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Everything posted by SJ.

  1. Try Athleta - http://athleta.gap.com/browse/division.do?cid=46656&mlink=9325564,topNavW&clink=9325564&kwid=1
  2. I remember Zotz too! Imagine my surprise when I found them at the local 7-eleven, now my kids love them!
  3. It's a little pricey but Athleta has suits that stay in place while doing all the fun things.
  4. I exercise regularly at a gym where I have a social network of friends. It keeps me healthy both mentally and physically.
  5. My levels were low enough when pregnant that I was told if they did not increase I would not be able to have a home birth. After trying the regular iron supplements in pill form and still having low iron I tried Floradix. It worked for me. I highly recommend it.
  6. Sent you a friend request. At MFP I am SJ46.
  7. Is Dayton too far? The National Museum of the Air Force is absolutely amazing. I had my doubts when dh said he wanted to go but it was fabulous and I'd love to go back.
  8. Memoirs of an Imaginary Friend Hope everyone feels better soon!
  9. Straight out of the jar! :hurray: This is delicious: http://www.food.com/recipe/grandpas-sauerkraut-and-kielbasa-110223
  10. I recently found out my brother is in danger of receiving an eviction notice for not paying rent for Nov and Dec. He owes $900 sometime soon (he wasn't clear on the exact date) or they will receive an eviction notice. We have some money in savings and I told him that we could help them but probably not with the entire amount. He said that he and his wife were trying to get some money together. The problem is that his wife spends money like they are wealthy but they aren't paying their bills. She babysits but doesn't make any money doing it because she is constantly spending the money she makes on the children she watches. She takes them out to eat, buys them clothes, shoes, and toys, and pays for birthday parties at venues like Chuck E. Cheese. She also buys expensive clothing and shoes for herself and her children then lies to my brother about where these things came from. Just last month she bought a little girl two full outfits and boots and another girl an expensive party dress. A couple days ago she announced that they would be providing Christmas gifts to a family of five. Why would you do these things if your family is in danger of being evicted? (Before you get the wrong idea and think that my SIL is a kind, loving, generous person I assure that is not the case. She likes the appearance that they have more money than they do. She is awful, I can't believe anyone allows their children to be in her care.) So far my brother has not told me how much money they have to pay toward their rent, the exact date it is due, nor have they looked into any assistance programs that might provide them emergency help. To be honest I feel like I am more worried about this situation than they are and I live across the country! (I know so much about SIL because my mother is their neighbor and she is baffled by the spending habits.) This may be because my SIL is counting on her elderly uncle to ask them to live with him if they get evicted and this is something that she wants. She is convinced that he is rich and will leave them his house and money despite the fact that he has children and grand children that he is close to. I do not have good feelings about this situation. The money we have saved is our emergency money. I don't want SIL to feel like they can just depend on us if they get into financial trouble. How do I not feel taken advantage of if I loan/give them this money and SIL continues to spend money on everything but their bills? How do I emotionally remove myself from the situation and not care what they are spending their money on? What if the same thing happens again? Ugh. I also feel guilty for even thinking these things and not being able to freely give my brother the full amount without any judgment on their spending habits.
  11. I'd try not to let others' dietary choices get to you, or any decision that doesn't directly affect you. P.S. I drink diet coke. :auto:
  12. This happens to me with many different companies. It doesn't bother me, an ad will be there regardless so it may as well be one from a site I frequent. As others mentioned - clearing your cookies will help.
  13. Technically this, but I think most people say 'fie-er.'
  14. I have a second crock pot that may be able to fit the potatoes but I will ask them if they have one just in case. Thanks!
  15. I can not even imagine. I do not believe 30 people can fit into my house without encroaching into the bedrooms and bathrooms!
  16. MIL does this and it doesn't always turn out well. We've tested everything but the stuffing which probably won't make the stuffing lovers happy regardless of how it tastes because 1. it won't be cooked in the bird, 2. it will not contain the turkey guts, and 3. it is not their recipe. Oh well, I can't help any of those things so I'm just going to roll with Pioneer Woman.
  17. Thanks for sharing your tips everyone! I did a lot of shopping this afternoon, this year I am thankful for Sprouts and their wonderfully low prices! ;) So far part of my house is clean and the bread is cut and drying. Hopefully this evening I will make the cranberry sauce, whiskey sauce, caramel sauce, chop veggies, and roast the sweet potatoes. My load is slightly lessened as SIL is bringing the mashed potatoes, green beans, and since MIL is bringing bread I have decided not to worry about rolls. Thanks again!
  18. How do you seat and serve a meal to a group of people that does not fit comfortably in your space? My table seats six. I will have seven adults, my boys, and two little girls (3&4). I am considering squeezing seven at the table, asking SIL to bring their girls' little table and putting it near my table, and seating my boys near me with their own trays (so unattached from the table but close enough to be a part of everything). To serve I was going to set everything up buffet style on the counter. I do not have serving dishes so everything will have to be scooped out of the casserole pans. This should be ok, right? What do you do?
  19. In my quest to make our Thanksgiving as stress free and streamlined as possible I am curious what your opinion is of glazing a ham in a crock pot and reheating mashed potatoes in one. I will be making this glazed ham and my ham is 7.5 lbs. Someone is bringing the mashed potatoes and plan to come early, is it a good idea to reheat them in a crock pot? I do not have as large of a kitchen as my MIL, who has a double oven, and I have seen the havoc of trying to cook and reheat everything in time for the meal. I am trying to figure out how to reheat the smoked turkey and cook three casseroles, mashed potatoes, stuffing, and glazed ham. Breathe. I will be ok. Everything will turn out fine...
  20. Before purchasing a brand like Samsung or LG I would ensure there are technicians in your local area that can repair those brands. We had a Samsung and live in a fairly large city and there was only one repair person that would work on our refrigerator when it stopped working. I heard it is similar with LG. We like the side by side doors so the boys can easily reach what they need in the refrigerator. In the future I would like a french door refrigerator. Good luck!
  21. This is my first year hosting Thanksgiving in, I don't know, maybe six or seven years. I definitely don't want to be do everything on Thanksgiving, nor do I want to be doing most of it on Wednesday. I'd like to break things up between Tuesday and Wednesday. For those of you that do prep a day or more early, what do you do? Any suggestions for me? Pioneer Woman never lets me down so I most of my menu is inspired by her. Here is my tentative menu: Orange Vanilla Fruit Salad Broccoli Wild Rice Casserole Mashed Potatoes Gravy Cranberry Sauce Sweet Potato Casserole Stuffing (maybe this one?) A plain veggie, not sure what kind, roasted or steamed No Knead Dinner rolls (Maybe) Self Rising Biscuits (Maybe) Glazed Ham BIL is bringing a smoked turkey, MIL is bringing a salad Dessert: Country Apple Galette Pumpkin Pie Pecan Pie Vanilla Ice Cream Whipped Cream Caramel Sauce Whiskey Cream Sauce MIL is bringing a couple things for dessert but I can't remember what they are other than something strawberry. Help? :scared:
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