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Everything posted by PrincessMommy

  1. We have a Panasonic canister for our hardwood and love it. For every week cleaning I mop with water with vinegar. Murphy's oil soap can cause build-up so it's probably best to use every few months. I don't claim to be an expert... I've only lived in our current house for 6 months. I love the Roomba idea but we're looking to cover up as much of the hardwood as possible so it might not be practical for us to get.
  2. We went about 4 yrs ago. I think we stayed in either Town Hill or Somesville. I can't remember but it was right on Rt 3 and we wanted to be as close as possible to Acadia. We stayed in a rental home for a week. I wouldn't recommend the house we stayed in as it wasn't very kid friendly (lots of beautiful antiques). My husband picked it out and I learned my lesson about letting him choose accommodations for the family ;) In looking at the map I think it must have been Somesville because our house was across from the harbor and we enjoyed going out there when the tide was out. And, we were right near Eagle Lake Rd. The kids could walk to the bookstore or ice cream shop in town...that was nice too.
  3. Yes we lock it all the time. There have been 2-3 occasions when we didn't and let's just say that one or another of our kids got an education she wasn't expecting :blush:
  4. I love soaping too. And, making green swirls is one of my favorite colors! :001_smile: Your soap is beautiful.
  5. I tried crocheting but it didn't click with me. I always wanted to learn to weave. Two years ago I took lessons and eventually found a used loom. I love it! But, it isn't for everyone. I'm certainly not the best weaver in the world. Most weavers do lots of other fiber arts (and been doing them for years) and seem to know just how yarn types and colors work together. I'm completely lost, but I still love it. I didn't really like the way most crocheted items looked and don't wear crocheted things. I'm practical. I like that I can weave practical things (tea towels, wash clothes) as well as pretty things (baby blankets, shawls). I think the thing to do is try many different types of crafts and see which one sticks. I have a friend who didn't do much sewing or fiber crafts and she took up quilting. She loved it.
  6. I'm another newbie to WTM. I have 6 kids and started homeschooling in 1991. Retired last year after my middle son graduated from high school. My youngest two are in private school. I haven't fully figured out what I want to do with the rest of my life, but I know it will involve end-of-life care in some way. I volunteer with Hospice, am pretty active in my church, weave, and like to read. I blogged very regularly since 2005 but lately I've lost the fire for that. Don't know where my blog will go from here or if I'll pull it down. I really like the many people and relationships I've built from the blogging world. But, I just don't feel like I have much to blab about anymore. I mostly lurk here but occasionally come out to play. It goes in spurts.
  7. good point. I have a niece who is a realtor and all her updates were about how fantastic the market is. It got old fast.
  8. I'm not into those home party things either. But what really annoys me is that it seems like that's the only reason I'm their friend. :confused: Okay, I guess if I were still part of the "in" crowd who did FB perhaps I'd be a FB friend too.;) Thanks for understanding everyone.
  9. :grouphug: That is a rotten way to find out such important news from a close family member (or friend).
  10. so they can invite you to their home/direct-sale parties. :glare: Vent off - you may go back to your regularly scheduled programs......
  11. I meant to add: if you want. No pressure to "friend" me :001_smile:
  12. Here's a link to my books list. I think you can request to be friends by clicking on my name. http://www.goodreads.com/review/list/576123?format=html&page=1&shelf=currently-reading
  13. I don't know how it compares with Shelfari, but I 2nd Goodreads. I love it.
  14. My youngest son chokes easily. It's very scary. The worst one was when we were driving down the road. I only happened to look back at him (don't know why) and saw him choking. Hubby pulled over and we were just hauling him out of the back seat when he finally got up the gummy worm he was choking on. He was about 6-7. I had a hard time sleeping that night with all the "what ifs" going through my mind.
  15. LOL - I do remember now how we had to be careful about the recipes we shared. I'd forgotten about that.
  16. I have not been here that long, but I was on the Vegsource boards long ago. I really enjoyed that place after the Titus 2 homeschool forum on AOL (gosh - THAT dates me!) crashed and burned. I also remember a Brenda from Vegsource (she was rather opinionated and thus, memorable) . I wonder if it was the same person?
  17. Thanks but I'm not on FB and thus cannot join Pinterest. I've done some online looking at images through Google and that works nicely too.
  18. I have no idea what color it is, but I hope you'll share before/after photos when you're done. I'm looking to paint my kitchen cabinets (to white or cream) in the future and would love some inspiration.
  19. my husband is a whistler and it drives me batty. He starts when he wakes up. Ugh. He also whistles (quietly - almost like a whisper whistle, which is also very annoying) in inappropriate places - like church! But, I feel like I complain way too much already, so I bite my tongue.
  20. My husband was 45 when our last was born. The thing that made me think hard about another one a few years later was calculating how old he would be when the kids hit the grumpy puberty stage and when he's teaching our youngest to drive. Of course, they're not deal breakers in and of themselves, but having 4 kids go through high school and early college stage - it is DRAINING. Babies are fun and they do keep you young, but they grow up. Raising them to adulthood is a hard (and often thankless) job.
  21. Good to hear an update. I had burnout for nearly 3-4 years before I hung up my spurs. Good for you for paying attention. My last year I kept home my senior so he graduated from homeschool, but he mostly did independent work.
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