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Everything posted by SJ.

  1. Yes, definitely possible. Success stories More success stories More of 'em
  2. Another vote for headlamps (how fun!) and reflective gear.
  3. Another vote for Walmart. They have great prices and a good warranty. One year we found frames at a local optical shop but nothing at Walmart. We purchased the frames from the shop and the lenses from Walmart, thus saving a nice amount of money.
  4. I guess I don't get it. Doesn't stuff like this perpetuate stereotypes? Some of them don't even make sense.
  5. I'm glad you were able to get through to someone. A local hospital has a nurse line that has been extremely helpful in similar moments. I hope your son feels better and can rest tonight.
  6. Just wanted to add - I wouldn't be surprised if the pins and needles feeling was due to the sandal being too tight from swelling.
  7. There's not much you can do for a broken toe. I would give a pain reliever, ice it for 20 min on then 20 min off, and keep it elevated. I would also skip the sandal.
  8. I bottle it up until I can head to the gym where I lift weights and take BodyCombat.
  9. I think this is more of a it's me, not you situation. I wish you wouldn't ask because I have such a difficult time saying no.
  10. I bought myself ConCret, a type of creatine to get a little boost in my weight lifting.
  11. I truly despise fundraisers. I remember being a kid and attending the assemblies that get you so excited about the prizes and being disappointed when I didn't get any big prizes despite walking the neighborhood trying to make sales. I hate saying no to kids that knock on my door but in the past I've always tried to buy something inexpensive. Recently the neighbors came knocking selling popcorn for Boy Scouts. I wanted to say no. I really wanted to say no because I just spent a ton of money on an activity for my own children that does not do fund raising. I folded and bought some popcorn, $15 for 6 oz. I don't really like popcorn but I felt like I had to do it. Ugh. Hate fundraisers.
  12. I'll play, I love to hear about positive things! :) 1. I am extremely grateful to belong to a wonderful gym that has fantastic childcare where my boys have made new friends, a wide range of classes accessible to all fitness levels, a relaxing outdoor adult only pool area, and most of all a wonderful group of people that are now my friends. 2. After over a year of the stress of knowing a layoff is imminent dh has a new job with a few years of guaranteed stability and a shorter commute. 3. This summer my boys were accepted into a competitive gymnastics team. It is a great program with fantastic coaches and encouraging kids. Bonus - new friends for me as I find the other parents enjoyable to chat with. 4. We were recently able to spend time in the mountains enjoying the fall foliage, I am so happy to live in such a beautiful state and get to enjoy it with my family.
  13. I agree and apparently so do some of my friends since the last few parties the boys attended did not have them. Join us and skip the goody bags!!!
  14. As far as mixing up shoes while dressing/undressing, can't the teens be spoken to about being more careful? I've been in plenty of hectic environments like this but always have been able to keep track of my own things.
  15. Can you affix a removable tag to the laces when they aren't being worn? Like a baggage tag that you can loop through both shoes? When I was in marching band we "checked out" all uniform pieces for the season and kept them at our home. We were responsible for keeping them clean and having them ready each week. It seems like a lot of unnecessary work for the school to house and organize the uniforms.
  16. This, a million times. When I notice my ds is having a difficult time with something and is frustrated I try not to let it get to the point where he gets so upset that he has an outburst. If you find that your dd is starting to get to that point you can make a mental note of what she needs to work on and review it tomorrow or later. We do a lot of talking about how our brains are similar to muscles and need to be challenged. When you are challenged you make mistakes and that is how you learn. I am constantly telling my little perfectionists that if they automatically know all the answers then we are working on the wrong material and they are not learning. Constantly.
  17. BTDT. What worked for us was (1) seeing a child therapist, (2) having an eval with an OT where he was diagnosed with sensory processing issues, including a severe visual processing delay, and (3) most importantly adjusting my expectations and reactions. In addition to the books recommended I suggest the book Mindset which talks about the perfectionist mindset, it really helped me communicate with both of my children who are perfectionists.
  18. So start a new paragraph with Then so and so said... And again with An old cow replied... ? Thanks for your help. SJ
  19. Thanks! Do you start a new paragraph the first time anyone speaks? For example, is it like this: La de da da. Da da dum. La la la. La de da da. Da da dum. La la la. La de da da. Da da dum. La la la. La de da da. Da da dum. La la la. La de da da. Da da dum. La la la. La de da da. Da da dum. La la la. La de da da. Da da dum. La la la. La de da da. Da da dum. La la la. La de da da. Da da dum. La la la. La de da da. Da da dum. La la la. La de da da. Da da dum. La la la. La de da da. Da da dum. La la la. La de da da. Da da dum. La la la. La de da da. Da da dum. La la la. La de da da. Da da dum. La la la. La de da da. Da da dum. La la la. Then so and so said, "Blah blah blah." An old cow replied, "Blah and blah." And this is the last sentence of my story.
  20. Also, Walmart will readjust frames that are stretched out for free. It does not matter where you purchased them.
  21. Where are the glasses breaking? How are they breaking? If it is at the hinges there are glasses for children reinforced at the hinge. There are also bendable glasses like these. Sports glasses are also very sturdy. Two things that helped us were teaching our ds how to properly take the glasses off and put them on using two hands and sticking to the rule "If they're not on your face they are in the case."
  22. This exactly. Try the sample in different areas of the room because depending on the lighting the color can look very different. We lived with multiple paint colors all over our living area while searching for a color and learned sometimes on the wall the color can look entirely different than the swatch. It even changes depending on the time of day. ;)
  23. Anyone care to help me out with quotations in writing? My son has an assignment due tomorrow at an enrichment program he attends and I need help helping him. We use WWE at home so I do not have the IEW teacher guide with the explanations. We only have a few more hours to work on it today due to engagements this afternoon and evening. Thanks! Original post here: http://forums.welltrainedmind.com/topic/529138-writing-assignment-help-quotations-iew/
  24. In addition to the books mentioned in TWTM I like to get literature ideas from Book Shark and Newberry Award winners.
  25. My children attend an enrichment program where they use IEW. My 4th grade son's assignment this week includes quotation marks. I am confused about the rule that states: Begin a new paragraph when the speaker changes. The examples where they begin a new paragraph follow this format: "Blah blah blah," the dog said. I understand that in this case you would start a new paragraph. My son's paragraph is written this way: Then so and so said, "Blah blah blah." An old cow replied, "Blah and blah." Is he supposed to start a new paragraph for each of those sentences? Doing so doesn't make sense to me but I will fully admit that I am not well versed in these types of nuances in writing. SJ
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