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Everything posted by Twolittleboys

  1. Well, I took it several times and it doesn't take many changes to get a different result. That seems kind of silly as one or two random changes are unlikely to really influence one's social class. While most of us probably know mostly people in our own or similar class, it is quite likely that we would know someone from school/camp/nursery school etc. with a widely different path. The same is true for hobbies. There is a class component but a lot of it is just personal preference. And I do think it is missing some very important components, like education, travel, reading etc.
  2. Hm, not sure I really agree. I got "precariat" or "emergent service worker)" (I made some minor changes the second time around). I don't think either really applies though it depends on what one means by "socio-economic class". Actually, I was thinking of it as "social class" and it might fit better as "socio-economic class". Either way, I think personal perception has a lot to do with one's class. On paper we do fit in the "lower" class as our income/wealth just isn't very high, but I do not feel at all like we are on the "bottom" of the heap. I put a lot more weight on factors other than income/wealth (though they are of course related). For me, education and experiences are much more important, especially as income/wealth can fluctuate so much depending on life circumstances.
  3. I don't really know. I am not sure I will buy it right now anyway as there are so many expenses at this time of year. Cheaper would definitely be better but performance is the most important. So suggestions at any price point are welcome - I will then keep an eye out for good deals/consider the price to make a choice.
  4. I hate, hate, hate our vacuum cleaner. We haven't had it very long, maybe a couple of years, but it is just so annoying. The main problem is that it does not vacuum very well. Especially long hair gets stuck on our rugs and just gets sucked into little bushels but then you have to pick them up by hand. Anyway, I might consider getting a new one for Christmas but I want to make sure it is much better. Ideally for a low price but if the only really good ones are expensive I would rather wait a while until I get one. So who is very happy with theirs?
  5. I guess it is soon time to hope for grandchildren...
  6. I could understand if one item or other was gone (say no more cranberry sauce) but honestly don't see how there could be no leftovers. And if I was the girlfriend and saw all the food disappear I would make sure to save plenty.
  7. ​Given the choices, I would get the Fitbit UNLESS you think one of the other items will make life more enjoyable/much easier for you. Actually, I would probably get something less useful than a Fitbit - a real splurge. Maybe a bunch of teas, chocolates, bath salts, books etc? Or some puzzles/games etc.? Definitely something that will be fun and feel like a present.
  8. Not quite a holiday food desaster but kind of... When I was a young teenager my mother worked two days a week and I was home alone. One time I decided to make meringue as a surprise for my parents. I am talking about those hard, light, puffy ones you eat on their own (not as part of a cake or anything). Problem was, my mother didn't bake, ever, so I had never seen what beaten egg white looked like and even though we had a handheld mixer I had no clue how it worked (or that I needed one). So I beat the egg whites (which probably had some yolk in it anyway) by hand for a long time until some small bubbles appeared. Given how much work it had been I figured that was what they were looking for so I spread them on the cookie sheet an baked. They were basically just thin splotches of egg white with sugar mixed in. Totally disgusting!
  9. These sound so yummy - unfortunately, noone but me would eat it in our house so not sure it is worth making. But so tempting!
  10. I think the week before Christmas shouldn't be too bad for crowds. Most kids are still in school, right? We went during that time and it wasn't bad at all - however it was quite a number of years ago and I know parks have gotten a lot busier overall. Just don't pick a Saturday to go to the mall (we got so wrapped up in Disney I never even thougth about people going Christmas shopping and it was a madhouse).
  11. It's not a secret here but a bit tricky as I work as a freelancer and it fluctuates widely. I don't even know until I file my taxes (well, I should be better informed but somehow I lose track). If it was a regular amount I would have no problem telling the kids and I don't really care if they told others.
  12. I make the stuffing recipe from the Fanny Farmer cookbook - fairly similar to Zoo Keeper's above but no eggs. I think it is rather similar Stove Top. It really isn't much work (we buy the bread cubes already dried) and can't get Stove Top here anyway.
  13. The one I ordered has 32 GB. Maybe not great but decent enough I hope. My phone has 8 and it is a major pain (to the point where I would almost consider getting a different phone). I do have an extra storage card in my phone so pictures are no problem but somehow it doesn't work right for apps and I constantly have to delete things just so the phone will keep running.
  14. Well, I went ahead and ordered the 6. I guess I will keep an eye out and if the 6s comes down in price I might exchange it. I honestly think as long as it works properly he will be happy. Older ds is quite resigned that his potential replacement phone will be more of a mid-range model. Not sure how much of that is that he feels bad for breaking it/knows he won't get a fancy one this time and how much that he has realized that he doesn't need the most advanced stuff (though he may miss it once he gets the new phone).
  15. Absolutely. Part of the problem is that I got a bit carried away when I got his brother's phone when he was the same age. It is a bit difficult to say, yes, your brother got the newest Samsung on the market but you are just getting one that costs a quarter of the price. Especially as older brother tends to get more anyway (not sure why - it isn't intentional favoring). DS does have some money saved up and would be willing to contribute but I don't really like that idea for a Christmas present and I don't want to spend that much (even if it is partly his money) as I think it just is too much for a kid that age to carry around. I don't really know that much about smartphones and have never had an iphone so I wasn't sure whether a 6 would be fine. My phone for example is fine for the most part but only has 8GB and is constantly full and crashing. Anyway, I went ahead and ordered the 6. If I change my mind / find a better deal I can always send it back and that way at least it won't be sold out when I want to buy it. Now I just need to find a new phone for older brother...
  16. I am sure the 6S is better but it is also over $600 (depending on the exchange rate) and that is just more than I want to spend. And I have a Samsung Prime that I got for "free" when I bought his brother's phone. He doesn't like the SE because he thinks it is too small. I wish he liked it as it is even cheaper and is still being actively sold.
  17. It may not be in the US. It looks like they are trying to sell off the remaining 6's to a fairly good price. I am quite tempted as I don't think ds really needs all the bells and whistles but has his heart set on an iphone.
  18. The price difference between the 6 and the 6 s is quite significant (around $180) and more importantly the 6S is just more than I am willing to pay. I guess my main worry is that the 6 may be outdated/not good enough etc. It is still quite expensive so that would be a bummer. On the other hand it will be ds first phone so presumably anything is better than nothing...
  19. Definitely getting one for the iphone!
  20. Yes, the SE would be nice but ds doesn't like the size. It would be slightly less. We live overseas so not sure the deals are going to be the same. Actually, the 6 does have a decent price (at least compared to other iphones) - I think they are trying to get rid of it. I am actually wondering whether I should go ahead and order it now instead of waiting to Friday as it may sell out? Apple doesn't sell it anymore here. I just don't want to spend all that money and have ds not be happy with it.
  21. Thanks so much - this is exactly the info I am looking for. Sounds like the difference between 6 and 6S isn't huge for a regular user. Unfortunately, we couldn't even look at the 6 as they no longer carry it in stores, just online. Definitely looking into this. We live overseas so unfortunately no Costco for us. Too bad your son's got stolen - that is what I am afraid of too, especially with a more expensive phone.
  22. I guess it depends on what the actual situation is. I have one child who does tend to break things quite a lot. But he isn't really aggressive, just unlucky / clumsy (and I am being quite objective here). When he was little I saw him literally just pick up a wooden train and it came apart in his hands. There is a huge difference between a kid running and falling with something in his/her hand that breaks from one smashing something on purpose. I do agree that "boys will be boys" is a bad excuse for horrible behaviour. But if it was a situation with several very polite, compliant children and mine were much louder/wilder I can see saying something to that effect. After all you have to say something... Obviously I don't know the OP's situation so it is difficult to know how bad the kids really are acting.
  23. I don't really hate many people (if any), definitely not my friends' kids. I guess if they were mean, hurtful, etc. but it would have to be quite extreme. Not liking them much/not wanting to have them over is something else. Also, I do wonder whether the fact that you have all girls plays a role. I know someone above said that being boys is no excuse and obviously it is not for really bad behaviour. Still, children have different temperaments and if you are more used to one type it may be difficult to account for that. I used to take care of two little girls and they were pretty much angels. When we had neighbor boys or cousins etc over I couldn't believe how wild, destructive etc. they were. Well, now I have two boys of my own and I would not call them "angels". I don't think your friend is right that "boys will be boys" and that makes anything okay but honestly, I would not expect most two year olds (or any kids under 8 or so) to go off and play peacefully in a play room for more than a short time. I do have one kid who would do it (so it isn't just that my kids don't act good so I think it is normal) but based on doing stuff with friends and their kids when they were younger there were always issues and many kids come every 5 minutes or so to ask for something, complain, etc. Still, if you don't like having them over there is no need to do so. However, it may have a negative impact on your friendship. I think it is okay to ask your friend to do stuff without the kids sometimes but I would probably have my feelings hurt if you had your kids and other kids there but made it clear that mine are not welcome (even if they were wilder/more annoying than average).
  24. Yes, I am definitely waiting but want to decide what I am looking for! Definitely will look at the Moto G5 Plus. As for the 12 year old I would be okay with getting him a new iPhone 6. I think it would be a bit unfair to get him a used one/much cheaper one if older brother at the (more or less) same age got the top of the line (pretty much). Unfortunately, being the younger one he often has to make do with stuff anyway. I don't think DS really needs an iphone or really understands the difference between that and an Android. I think it is mostly the name he is wanting. Which is not great but on the other hand he is a very sweet boy and does deserve a treat... Okay, to be honest older DS did not have any sort of box/case. He has dropped the phone plenty (and in general doesn't treat it well) and there was some damage (cracked screen etc.) for a long time but now it suddenly doesn't turn on anymore even though nothing additional has happened. I did at first think we could get it fixed but he says it isn't worth spending a lot of money on getting it to run again as there are so many other issues (cracked screen, something wrong with the button for turning it on, something wrong with the headphone plug in...) Still, maybe I better think about a case this time. Still, does anyone know how a iphone 6 would compare to a 6 S? Is there a huge difference (I have looked at reviews online but can't tell whether it would have much impact in regular use)?
  25. Okay, younger ds desperately wants an iphone for Christmas. He is 12 and even though I would rather hold off a bit longer with giving him a smartphone he is quite mature, already has a tablet anyway, and the only kid in his class without one. So I am kind of willing to get one. BUT I really can't afford one of the newer models (and don't even think it would be a reasonable purchase if I could). There is a good price on an iphone 6. The iphone SE is even cheaper but ds says it is too small? He would like the iphone 6 S but that one is quite a bit more. Is there a huge difference? Would the iphone 6 still be sufficient? Also, his older brother got a phone (he was about six months older) two years ago and did get the newest Samsung at that time. After rebates etc. it was more or less similar in price to the iphone 6. Unfortunately, his just broke so he also needs a new phone - :crying: Anyone has a recommendation for a decent phone that isn't too expensive (he is aware that he won't get top of the line as his broke after just 2 years)?
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