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Ewe Mama

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Everything posted by Ewe Mama

  1. Praying for you and your little one! Stay put, Baby! :grouphug:
  2. How deeply does it go into discussing Anne's adoption? Would you have any concerns about using it with an adopted child (adopted as an infant)? I am considering this for future use with Joy, but don't want to make her education a source of emotional angst.
  3. Christian book Amazon Rainbow Resource Currclick Christian Light Milestone My Father's World Simply Charlotte Mason
  4. That is a great update! I am so glad the appointment went well and that you felt validated by the doctor. He sounds like a good person to have on your team. Keep us updated on further prayer requests/needs.
  5. Praying for a smooth appointment, anxieties to be gently calmed, a wonderful time with family, and a blessed First Communion for your daughter. :grouphug:
  6. Oh my goodness! Just seeing this. Praying for your health and for your little one, as well as for wisdom for the doctors, nurses, and other caregivers who care for you and help you. :grouphug:
  7. I'm so very, very sorry. Prayers for you all as you go through the grief process. :grouphug:
  8. Your plan sounds great! I'm so happy both children on on board and have renewed interest and excitement. :grouphug:
  9. 5 great-nieces and one great-nephew, all from Ram Man's side of the family. Their ages span from six down to 1.5.
  10. Are currently on sale (10% off) at milestone books. The sale is through May 15. Hope this helps!
  11. The only thing I'm coming up with is The Wonderpets. Faith was watching it earlier today, otherwise I would never have thought of it. I hope you find something perfect for him to try. :grouphug: "Believe it or not, I'm walking on air; I never thought I could feel so free-ee-eee!"
  12. The Kindle book is still on sale this morning. Thanks, Hunter!
  13. OK, so I showed Joy samples of the IEW and EIW videos. She didn't like either one. I started combing through the reviews of writing programs over at home school reviews and we decided to try Hands-On Essays, Fun Foundations in Writing, and Creative Adventures in Writing. I really hope these spark some creative interest for all of them.
  14. My brood is all over the place in terms of writing ability and the impetus to actually sit their behinds down and attempt to write a few coherent sentences. I have a degrees in English and Literature, so it's not as though I am incapable of writing. Teaching it is another story. I always feel like the preacher father in A River Runs Through It, with red correction pen in hand. Joy is at that very emotional stage of life (love those new-found hormones surging all over the place) and the tears start flowing no matter how lovingly and gently I tell her she needs to rewrite something to correct her mistakes. I have been eye-balling IEW and their myriad of products. I have read review after review and recommendation upon recommendation, and I still cannot figure out what we would really, truly need to get started. Some people swear by the TWSS and that new users must start there. Just as many other reviewers/users say to start with the appropriate level of SWI. What would you choose? I would like to be able to use the All Things Fun and Fascinating set with the four younger children, but definitely want to start with the appropriate teaching foundation first. Is there something else out there that would do the teaching for me via DVD for multiple ages and stages? I am conceding that I do have a flock of natural writers.
  15. Prince Bingo, Chocolate, Vanilla, Greggie, Alaska, PunkyMuffin, Twinkle Eyes...all are Faith's baby dolls and stuffed animals.
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