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Ewe Mama

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Everything posted by Ewe Mama

  1. Did you look into Gateway to the Classics? It is a curriculum established by the Yesterday's Classics folk, using vintage books in a nice, easy to read format online, complete with lesson plans. I pay $50 a year for it, but am not sure of the price right now. You would need to add math (it sounds as though you have that covered) and I would add in some more current science books, but the rest is really nice to use. We enjoy doing read alouds from it, and I love having the ready-made schedules.
  2. I hate peanut butter, especially the smell.
  3. When we still lived in Cleveland, we would occasionally hear from our old realtor, asking if we knew anyone who was considering selling, but we never received a cold call from a complete stranger.
  4. Oh my! That is too precious! I don't know that I would want THAT particular noise being one of the first recognizable sounds I ever encountered, but in our house after Sheep Daddy comes home, it's definitely heard frequently. :LOL:
  5. I would love to, but he's already asleep. In the haven of a bedroom I cherish. In my bed. Every time the air clears a bit, he erupts again. At first I thought it was one of the dogs, but after doing the sniff check on them, I realized who the culprit was. I am definitely not doing a sniff check on him!
  6. I loved Indiana! I grew up in a town (not in Indiana) where people wouldn't even glance at each other when they passed on a sidewalk. The first time I walked anywhere in Indiana, people were saying hello (to me!) and talking about the weather. I stopped dead in my tracks and looked around to see who the heck these people were talking to! I remember seeing crocuses blooming in mid-February one year. Sigh. I won't see any spring flowers in Cleveland for at least another six weeks. It will be a big adjustment, but I hope you will find much joy and happiness there. :grouphug:
  7. There's a foul wind blowing in our bedroom tonight. :ack2: Anyone have a gas mask I can borrow?
  8. If you ever end up at the Cleveland Clinic campus (which is near my neck of the woods) for any medical stuff, let me know! I would do anything I can to give some help/encouragement. My mama's heart is hurting for you, your family, and your precious girl. You all have been through so much already. :grouphug:
  9. We hit a wall around that point, as well. We put it on the shelf and are currently reading through Grammar-Land and will then do The Sentence Family. After all that, we will try TC again. If we need more time, I will find something else to keep it fresh in their minds.
  10. Another GSWL vote. We enjoyed Song School at younger ages, but my kiddos rolled their eyes at it after a certain age.
  11. I would take that as a sign from above, too. :grouphug: Note to self: experiments lead to costly repairs.
  12. :grouphug: Thanks for the update, even though it wasn't what any of us had been hoping for.
  13. Oh, do I get any points for not posting at all on the other non-thread, even though it may or may not have entered its sixth page or so?
  14. You can definitely be in the "Redeemed Hussy Society." :D
  15. I can claim all but the wearing them on errands! 5060 points. Wow. I never thought yoga pants could be the key to it all...
  16. I am a Christian. Just put me in the same category as the woman at the well, if you must. Redeemed, but still a hussy at heart. :D
  17. Ok, I get points for being completely opaque in fabric. I, however, will never wear them to the grocery store. I bought them to wear when I really, truly exercise. No innocent by-standers will need brain bleach if they accidentally see my in my yoga pants. :D
  18. Somebody congratulate me. I just bought my first ever pair of yoga pants! :D Does that count for any points?
  19. Oh...I have tears rolling down my face from trying to suppress my laughter while watching that! The whole bed was shaking as I was trying to not wake up Ram Man. That's the best laugh I've had in a long time!
  20. Oh, dear! How absolutely mortifying for your dd! I hope she is feeling better. I would pick up a gift card to a nice restaurant and pop it in the mail with a nice card or note. Give them a sweet memory out of something rather icky. Tell your dd, when I was 13, I once threw up in front of all of my friends (and the boy I liked at the time), all over the lunch table in the cafeteria. I thought I would die of embarrassment, but managed to live through it.
  21. You have definitely earned the right to gripe and vent after the week you've had! :grouphug:
  22. I'm so sorry to hear this. :grouphug: to Robin's family, friends, and loved ones.
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