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Everything posted by PrincessMommy

  1. I had it on my eyelid and I don't remember it itching so much but it hurt and was really puffy - looked like Droopy Dog in one eye. It did take 3 different antibiotics to get rid of it. Just keep an eye on it to make sure it's fully healed.
  2. '' I don't think you're being silly at all.. .especially since the differences important. Having kids around and a largish church would be important to me though.
  3. they probably made the plea deal with the court and she must not have had a say. very sad situation.
  4. Sorry - LowCarb. But I've been doing it off and on since years before I was diagnosed. As to the diarrhea. Honestly, I don't remember that being my primary problem so I don't remember. It could be the meds you're one too - although that wasn't the side-effects I was having (I felt like I was on massive doses of speed). sorry I'm not much help. I hope you make it through tomorrow. How long is your flight?
  5. I was dx with diverticulitis about 2 yrs ago... I'm 48 now. I eat pretty much anything I want (I try to be as LC as I can), except that I know nuts are a huge trigger for me. Perhaps everyone is different, but if I stay away from nuts then I do just fine. I'm glad you're feeling as well as you are. I was SO SICK. It was like the worst childbirth pains I'd ever had. I wrote on my blog at the time "I felt like I was giving birth to something that was very angry with me." And then the meds made me sicker! It was awful. I'm glad you're feeling better. Perhaps you can think back to what you were eating at the time and do some investigation.
  6. I was considering coming here to ask the same question earlier today but got busy with stuff. Being a relative newbie to regular posting here I was curious myself.
  7. and :iagree: I tried to read the review because I'd heard so many negative things about this book. I don't plan to read "50 Shades..." it's not my kind of book even if it were well written.
  8. ps might be worse for your son. I would definitely talk with other moms with aspergers and find out what the school experience was like for their child. I really understand the desire to find a friend for your son. BTDT (although my child doesn't have aspergers)... it's painful to watch our kids be lonely. I agree with the previous poster, find some support groups. Also, check some other avenues like Boy Scouts...but do your homework first. Which is worse... no friends or being teased and bullied?
  9. Some people probably have an easy marriage the whole way through 40-50-60yrs worth. Then there are some people who start out having a difficult time and then either things smooth out or they don't (my sis had this and now her marriage is great - but still has a few bumps). But, (I'm not trying to be snarky) I looked at the ages of your kids and assumed you'd been married 15yrs or less. Honey, you need to wait until you hit 20-25 yrs. and then say it's easy. I would have said the same thing you said when I was only married 15yrs and my kids were little. I'm finding it's harder the longer I've been at it and the older my kids get.
  10. aww, that's tough to go through. praying for you both. :grouphug:
  11. This is my experience. I haven't heard about wheat, but have heard the news about corn. But either way, I can't/shouldn't eat either.
  12. so very sorry for your loss. May your brother-in-law rest in peace.
  13. I have not read the actual article but saw this post about it over at GetReligion.org. It sounds like the cover alone is causing quite a stir. It seems pretty offensive to me and I'm not Mormon.
  14. LOL - we would too. To the OP... Within the liturgical tradition there are set scripture readings on any given week. My priest will either expound on either the Epistle or Gospel reading for the day (or pull both together) or perhaps speak about the Saint of the day (encouraging us by looking at how this person's life imitated Christ). Some parts of the liturgical year have themes (especially in Pre-Lent and post Pascha i.e. Easter))- so he may talk about those themes: Humility, Return to God, etc. etc. It really depends.
  15. Our service is about 1hr 45 min. Our sermons are around 15 mins give or take. I no longer wear a watch and I don't check my phone during services so I'm not real sure exactly how long the sermons are. edited to add: this includes just about 150-175 people taking communion every week with only one or two chalices being used (we don't use those little plastic cups).
  16. wow, that is encouraging. I've been thinking about what to do with myself now that I've fully retired from hsing. I *was* a young mother but then had 6 kids.;) I'm not so young anymore.
  17. This is one of my favorite movies... sadly the closest one is nearly an hour away.
  18. I've used a couple of her skin care products and have been happy. I think one is Resist, but I just can't remember and I'm too lazy to go upstairs to check. ;)
  19. "The Way of the Pilgrim" by Anonymous. Good book and definitely accessible for teens. "On the Incarnation" by St. Athanasius. If you get the version with a forward by CS Lewis it's doubly worth it. :D The book itself is less than 100 pages and also quite accessible. "Whose Bible is Is? A History of the Scriptures Through the Ages". by Jaroslav Pelikan. He also wrote a book on Creeds through the ages. I haven't read that one, but did listen to an excellent interview of him on this topic.
  20. I love that Goodreads keeps a book log. I keep it for TBR books as well as completed books. I try to do reviews as much as possible, but when I read other people's reviews I feel a bit intimidated and out of my league I'm also friends with many other bookish people so I also enjoy getting their updates each day. Do you subscribe to that? I think it's fun to see what my friends put on their TBR list or read their reviews.
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