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Everything posted by SJ.

  1. I agree that the boy's mom acted in an over the top manner but I can see her point in being upset. Both of my boys have names that can be shortened but they go by their given name. It is irritating when people presume they can call them by the shortened name. This happens to my husband too and he is baffled by it. If someone is introduced as This why would you call them That?
  2. Sections of the Royal Gorge Park burned in a wild fire last year. I would call ahead and make sure the park is open, or find out how much of the park is opened prior to visiting. It is a (very) long drive to find out sections of the park are closed. This does not affect rafting expeditions, train rides, or the like in the area as far as I know.
  3. Big fat NO here too. I saw a little boy at the library playing this game and was not amused at the language being used in the chat function.
  4. Ivywild School Community Marketplace is a neat place to grab a bite to eat. If you like beer there is a brewery inside. If not, there is yummy food either in the brewery or on the other side of the building. IIRC there is also a coffee shop and a bakery. It could easily be a stop on the way back from the zoo or Cheyenne Canon if you choose to visit those places. There are a few other breweries in town if beer is your thing.
  5. How could I forget - feed the giraffes at the Cheyenne Mountain Zoo! Also, never been to this but it seems interesting - Manitou Cliff Dwellings.
  6. If you like to browse in little shops there is Old Colorado City, the first permanent settlement in the area. It is not far from Garden of the Gods, if you go there Old Colorado City would be a nice place to eat or have a homemade ice cream at the Colorado City Creamery. Rock Ledge Ranch, which is a part of Garden of the Gods is a fun place to go. I've never been but the Springs has a money museum and a pioneer museum. Cave of the Winds is supposed to be fun, I'd like to go there before summer ends. The Olympic Training Center has a good tour and you will most likely see athletes training for the Olympics. Seven Falls is a popular tourist attraction. I have never been because I refuse to pay to see a waterfall when in the same area you can see Helen Hunt Falls for free and enjoy some hiking trails. If you hike the trail at Helen Hunt Falls there will be another waterfall to view. The amount of water depends on the amount of rain we've had. There is a nature center at the falls as well as just prior to entering the canyon (Cheyenne Canon). The one at the beginning of the canyon is the Starsmore Discovery Center. There is a junior ranger program children can do for $2. Helen Hunt Falls: (ACK! Won't let me post the photos!) For those up for a physical challenge the Manitou Incline is a serious hike. It is a 3/4 mile hike but it increases 2000 feet in elevation. It is difficult but worth the challenge if you are up for it. Count on it taking much longer than you anticipate. Most people hike down the Barr trail as hiking down the Incline is probably not the safest. My boys hiked it last summer when my youngest turned 7. It was difficult but they did it. It is the scar you see up the mountain towards Manitou Springs: (Again, photo won't post!) There are beautiful views if you have enough energy to turn around and enjoy them ;) (Check google images, I can't post the photos). If you are up to traveling to Denver the Denver Museum of Nature and Science usually has interesting exhibits. The current exhibit is on the Maya, this is in addition to the permanent exhibits. I thought the Denver Art Museum was fabulous. A museum that I haven't been to but would like to is the Unsinkable Molly Brown House in Denver. Hope this is helpful! SJ
  7. If you like to hike - Palmer Park. My boys love to climb on the rocks, there are plenty of trails, and beautiful views of the city. The view (from one side of the park: ETA: For some reason I couldn't post the images I wanted to show you. If you want to see the rock formations in the park do a google images search in the park. If you mountain bike this is a prime place to do so.
  8. Posting in this thread made me feel guilty so I got busy and decluttered a ton of paper that was hiding away in my den. :thumbup:
  9. Cleaning and decluttering while everyone is away at a sporting event for the afternoon. Instead I am spending my time online while watching episodes of Defiance. Ack! Get to work! (said to myself)
  10. My oldest needs an editing program that has short lessons that he can do 1-3x/week. Any favorites? Bonus if I can get it as a PDF or ebook that can be used with an IPad. I have been considering Evan Moor Daily Paragraph Editing and The Critical Thinking Co. Editor In Chief 2. My thoughts: EM is a cheaper choice if I purchase the basic student workbook and the lessons are short. CTC is more than just editing it provides a touch of teaching and examples. Bleh. I should have figured this out months ago!
  11. We have been using Singapore Math from the beginning but I feel this year our schedule needs tweaked so we can move deeper into the materials. Generally we go over the textbook and follow up with the corresponding workbook pages, most activities from the HIG do not get completed. This year I would like to spiral with the Extra Practice, Challenging Word Problems, and maybe some of the Intensive Practice. This will most likely look a little different with each child. Each year I have a desire to do this but because of my oldest's reluctance to doing math it has been a relief just to get the workbook completed. I feel like a spiral approach will help my oldest gain confidence thus increasing his abilities. At least that is my hope. My questions for you are: 1. How much math do you do each day? Do you have a goal for a certain amount completed or a time goal? 2. How do you incorporate review with this program? 3. If you use CWP and the Intensive Practice how do you schedule them into your days/weeks? I think that's everything. Thanks! SJ
  12. In addition to what has already been posted I have used the book list at www.bookshark.com and Books to Build On by E.D. Hirsch.
  13. Just curious what it is that you don't like about Dropbox. I ask because I just recently downloaded the program to use with Notability on the Ipad for our curriculum. It seems easy to create folders for organization but perhaps there is a better way..?
  14. We loved this one. :iagree: Also: Shiloh, Phyllis Reynolds Naylor The Knights' Tales, Gerald Morris Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, Roald Dahl Ramona Quimby Age 8, Beverly Cleary How to Eat Fried Worms, Thomas Rockwell The Elephant's Magician, Kate DiCamillo The Wizard of Oz Anything narrated by Jim Weiss Compiled myths, fairy tales, short stories
  15. You mention your ds gets "snapped at." Is this by your ILs? Under what circumstances? Poor guy.
  16. That is heartbreaking. Even more so that your ds realizes your ILs opinions and expresses a strong desire to gain their approval. Is there any way you can talk to your ILs or that your dh will? Letting them know that he is trying his best and truly wants their approval, and explaining that *his* best may not be *their* idea of perfect but that he is an individual and that's what he has to offer. Perhaps suggest to them to have more positive interactions with them. I know when I go out of my way to give my oldest positive attention and tell him how much I appreciate him his behavior improves dramatically. The key here is that I have to take that first step before his behavior is at his best and that is what gets us there.
  17. I would call the insurance company to determine the problem. I have had some problems with coverage being denied this year and every time a few phone calls clear everything up.
  18. I'm not sure how old she is but I found this one amazing: I found all the pictures in the same place and you can find them too by doing an image search. They are all every day people that made their own "fitspiration" celebrating their personal accomplishments. I can post the link but it is another message board, is that against the rules here?
  19. Same guy (he's 43): 46 years old: IIRC she is in her 40s:
  20. Friendly Persuasion - About a Quaker family during the Civil War and how they cope with following their faith as the war moves closer and threatens their safety. April Morning - Revolutionary war, Battle of Lexington. We just watched these two movies in my family and found them suitable for age 8+.
  21. 30%? That seems like a lot. I thought I was doing well tipping at 20%. How did tip expectations get so high?
  22. I usually tip between 15-20% with haircuts. With the current guy it is always 20% because he is absolutely FANTASTIC. Curious what others do...
  23. :iagree: I have done field trips in the past and found this is the best policy.
  24. Last year I gave a friend The Read Aloud Handbook and a few board books. It was well received.
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