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Everything posted by chepyl

  1. Normally refreshed....currently, at 8 weeks pregnant....I drag myself to the kitchen, grab a small munching amd collapse in the reclined for am hour.
  2. DD looks like my sister, DS looks like his daddy. She is brunette with brown eyes, naturally curly hair, DS is alone with blue eyes! Complete opposites. :)
  3. Replace it with juice for a few days. You still have some headache, but not the sugar cravings. DH had a book on caffeine that gave instructions on quiting without withdraw symptoms. I don't remember what it was.
  4. Cold turkey! I have tried to taper off, bit then a stressful week happens and I am back where I was. SIL quit cold turkey because of health issues. I am now on day 4 of no soda, already the thought of it makes me ill.
  5. R&S English Singapore math RS4K Bio and the Chem SOTW And our CC memory work, although we are not going to spend as much time on it each day.
  6. No. I took my babies out early on. I teach dance, I am always around sick kids. I nursed both of my kids until they were almost 2. They got the occasional sniffle, bit we are a pretty healthy family. I want them exposed to germs, I want to keep their immune systems strong. I was however, very frustrated when DS went to a slumber party last year and one kid had a sibling at home with swine flu. I had two very sick kids.
  7. I prefer the look of the US edition, as does my son. I think the HIG is fine. I don't see any differences in the two. We use TB, WB, IP, and CWP. It is great for commenting concepts amd challenging him.
  8. Sounds like something that would happen to my dd! She got stuck in the guinea pig cage. Glad you were able to get her out :lol:
  9. First meeting and more answered prayers. The fear since August has been that she was in a place where she was tied to her bed and left. In that situation she would have lost any progress made with her at the infant house.She is not. She has progressed a great deal. She walks, feeds herself and is loved and cared for. The blog post and pictures will bring you to tears.
  10. I pack a bag for the car if we are hung out for the day, but I always keep clothes for my 3 year old.
  11. I think it is odd to hand out such specific food items. On both sides of our family we all just volunteer what we want to make. One family always does salad, I always make deserts and sonething fun. But no one dictates wjat we bring. If she wants a menu that specific she should cook it herself. Otherwise, it makes more sense to say, we need a meat dish, a coupke of veggies, potatoes, bread and salad. Who wants to bring what? I think your reaponse was fine.
  12. Breakfast: Blueberry French Toast Cinnamon Rolls A veggie dish my sister is making Lunch: Leftover Christmas Eve stroganoff. Dinner: With my in-laws Ham Green bean casserole Mashed potatoes Salad Bread Lots of deserts
  13. It will still be 3-6 months. They have to leave her and come home, go back for court, then leave and go back a month layer to bring her home. I am not sure how long the process will be. They are hoping to bring her home in March or April.
  14. They passed theor medical exams. Here is her blog about it. Thank you for all of your prayers. It is just one amazing thing after another with this adoption. In a country that is not very tolerant of diabetes in adoption, the chief of medicine, who ran their exams, was a diabetic!! Tomorrow, they meet their little girl. update below!
  15. My sob like to do problems in his head too. He feels like he has failed if he has to write a problem out. I let him do it in his head, of he misses the problem, he writes that one out. He generally writes out 2-3 problems a day. It is a fight for those few problems, but showing work is important enough to fight over. Later, he will need to show work on harder problems amd I want him to be used to it.
  16. My 6 year old took a nap.....he has not mapped since he was 3....he woke up with a fever and an upset tummy. Water, tylenol, and a puke bowl to the rescue. He is now sleeping...hopefully, all night.
  17. Our church had several extra services this weekend, they have Christmas Eve services next week, but no Sunday services. We would not be going anyway. We spend Christmas morning at my parent's house and if we were to go to church as a family, it would be at their church (which does have a Sunday service on Christmas.) But we are generally too busy with family time to go anywhere Christmas Day. I have no problem with a change in schedule to allow the ministry staff a special day with family.
  18. Lots of water and cranberry juice. I have one too....I called last night and my Dr called a description in that I am starting today. Then I have an appointment on Monday. Is there an express clinic near you?
  19. They still have two more trips before they get to bring her home. They have made it safely to their destination. They had a meeting and then were headed to bed. 10pm central time is when they are scheduled for their medical exams.
  20. Can she just do a section of a Dr. Seuss Book? If you want rhyming, look at some children's plays or a Shakespearean comedy or sonnet.
  21. You may not remember me posting a while back about my SIL and BIL adopting a little girl with Down Syndrome from Eastern Europe. If you missed it: They committed to a little girl through Reece's Rainbow. They completed their initial paperwork and found out (when the agency attempted to submit the paperwork) that the little girl had been moved to an institution. They had previously been told that the institution she was going to would not do an adoption. No child has been adopted from this institution. Good news: they decided to make an exception! Now, several months later, BIL and SIL are traveling overseas. They are probably in the air somewhere right now. SIL has type 1 diabetes. They must both have medical exams on Monday morning before they are approved to adopt. Please pray that they pass the exams. If they pass, they will see the little girl on Tuesday. Thanks!
  22. $500 and the store did alterations at no extra cost. The veil was about $50-75. That was in 2000, wedding in Jan 2001.
  23. I am pretty sure this article was already linked in a different thread on this topic. I don't understand the need to bring this up AGAIN this week. The type of neglect the author is talking about is not what anyone on this forum has said they have done. The quote from Ferber about his intention with the book is closer to what parents here are talking about. Parents are letting their child cry for short periods of time with methods of soothing other than picking them up. Several havr noted that it does not work for all children and they discontinued and tried something else with the child within 2-3 days. I am one of those people. My dd is incredibly loving and attached to us. She is smart and has no worse attention span than any other 3-4 year old. I don't understand your need to continue revisiting this subject. Why do you feel the need to make other parents feel guilty in the choices they have made? Each family must choose what is right for them. What is right for your family may not be right for someobe else's. No one is talking about neglecting their children, leaving them for hours day after day for mobths. Reread what people have said.
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