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Everything posted by Twolittleboys

  1. Kids are getting Pandemic and something called Magic Maze. Also, I had to clean out an attic and found a fairly large box with old board games (from when I was growing up). So those are going under the tree as well. We actually have far too many games - we don't play that often as we tend to fight unfortunately.
  2. It is an unfortunate situation all around and I think the blame (if blame has to be assigned) goes to everyone to some extent (though I am not as familiar with the details as I should be). However, it doesn't really matter now whose fault it was so much - somehow the mess needs to be resolved in a way everyone can live with and with the least possible disruption. And unfortunately that means both sides (and maybe others) have to be willing to sit down together, look at this realistically, give up part of their hopes/rights etc. and find a solution that is doable and sustainable.
  3. Not really. My kids don't do well with pretend type behavior.
  4. If it doesn't bother the birthday child I would just let it be. When I was a kid (long before phones) I would check out what books/comics the host had and ask if I could look at them. I would then sit in a corner the rest of the time, reading. I now realize how rude that is but honestly, it didn't bother anyone (those were parties with a bunch of kids just running wild) and I had a great time. I still remember one party where the brother of my friend had a huge pile of comics!
  5. I wouldn't be too worried if she has always (more or less) been like that. If it was a sudden change I would be worried. I could see this as more a sign of being unsure, wanting to do everything right etc. than not being able to think clearly. Or for example in my case I am pretty useless at unexpected physical stuff like cleaning up after a party etc. Everyone else is running around, moving chairs, wiping off tables etc. and I have no clue what to do unless someone tells me. And of course I know I am not good at that kind of stuff so I freeze even more.
  6. Our traditional meal on the 25th is fairly easy/low-stress and still festive: Pork loin basted with a mustard/herb mixture, rolled in puff pastry and baked (just about 30 minutes so fairly quick). You can add some pre-made sides and have a tasty, nice dinner with a minimum of work (like 15 minutes prep and then 30 minutes in the oven).
  7. DS is getting a new game/marble run set that just came out recently. He saw it at a game convention and really wants it. It is this year's must-have gift - apparently the company vastly under-estimated demand (or there were production problems). They show it on TV commercials all the time and it is in print advertising but none of the stores has it. You can get it on ebay/amazon at a mark-up of like 500%. I had already told him there was no way to get it but when I was in the next larger city I saw it in a store window. I was in a rush and didn't go in but I did call a friend and ask her to pick it up for me. She did (it was the last one) and so he will be able to get it after all (at the regular price). I am excited because he really wants it, it seemed a fun game/toy, and I am rather proud for managing to snag one after all.
  8. Sounds exactly like one of my kids! I feel for you - it is hard to know when to take it seriously and when to ignore.
  9. I don't believe in it and agree that there is no logical reason to. However, the older I get the more I realize that there are some things that don't make any logical sense and yet do seem to be true (or at least partly true). So while I don't believe in it I wouldn't completely rule it out, I guess.
  10. I think the shoes are traditional but we have little bags we hang outside (and we do it twice - for St. Martin and St. Nick). When I was a child "St. Nick" would knock on the door in the evening when the treats were in the bag. In some families St. Nick comes to the door and does a naughty/nice kind of thing (often that also happens at schools/nursery schools) and gives the treats. I would have been terrified though to see him! Anyway, for us the knocking didn't work (single parent) so the treats just come over night and the kids get them the next morning (so my kids actually get the treats on the 7th). Generally some candy, nuts, tangerines, and one or two smaller presents (e.g. book, small game, new markers, craft supplies etc.)
  11. I think I would try to stay in the area you are now in if you can find decent, affordable housing. It would be the least change for the kids (and it sounds like they need that) and there is a chance you would stay there longer if your husband gets his job back. In the other cases you take the chance of moving now and then again 15 months later which is a lot.
  12. This is so true and in my opinion one reason why women often have a harder time advancing than men (as it also applies to performance reviews etc.)
  13. I would do Disney Springs for your evening. And I would get the park hopper at Universal - that way you can change parks if one appeals more or if one is too crowded etc.
  14. There is a new book out by John Green (as she liked the Fault in our Stars).
  15. Of course. I did not mean to imply that hard work always will lead to riches (or conversely that being not wealthy implies a lack of hard work). All I meant is that as far as consumption is concerned it to me doesn't make a difference how the wealth was acquired (i.e. it is no better or worse to spend money you have earned by working hard than money you inherited/married/won etc.).
  16. No, I don't think it is unethical or immoral at all (though can easily be tacky). Let's say someone has loads of money (either through hard work or just because) - what are they going to do with it? Yes, from a Christian perspective we should share generously, ideally to the point where we are no longer rich/wealthy but let's face it - very few of us are willing to do that. We are far, far from wealthy but we could give a lot more money away than we do if we were willing to give up buying treats, going on vacations, saving up, etc. And if you look at Jesus' teachings we probably should but ... So it seems unrealistic to expect the rich to do so (which is not to say that they should not share generously). If the rich won't give up their money, they can either just sit on it or spend it. And honestly it is probably better for the economy /others if they do the second. Let's say we have two rich people - one lives modestly and just keeps the money in the bank. The other goes on expensive vacations, hires a large staff, buys several houses, etc. Clearly, more people benefit from the second scenario directly (I do realize the bank would invest the money etc. and that might also be a benefit but it is harder to pin down): Edited to add: I am not trying to say that conspicuous consumption is better than the alternative nor that it can not be immoral or unethical. But I don't think it has to be either of those. Also it may not be advisable/can lead to negative consequences but that is not necessarily the same as saying it is wrong. For me, consumption crosses a line when it becomes wasteful/tacky but of course that line is in the eye of the beholder.
  17. I see where you are coming from but to be honest I would be delighted if my kids were invited more in general and doubly delighted if it was for a great vacation.
  18. We use it mostly for chili, tacos, meatballs, lasagna, hamburgers, and sauce bolognese. Other recipes would be filled peppers or filled cabbage.
  19. Thanks for your concern! I am actually not looking on Amazon in the US for the phone as I agree the warranty might be a problem. However, buying it on Amazon in Germany should be fine. I do think the phones might be imported from another EU country but that should not impact the warranty. I guess if I do go ahead and buy there I will open the phone and check the instructions etc. If there is a major issue with the warranty I can always send it back to Amazon. The price compared to electronics store isn't vastly different though (maybe $60) so it is worth it save but not so much that it is implausible (I also see various stores offering prices in between). I think the big stores just haven't picked the J7 for discounts as they are offering substantial discounts on other Samsung phones.
  20. I have been an au pair - though a number of years ago and from overseas to the US. I went through an agency and would recommend that. First, in case problems come up and second, to get the visa. Not sure about the process to Europe but with a reputable agency you could be sure that the paperwork is in order. Without correct paperwork you set yourself up for all kinds of problems. The agency also offered get togethers etc to meet other au pairs. I got paid a weekly amount as well as flight, insurance, housing, food, and a stipend for taking some classes. The payment wasn't very high and not based on hours (though there was a limit of hours to be worked) but I had hardly any expenses as I basically lived free. The money I made was enough for plenty of extras (books, treats, vacation etc.). However it was also a 40 hour work week. I also had two weeks of paid vacation - generally Europe has a lot more vacation time so not sure how it is done there. I know many countries offer different level (e.g. 20, 30, or 40 hours per week). Generally, you also take some classes. I would consider the following points: Does she genuinely like kids? This is a real job and au pairs that go into it mostly for the fun/culture/travel may not enjoy it (though of course that is part of it). How are her language skills? It may be hard to adjust in a country if you do not speak the language at all. I would think carefully with how many kids she would feel comfortable and with what age groups. Also, location (city/suburb/countryside) is important. I guess it partly depends on what she is used to and what she is looking for. Personally, I would recommend either city or suburb as it could be rather isolating if you are in a small town. Also, there may be less chances to meet other au pairs and take classes. If possible, check transportation possibilities. I had a car for my own use but that is probably less common where she is going (though possible). In the small town I live it would be no problem for an au pair to have no car (though maybe an adjustment). You can walk/bike within the town and it is a 30 minute train ride to the next large city with trains going 2 or 3 times per hour. However, if you lived in one of the surrounding villages the situation would be quite different.
  21. Thanks, Lanny, I appreciate all the trouble you are taking. We are actually not in the US but overseas and I have seen reviews of the DUOs here so I think they are being sold here. In this case I do think we would be better off with the Moto but this will be a Christmas present so the perceived value of it is probably more important than the actual one - i.e. I would rather ds is happy with a lesser phone than unhappy with a better one. And as he will only get one, there is no way to really see which one is better. I think I will wait a little while longer to see if any of these models are having a sale and try to convince ds of the Moto's merits. I have warned him about the 16 GB (repeatedly). Maybe we can still go to a larger city and visit a store so he can actually look at the phones. If he had a chance to see/touch the Moto he might even prefer it (or not). I don't really want to buy something he might end up disliking (even if his reasons are silly).
  22. I am pretty sure the Amazon phone is unlocked etc. but will definitely check before ordering. As far as I can tell, he doesn't need a Samsung but a) he is familiar with it and wants to stick with something he knows and b) I don't think he is familiar with any other brands so is leery to try something else. I am not too worried about towers etc. as he mostly uses it at home with wifi. Yes, I am still hoping to convince him of the Moto G5Plus as that is exactly what I am afraid of. The 16 GB will limit him and become annoying quickly. Unfortunately, this is not my more malleable child...
  23. We all have Kindle Fires (older models) and are quite happy with them. We have never had other ones so maybe we just don't know what we are missing but I think they are fine. I don't care for youger ds's tablet because it is a different model and I have a hard time figuring out the controls but that is just me, I think (and of course I hardly ever touch it so can't get used to it). They also are fairly sturdy - only one is a bit damaged and ds has had it for 3+ years. Younger ds uses his a lot, older ds not so much because he also has a phone, computer etc. but now that his phone is broken he is using it more and it seems to be fine. Given that your boys are still pretty young I would go with the Kindle Fires for now unless you get a good deal on something else.
  24. Thanks, Lanny. I really like what I see about the Moto G 5 Plus and I will try one more time to convince ds of it. Unfortunately, he seems kind of stuck on the Samsung. I am assuming the Amazon phone is unlocked/with warranty but will double check. I would prefer buying at a superstore (that's what I did with previous phones) but they are quite a bit more expensive. However, the difference isn't so high that it would raise red flags (i.e. it isn't just 50% or something). I think the lower price may be due to import from another country maybe? The superstore price is higher than what I am looking for but I will keep checking for deals. I think the older J7 is from 2016. Not sure if I need a very long life for the phone as ds is pretty unlucky with his stuff (okay, and not real careful) and his last phone barely made it two years. I'd feel absolutely fine with 32. It's just the 16 I am worried about as a good chunk is probably used for running the phone so really you only have 10 or so left. I got an extra SD card for my phone and it is great for storing photos etc. BUT it does not work for apps etc. It is a major pain but then again mine only has 8 GB.
  25. Sorry about all these gift questions - I am almost done with my Christmas shopping though so this is hopefully the last one. I got younger ds his iphone now, but still need a moderately priced phone for his 15 year old brother. People recommended the Moto 5 G Plus but son has his heart set on another Samsung. He mentioned the J7 but I really don't know that much about phones so I have two questions: It only comes with 16 GB and I am quite concerned about that. Mine has 8 GB and that makes it basically worthless as I constantly have to delete stuff. I realize 16 is double the amount and a large portion of my 8 GB are used by operating system etc. Still, I just can't tell whether 16 GB will be a problem down the line. DS mostly uses the phone for playing games I think. Second question: I see two variations for the phone on Amazon: J7 Duos with Android 7.0 and J7 (2016) with Android 6.0 (Marshmallow). I have no clue whether the difference between these is worth the difference in price (about $50). So if anyone could weigh in I would really appreciate it!
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