismal gown, but Joy's godmother surprised us with a handmade gown for her instead.
  7. Congratulations on your sweet baby! She is lovely, and such a healthy weight for being so early!
  8. You have been through the emotional wringer for so long now, Rose. I will be praying for you and your entire family. May God grant you the peace that surpasses all understanding in the days to come. :grouphug:
  9. I got Math Mammoth, which was a thumbs down from my entire brood.
  10. We have five different programs this year: Joy - AAS Level 7 Simon - Apples & Pears level C Theodore - Spelling Wisom Alvin - Spelling Plus Faith - The Modern Speller
  11. We beefed up the reading portion of MFW K for our kiddos who were already blending pretty well. We added in Bob Books and Progressive Phonics readers while still enjoying the gentle pace of the rest of the program. When we did MFW first grade, it was a big adjustment, particularly when it came to writing. We loved it, it just required us to slow down and not push too quickly while those little hand muscles were gaining strength and the ability to write several sentences at one sitting. I loved both K and 1st and I am very sad we don't have any more littles to teach. Sniff.
  12. Faith and the boys are using Climbing to Good English. Joy is finishing up CLE and I am contemplating CtGE or AG for her.
  13. Done and done! Button downs, ties, and belts purchased this evening. We are good to go!
  14. Well, the mother of the bride sent a response to my email. She said the bride and groom went with "formal" dress requirements in order to get their guests to actually dress appropriately for the service. No shorts, blue jeans, flip flops, lingerie hanging out, plunging necklines, skimpy sundresses, barely hidden bums, etc. She said the bride and groom could not believe some of the things people have worn to weddings. She also said she is not worried about us...we have always dressed appropriately for church, so she is confident in our ability to continue doing so. I will scope out some button downs and perhaps ties for the boys, but they can wear their khakis! Thanks, everyone!
  15. I'm glad I'm not the only one who thinks so!
  16. None of my kiddos is in the wedding party, so we're off the hook! Whew!
  17. Sheep Daddy will be sporting a tie even if I have to hogtie him to make it happen. :D I don't mind purchasing a few button down shirts, but I have to draw the line at sport coats that they will wear only once or twice.
  18. I knew I's see you in this thread, Miss Ellie! And I promise, my legs will be properly ensconced in hosiery!
  19. The consensus seems to be in our favor. The only thing I have to look out for is Theodore trying to sneak out the door with white sport socks under his dress shoes. :lol:
  20. Yup! You know my boys!
  21. This sounds doable. Do you have any idea where to purchase wrinkle-free boys' button downs? I don't recall ever seeing them in boys' sizes. I don't iron anymore, hence the polo shirts for all occasions! :lol:
  22. Ahhh, the yen for the good old days, when Emily Post reigned supreme! I believe the reception is at the church hall. I love tiny green frogs!
  23. That's what I suspect as well, but I wanted to have time to practice looking serene in case that are expecting suits and ties on my little men. :biggrin:
  24. I will definitely check with the MOB if I see her at church tomorrow. Knowing her as well as I do, khakis and polos will be fine for my boys. She is the type of mother who loves children and has realistic expectations of their behaviors. I don't know her daughter as well, but she seems to be cut from house same cloth. The daughter is marrying one of our priests, so the whole church is invited. I am planning to wear my second favorite ModCloth dress! It may not be as formal as some women might wear, but it always feels a tad too dressy for church, but it should be fine for the wedding. I wish I could wear my fave dress, but I think the cookie print would be a tad too casual for the occasion! :lol:
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