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Everything posted by SJ.

  1. Crew neck sweaters, you should be able to find many different styles this time of year.
  2. Cowl neck sweaters. You can also accessorize with scarves. I like to dress casually and am currently loving things in the Gap Fit line, like these: Gap Fit Running Hoodie Long Sleeve Crewneck Long Sleeve T Shirt ETA: I don't claim to have great fashion sense, nor any for that matter!
  3. The boys' section of Target, Walmart, or a sporting goods store.
  4. Sorry, should have included it! This is it: http://allrecipes.com/recipe/slow-cooker-buffalo-chicken-sandwiches/
  5. Maybe something similar to the slow cooker shredded buffalo chicken? Makes a great sandwich and is very easy to make.
  6. We went to see it and enjoyed it. I caution parents of sensitive children because it is intense in the scenes with the villains and in multiple sad scenes.
  7. I think this is it - tumbling mat.
  8. SJ.

    Sports glasses?

    We have them and purchased them at Walmart. Definitely worth it.
  9. :cheers2: Semper fidelis :cheers2: :party: :patriot: :party:
  10. Really? Where do you live? Here it costs $1.99 - $2.99 a lb for chicken breast and thigh while ground beef is $4.99/lb.
  11. It is what's for dinner at my house on most days. Mostly because it is so much cheaper than beef.
  12. I'm sorry he missed it last year and was hurt, unfortunately those things happen. There are so many ways you can get hurt in day to day life but thankfully don't. Missing out on rollerskating with friends due to a fear of injury for a child's performance is a bit overkill. Realistically, you could trip down the stairs, fall in the shower/bath, get in a car accident, stub your toe so hard you break it, and so forth, yet I am sure you don't restrict these things. When my boys learned to skate this summer they crashed many times but they were fine, just bruised.
  13. Definitely an overreaction. Let him go and have fun. Realistically you can get hurt doing many mundane things, like walking, though we don't wrap ourselves in a protective bubble and restrict ourselves from living life. I understand that performances and competitions can be very important but so is having balance in your life. Just curious, how old is your son?
  14. Very reasonable. Exercise makes me feel physically better as well as mentally and when I miss my workouts I can tell.
  15. In the past my boys have made cards with personal notes inside. I like to give gifts but I just can't give one to everyone. To be honest I think the list of people that I have read you should give to is exhausting and not possible for most people. You've had some great suggestions OP and I hope you find something that works for your family. Remember, you shouldn't feel obligated to give every coach, club leader, teacher, and instructor a gift.
  16. The nebulizer helped tremendously with the coughing. That type of cough is exhausting and is hard on the entire body so it makes sense that you are tired. I truly help you feel better soon, pneumonia is terrible.
  17. I had it a couple years ago. It was a little over one week before I saw a doctor. The first antibiotic they gave me did not work so I had to have a second. I was sick for about two and a half weeks, it was awful. At home nebulizer treatments made a tremendous difference with the coughing, did you get that prescribed? After I was over the fever roller coasters and started to feel better it wasn't long before I felt back to normal. I still had an awful cough and used the nebulizer as needed but I wasn't extremely tired. IIRC, I was back to the gym shortly after I began to feel better. Definitely take as much rest as you need to feel better. If you still have a fever or are feeling awful I would go back to the doctor to make sure you don't need a different antibiotic. Hope you feel better soon.
  18. I second Pandora if your gym has free WiFi and you can turn off your data. Otherwise you can easily use too much of your data plan.
  19. I would try to piece together something from what I have at home. I agree with your DS, he will eventually feel too old for TOT. Let him enjoy it while it is still fun for him.
  20. Car bingo Audiobooks Movies, works well with a tablet if you don't have a DVD player. As you go through Kansas City don't miss the BBQ. We recently stopped at Oklahoma Joe's KC BBQ. Absolutely delicious and I don't generally care for that type of food. Will you be driving through Colorado?
  21. This. Can you take them to a kennel this time?
  22. I am interested in making laundry soap and checked out the recipe you posted. Sounds easy enough but it doesn't list how much of the soap you use per load..?
  23. Perhaps it is mostly the change in the style of her eyebrows?
  24. We are most likely going on a 20 hr road trip. By we I mean me and the boys. This is last minute, not because of any problems, but because that's how I roll! Lol makes my dh crazy. Any tips for making it as painless as possible? Is it crazy to find lodging on the road and play it by ear how far we drive each day? What if I told you I don't have a smart phone ( not as easy to find a place) but I do have a gps unit? Any ideas for making it inexpensive? We will be bringing a cooler but I am limited on time. I'd like to love thurs morning, but I'd be ok with Friday.
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