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Everything posted by chepyl

  1. I don't "exercise" regularly, but I teach dance 3-5 days a week for 2-5 hours a day. I also clean my house, now weekly (when not pregnant in the summer ;) ) and take my kids swimming in the summer. Every now and then I get on the eliptical, or we walk to 7-eleven (for icees!), we go to the park which requires a half mile walk to the playground. When you ask about exercise, I think more of working out....so I gues, I get plenty of exercise, but I do not purposefully work out. That is boring!
  2. I have never had a hotel charge for holding our bags before check in time. In NyC, they even took out luggage up when the room.was ready. We returned after shopping and just had to go upstairs. Pack a full set of clothes, toothbrush, meds, and any other items you may need in your carryon. I have had a bag lost before...emergency shopping on vacation is no fun!
  3. I have always been active. I have danced my whole life. Now I teach dance. I am on my feet 4 hours a night. It is not a full cardiovascular workout, but at least I am not sedentary. I am so tired from teaching that I cannot do anything else. I do not workout because it bores me. I have tried many times to get in the habit, but I cannot walk or be on the elliptical for half an hour....I have tried music and tv...still can't handle more than 5-10 minutes.
  4. Cursive is not faster for everyone. I always took notes in print because I disliked cursive. I still print everything. I took better notes than many classmates who wrote in cursive. I am teaching my son cursive this year or next, but he can already sign his name in cursive. That is all he really needs.
  5. My rising second grader could do all of them, he might struggle with cousin. Math is his thing and we spent most of kindergarten going one geography.
  6. I cannot get my new address to save in PayPal either. I have tried numerous times. I always give my address in correspondance and have never had a problem. I think you should just reship it. When I have sold something, I ask for a good address.
  7. I have had a lot more aches and pains with this pregnancy. I have horrible round ligament pain and it feels like I have pulled muscles in my inner thighs sometimes, then I cannot walk. I have stopped carrying my 4 year old around. She has to sit in my lap if she needs to he held. I would not carry your 3 year old on your back. I went to the chiropractor and after three visits, my pain is so much better!! No weird nerve pain. I am also wearing my maternity belt some. I have avoided it until the last week, but now I wish I had made use of it early on. If you need to get walking again, do it slowly. If you have been inactive for any period of time, gou can't jump back in at your regular pace right away, especially while pregnant. You have to build your endurance back up. Take it easy for a few days, then start slow. I am sorry you are in so much pain!
  8. Putting your own year together is not that hard. I just made a list of subjects to cover: grammar, reading, spelling, cursive, math, literature, history, science, Latin, Bible, memory work. Then I found what I wanted for each subject. Some things I went with a full program: math, grammar, history, etc. For literature, we read what I jave at home and what is in the "What your......needs to Know" books. Same for reading, we do what ever interests my son. After you have a subject list, make a criteria list for each subject: length of time each lrsson will take, teach intensive or more independent, religious or secular, colorful or plain, etc. Use that to narrow down your choices. Start with a list and then start hand picking programs. Since I knew what I wanted, I could look for all the pieces used and only bought new at the end, when I did not find what I wanted. Once you pick a program, give a placement test or look at the TOC to see where to place each child.
  9. I would feed her meat. I get hungry very quickly if I don't eat meat, nuts and peanut butter dont work for me. I am hungry so fast after a PBJ sandwich. I was a toothpick when I was little. I was a picky eater, but I loved chicken and steak!
  10. West Side Story!! One of my favorite musicals!
  11. I think of it as just doing math in your head vs paper. That includes learning strategies to do math in your head. I had the same twacher for 2nd and 3rd grade. Everyday, as we waited for the bell so we cohld go home, we did "mental math." She did a string of problems to see who could keep up and get the right answer. It was just practice of basic facts. 1+4*6/2-5*7+35.....etc.
  12. I shower 30-60 minutes before I need to leave the house, or mid afternoon if I am going nowhere. If I have nowhere to be and we are cleaning or playing outside, I may boy shower at all or take one before bed.
  13. I have been playing with It a little bit. I won't really have time until next week, but the progress they have made in a week is huge. Things that are coming soon, according to the q&a and an email from them in response to my question: you will be able to batch add assignments and move things around. You will be able to drag and drop calendar items. By August there will he apps for ipods and other devices. It syncs to various calendars...Google and on for iPhone. I think it is worth saving $50 over two years to get it now. They are taking feature suggestions and correcting bugs quickly. Plus as PP said....it is pretty ;)
  14. I would only have her test IF she goes into ps.
  15. I would do a one night stay somewhere like a B&B now. If it is a little less than 24 hours, you could pump enough for the baby while you are gone and pump while you are away. Most we have stayed in had fridges in the room, then you don't have to dump it. When baby is weaned, then plan a nice trip. I would end up with mastitis if I left a nursing baby that long. I have had it on a trip (with baby) before and it was NO FUN!!!
  16. :iagree: If they don't offer a drive through option, I don't tip just because they walk to my car. The Schlotzky's by our house ALWAYS makes you pull forward! Then they have to walk the food out to you. It does not matter if it is busy and it has nothing to do with a mistake in the order. I don't tip them. I get better service at the drive through at Chick Fil A than I ever had at any of the dozens of Sonics I have been to. I always request ketchup, sauce, napkins, and salt no matter what drive thru I am in. Even the ones that take the order at the drive thru rarely remember to put it in. I ask nothing more of a Sonic car hop than I do of a drive thru worker, and MUCH MUCH less than any wait staff at a sit down restaurant. **I do tip when a group is doing a fundraiser at Sonic or another fast food place.**
  17. I don't tip at Sonic. I also don't sit and eat and I don't ask them to go back for anything unleas my order is messed up. The one by our house does not have a drive thru option. It also had awful drinks!! So I have not been to a Sonic in two years!
  18. We generally spent 1-1.5 hours a day. At the start of the year we did: 15-20 minutes of math (Singapore 2a) 5-10 on spelling 10-15 on grammar 20-30 minutes on science or history on alternating days 10-15 minutes on memory work By the end of the year, we dropped the memory work and spent more time on math. He did 15 minutes of silent reading a day and we read aloud most days. I dont count that in our seat work time. That happened at irregular times throughout the day.
  19. My friend who had twins had o.e every month or two weeks. Her twins were induced at 40 weeks and were 7.5&8.5 pounds. I dont know if they are left handed, but they are definately not small and they are intelligent. Both of my kids are fine. I had three with DD. Go find out what she is having!! :)
  20. She was jumping rope at five am. It is nearly midnight and she is jumping rope again....she took a short nap this evening, and had a cranky spell. I don't think she actually had a fever again, but this has messed up her sleep patterns!!!
  21. I love it. We have bad days, and I need my breaks, but I enjoy the one on one time with the kids.
  22. It is far off for us, but DS would like to at this point. We will take it year by year. I would like to.
  23. She is currently eating a big lunch, yelling at bubby and happy and normal....no fever. It has been nearly 12 hours since any meds. We have a rehearsal to run tonight. I am taking the stroller, a pillow, blanket, motrin and tylenol....maybe if I am prepared, she will be fine :)
  24. I just posted something similar! My DD is tired and has a fever off and on. It has not been as high as yours. It is almost like she is starting to get sick, but her immune system is fighting it off before it gets too bad. She is not REALLY sick....just halfway there :confused:
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