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Everything posted by raceNzanesmom

  1. Average 1 BR runs around $500-600 plus electric. In older parts of town you might find one for $400, newer parts and closer to the colleges as much as $800. Deposit is almost always one month's rent- or more. However, 2 BRs often only run $50-100 more, so singles often share a 2 BR apt to save.
  2. C. I would read great books to him, minimum 30 minutes a day. We usually do 20-30 in the a.m. and then another 30 at bedtime. The bedtime book is always the quality chapter book I'm reading to him. The morning time might be the same book, different book, good picture books, non-fiction, often his choice. Snuggle up and enjoy your time. I would have him read aloud books he can read fluently, at least 10-15 minutes a day. If he's needing to stop to sound out more than 3'ish words per full page I'd go down a level. Sign him up for the library's summer reading program and any others you have in the area. That gives good incentive. You could also make up your own- coupons or a sticker chart. My oldest loved creating a reading caterpillar around his room in K. He decorated the face, then we added a circle with the title for each book.
  3. :iagree: A frozen washcloth is wonderful too. Amber necklaces work for many babies.
  4. We use cod liver oil for our omegas. It doesn't eliminate oldest ds's symptoms, but it greatly improves them. He takes 1 TB a day, the rest of us take 1 tsp. Chase with a bit of OJ to help with taste. Omegas and vitamin D are healthy for everyone, so it's a win-win. :D
  5. This was my ds's #1 gift. He loves it! His is nicely padded, holds his laptop and all his books. He also appreciates his Bluetooth mouse. Cash was a big help for gas expenses.
  6. Congratulations! We wrapped up on Tuesday and had a fun field trip today. Now it's all fun reading and summertime. :D
  7. We used TQ for my oldest in middle and high school. At that time the companions weren't available. If I was still using TQ I'd probably use at least one of the companions.
  8. I switched to Heart of Dakota in January 2011. It has been a breath of fresh air. No planning, no stress, we enjoy it, he's learning, it fits us. And, if we happen to have a busy or just "off" day, it's easy enough to skip over something and come back to it the next day. TV off, worship music on for most of the day brings an overall peace to our day (not just school). I've also found for myself, alone time with the Lord before my day begins really helps.
  9. Bill Nye is showing on our local PBS station at 5 a.m. I've DVR'd over 40 episodes. :D You can watch some of them here too. http://www.gamequarium.org/dir/SqoolTube_Videos/Science/Bill_Nye_Videos/
  10. Wild Kratts is a favorite here. We DVR it. :D Least fave is probably Sesame Street.
  11. Looking forward to it? No. I'll miss him. We have a great relationship and I enjoy spending time with him. However, I trust he's been trained up properly, so I'm fine with it when the time comes. I just wouldn't say I'm looking forward it. The youngest just turned 8, so it'll be a while for him.
  12. We use R&S, but do most of it orally and on the whiteboard. Our youngest will start R&S 2 for 3rd grade in the fall. Since you have 3, I'd start there, and do it together. Go at her pace, whatever that is. I wouldn't stress about it. She's still very young. She'll get it. Use some of the living books listed above, and make sure she's exposed to good literature.
  13. I like both, but using both may be confusing (at least in the beginning). Do you have MUS blocks?
  14. R&S, but we don't start formal grammar instruction until 3rd grade. Before R&S, I teach grammar through other subjects.
  15. All I could think of when I read you title was "Why????". Sorry, I know it works for some people/schools. It didn't work for us at.all. If you like it, try it. I wouldn't try to do every single thing they schedule tho, or you'll end up with a very long school day.
  16. Start small. Narration is a learned skill. With the 6 y/o, read a very short section (even just a paragraph or two), get excited and asked him what happened. Have him finish your sentence, act it out, anything that gets his juices flowing. For your older, I would also keep it short and supervised. Expand as they get better at it. Model for them. It isn't as easy as it looks. I wouldn't do any written narration until they are good at oral narration. Remember not to interrupt them, and there's no right answer. It how they interrupt the reading. Be gentle, yet consistent and I bet you'll see growth over the course of a school year.
  17. We used TQH for middle and high school with my oldest. LOVE it! :D "I" learned so much right along with my ds, including the love of HIS-story. I'm sure many of the SL books are recommended, but please know you can use any book on a topic with TQ. Michelle (the author) gives lists of either books she's read and loved or others have told her about. They aren't, however, a list of "read these". Use whatever you have available. She also gives several spine options for most topics. Again, they aren't must reads, just suggested options with page numbers that correlate. If you're looking for HIS-story, TQH is excellent!
  18. My oldest was 10, 5th grade, when he read it on his own. He read it again for history in 8th, so 13. The youngest hasn't read it yet.
  19. I'd pick it back up in the fall. LHFHG is wonderful for 1st grade. Then move to Beyond when you're finished.
  20. Thank you Glory/Maggie!! I had looked for that thread the other day and couldn't find it. We're only on level 2, but yes, I think it'll cover everything and more. Start with level 1 and move at his pace. That will likely be quickly in the beginning, but sets a solid foundation. Slow down when he needs it. You have two options. Use AAR 1 and add AAS 1 when AAR 1 is completed. Or, do as Maggie suggested and use AAS 1 as a phonics program, then go back and use it for spelling. Since AAR 1 is available, and it sounds like she's ready for it, I'd probably start there.
  21. I can help with this part. We're only in level 2, but it came with additional tiles for syllables and the jail. hth.
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