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Anne in CA

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Everything posted by Anne in CA

  1. None of my kids were like this... but... I 'd be worried about anxiety at this point. I'd have it looked into. One boy from ds's troop was like this and he had serious anxiety by the time his parents looked into it. It was very hard for them to see they should do it, but they got him help and moved on.
  2. The word lovely does not apply to these pictures. They are deeper than that. So amazing! I'm glad you had the wedding you wanted!
  3. If it had been my dd, raped and murdered, people would have said she "tempted" somebody with her short shorts no matter what the situation. This poor girl was attacked because her modest outfit blocked her escape? Girls just don't seem to win at all in modern culture. I feel awful about the world my dd is going to have to navigate. This poor girl's parents.
  4. Are you kidding??? The next time I'm in Big Bend, I'm coming over, lol. Disguises won't fool me...
  5. It sounds like a "migraine" in your stomach. I have had something similar, but it had a medical reason that I keep under wraps by not eating seeds. Seeds were getting stuck in my intestines and it was bad. Very bad.
  6. My sister did it and had an unexpected bad reaction. It took her weeks to recover, although she does love not wearing her glasses now.
  7. I make VATS of coleslaw for the restaurant every day this time of year. I didn't care for it previously, but it's grown on me. My grandmother used to put coleslaw in her Jello salad, so that had turned me off. But I like it a lot, now.
  8. Praying for you, Lovely Mama! You got this!
  9. I have been to the Melting Pot numerous times, DH and I love it. It is not kid friendly. It is not cheap. Only once have we taken the kids, the youngest was 13 then. Temps here are cooler than Redding, which is the second sunniest city in the USA, after Yuma, AZ. Still warm for us, though. There are no extra rooms for rent anywhere in our tiny vacation community. Since Redding is currently hotter than he**, everyone who can afford it is here, playing in the water, lol.
  10. I have done at least 20 weddings where certain people feel the need to put Pepsi/ Coke in baby bottles... where children as young as five smoke... so I think she may be part of a subculture where she might not know such a thing. I have a friend whose sister was extremely sleep deprived and left her infant in the car under unusual circumstances while she was shopping. It was in Oregon, it was not a hot day, she didn't go to jail and kept custody of her kids. It was a mistake when she did it, she simply "forgot" she had the baby with her. The baby fell asleep in the car on the way to the store and since he was in the back seat, she saw she was parked next to an old friend, got out to talk to the friend before shopping, and went shopping without the baby.
  11. My MIL had not talked to her brother for more than 20 years and suddenly decided to go see him. Everyone thought it was an awful idea, (he was known about town for being a volatile drunk even though he was a prosperous business man) but after not wanting anything to do with her or their other brother for so long he was glad to see her. I think I mentioned him in another thread about people who mysteriously cut off relatives and no one knows why. I think no one will ever really know "why" he cut off his family, because the reasons he gave in his letter were not real by anyone's account, but he was glad to see her. He was dying of cancer and they had a lovely goodbye. The whole scenario was quite sad to me for many reasons, but it was nice that MIL had closure she needed. I thought he might do something awful, but he was very nice instead.
  12. That is weird. Sorry for the inconvenience.
  13. I have had several friends do real estate as an empty nest career. Some have done very well. The thing that will make you successful or not is service. You do have to realize you are serving clients. My friends who have done well BUSTED TAIL on customer service. In this area women do have an edge, and a perceptive woman can understand what people really want and help make that happen.
  14. I do think you need to call animal control and find out how you can read up on the law. She doesn't sound like she is trying to train the dog differently, and so I would expect the situation to escalate. I also would start running with some kind of spray (which is a good idea anyway no matter how safe you think your neighborhood is) so that you can protect yourself if the dog comes after you. She may be raising the dog to be aggressive for a variety of reasons we couldn't guess, or maybe she genuinely has no clue about training at all. Hard to know. Maybe she has an abusive ex and got the dog to protect her from a home invasion and does want the dog aggressive to everyone, for instance.
  15. LOL, people pull up to our restaurant, take dirty diapers out of their car, and put them in the flower planters out front. My kids made a super cute diorama for one of the flowerpots. Yesterday someone took out their stuff and put a huge poopy diaper and empty starbucks cups there. These people are not customers, they are just jerks. And I am certain their children will grow up to believe they are special snowflakes just like their parents whose littler is more important than any boundaries other people might want.
  16. I do think giving kids time to prepare is good, but no so much time that they get overly sentimental either.
  17. When I was young we picked up a lot of cans and bottles by the side of the road to make money remodeling. I used to be surprised how many people drank beer and threw the bottles out. Now I realize we had one neighbor who probably always drank a six pack on the way home from town and pitched the cans in the ditch right before he got home.
  18. To me the main reasons are 1) To engage most of the church in kid's ministry, at least for a few days or a week. 2) To help the kids make friends with other kids from church. 3) Keep the word of God fresh and fun for kids. 4) Community outreach. 5) Give low income kids something wholesome and fun in the summer.
  19. Where I live the big black roaches cannot easily live inside. They are very susecptable to plain old Raid, much less anything professional strength. Mostly the big ones will die by your door or window if you spray outside your door and window sill with Raid every few weeks.
  20. I do think they were jerks not be be kind to you when it was the right time. It was pretty "fleshy" of them not to be gracious when it was within their power. I would remember that when they take up stupid "special offering" stuff if you go there. I wouldn't give them money for anything, like ever. That is the ultimate payback for a fleshy church. They only want the dough, anyway, so if you with hold it, that is the only way they get the message.
  21. Honestly??? I'd be watching this person as closely as possible, with the idea that there is no point in trusting them, and monitor their room with no privacy given at this point. Roaches are roaches and they are super disgusting.
  22. When I was catering we had many such events. People don't want to pay $80 for a gallon of coffee to be catered.
  23. I have a friend who works for BLM and she has had many work seminars about this and the need to keep a back pack at work with enough water, vitamins, power bars to last four days to get home in case of an emergency earthquake.
  24. As I get older I lose water weight faster. Don't worry, I put it on faster too, lol. My guess is that you are dropping water weight in the heat faster than you did when you were young. After a busy day at work I can sweat off 5lb easy peasy now. Couldn't do it when I was younger, lol, but evidently my older cells decline to hold water the same way. As soon as I have a couple of days with no stress and can drink enough water, Bingo, I put the weight back on. Bet you will too.
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