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Everything posted by SJ.

  1. Our level 4 boys practice 4.5 - 6 hours a week, level 5 practices 6-8 hours, and level 6 practices 10 hours. Practices are two hours long. The number of boys varies, I would say average is about 6-8 boys in a class. If you decide to go back to gymnastics and 15 hours is too much for your family I would talk to the coaches about it, perhaps you could work out a different schedule. Good luck! I wish I had advice on the handstand, I am betting with practice and time he will get it. SJ
  2. What level would your oldest son be competing at if he were to go back to gymnastics? I ask because at our gym it isn't until level 7 or 8 that the boys practice for 10 hours a week, 15 sounds excessive for a nine year old. The coaches understand how easy it is to get burnt out doing competitive gymnastics and since boys peak later than girls they do not want to overwork them at the younger ages and lower levels. They also will work out compromises and some of the boys do not attend every class with a discount on their tuition. It seems to work since every year the graduating seniors go on to do gymnastics in college with scholarships. During the two month break I recommend working on flexibility - all three splits and shoulders. You can also have him do pullups, dips, v-ups, and get/make a set of paralletes to work static holds, handstands, handstand pushups, etc. ETA: Here is a conditioning workout the boys' coach gave me for them to do during vacation: 1.) All splits - 1 min 2.) Pike seat while squeezing legs with emphasis on pointed toes - 1 min 3.) press handstand (if possible) 4.) Hollow hold - 1 min 5.) Arch hold - 1 min 6.) Squat-straight jumps - 45 sec 7.) Push ups - 50 reps
  3. As you may have noticed, due to my serial posting this morning, we are taking trip to San Diego! :party: We definitely want to spend some time at the beach. What San Diego area beach would you recommend? Any beach-y activities you recommend? IIRC, there is a cove or a harbor where you can see (wild) sea lions. Is that right? If yes, where is it? Any tips for a fun day at the beach?
  4. We are visiting Legoland this weekend as a last minute summer trip. I appreciate any advice you can give to help us maximize our fun! When visiting Legoland, is it worth the extra price to go to the waterpark? What are the must see attractions? Is there a better time of day to do things? Is it easy to go to the car for picnic meals? Anything else? Thanks! SJ
  5. We are doing a last minute trip to San Diego. Extremely last minute - we are leaving tomorrow night! We currently have reservations at the Best Western in Miramar. Our plans are to do Lego Land, Sea World, and a day at the beach. I am considering moving our reservation to the Good Nite Inn to save some money and be a little closer to the ocean. Any experiences there? Pros to the Best Western are good reviews, breakfast, refrigerator, microwave, and closer to Lego Land. Cons - further from the beach and more expensive. Pros to Good Nite Inn are close to Sea World, closer to the ocean, close to Old Town, and about $200 cheaper. Cons - not sure about the reviews, further drive to Lego Land Thanks!
  6. I was in the USMC and dh in the USAF. You do not have to have any sports related skills to join and do well in the military. Enjoy your son and follow his interests in a way that is practical for your family. :)
  7. This was me also and I see it in my oldest son. He is a very smart boy but every time something is difficult or he makes a mistake he decides he "can't" and he "hates" that particular thing. What helped me help my son: - Always encouraging him - Explaining the benefits of making mistakes and working hard - Giving examples of people who have worked hard and had many failings before success - Showing him how far he has come when he is discouraged, "Remember when you couldn't do X, now that is easy! Soon this will be easy too if you keep working hard" - Not letting him give up but letting him take a break to recenter himself (sometimes that break may be a week or more) - Telling him if school is easy enough that he automatically knows the answer then we are working at the wrong level - Being involved in gymnastics where there is always a new skill to master and something to do better - Reading Carol Dweck's book Mindset ** Highly recommend! ** You need to keep in mind that your son is a little boy and he is not lazy. He needs to be given the tools to learn how to deal with making mistakes, taking chances, and to keep going when things get difficult. ETA: Also, not everything needs to be a challenge. Relax and enjoy your son. :)
  8. Sad to see CO on the NO list, it is a wonderful place to live :) Best of luck to you and the job search.
  9. When my boys were babies my favorite was a basic prefold with a snappi. Runner up would be all in ones. Last would be pocket diapers, they were a little gross to get the insert out when dirty prior to washing. IMO she won't need that many and I second the suggestions to try out different types to see what works for her baby.
  10. Athlete has cute two piece suits meant for active people that actually stay in place. I hope you daughter can put together a suit she loves out of what you ordered.
  11. PW Summer Stir Fry We make this all the time in the summer, minus the shrimp.
  12. My oldest gets huge welts from mosquito bites. I would keep an eye on it but I wouldn't worry.
  13. My boys do competitive gymnastics at a small gym too. I don't expect all of the parents to know their names. A lot of parents drop off and pick up for practice. Those that stay tend to read, use a digital device, talk to parents around them, or are preoccupied in some way. If other parents do know my boys' names they often mix them up, doesn't bother me one bit. In your situation it seems like a simple mixup. I would let it go. If the underlying issue is wishing your dd knew the other girls better or the other families better I suggest hosting them at your home. Perhaps an end of season celebration?
  14. You don't have to pull yourself into stretches and go farther than is comfortable in yoga. You can take yoga and stretch only as far as you desire to go.
  15. I know you said gymnastics was out due to sensory issues but perhaps you could look into a school that has a recreational program with preschool classes. I don't believe the sensory things you listed would be an issue in a preschool class if I remember correctly. Also, most teachers in a recreational program would be wiling to work with your child in those areas. You may also be able to find a rec soccer program that will let your son play a level or two down, or perhaps a summer soccer skills camp. If he is really against the dance classes after giving it a try I wouldn't force it.
  16. Josh Duggar responds: http://www.people.com/article/josh-duggar-molestation-accusations-duggars-respond
  17. I'm so sorry. I am wishing you, your pup, and your family peace.
  18. :grouphug: :grouphug: :grouphug:
  19. For a potluck I like this fruit salad. This Chocolate Strawberry Nutella Cake is delicious. I think it would make a great cupcake.
  20. Mistee Amber Dickens here too. We're twins!
  21. I never had olive oil until I met dh. His father is Italian. Sacrilege! As for your list I had chicken, black beans, and sour cream prior to being an adult. I grew up very poor. Now my diet is more varied and adventurous.
  22. :grouphug: :grouphug: :grouphug:
  23. Dress 1, it is fabulous! Happi duck makes a good point about the dark shoes and the light blue dress.
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