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Everything posted by PrincessMommy

  1. This has all been very helpful. My youngest has had repeated bouts of strep since Jan. We've never had this before with my older kids. The dr. has mentioned sending him to an ENT as well. I appreciate all the information about other possibilities to explore besides just surgery first.
  2. I'm sorry he's not taking doctor's suggestions... that stinks...:grouphug::grouphug:
  3. Since you're a reluctant FB user, you'll have to tell us how you like it in a few weeks. I closed my account over a year ago and I sometimes get the itch to re-join.
  4. Your thread title made me LOL... I've often wondered this about myself too. I'm very easily distracted and cannot stay on one task for very long. I don't know if it really means I'm ADD (although I have 2 dds who are), but it makes me wonder. I partly wonder if it's lifestyle changes of being a mom. We're constantly distracted and have our minds on several things at once. Also, there is talk that the internet does make us a bit ADD (the book "The Shallows: What th eInternet is doing to our Brains" talks about this). So I don't know if it's a learned behavior or not.
  5. May God bless your search. So sorry this happened again... it's tough doing a church search (especially with kids). :grouphug:
  6. May I ask, was your son happy with the before/after results? Is there a noticeable difference. My son is 19 and the only one in the family who has it. We've heard it's genetic but I have no knowledge of anyone else in the family who has it. Of course my mom thought it was the fact that I didn't feed him enough (picky eater). :rolleyes:
  7. :iagree: I think I would have stepped in a bit sooner, but I think you did a good job. I wouldn't say anything more unless this type of behavior happens again. She is WAY out of line correcting and threatening punishment.
  8. wow.. praying for your daughter. One of my son's has the same condition but we were recommended against the surgery. They did check his heart/lungs out to make sure they weren't being effected by it because it's very pronounced. DS was also against having it done - so he rarely pushed. I definitely got a lot of huffyness and rollyeye from him when I'd bring it up with the doctor and pushed to check it out.... but I was worried! I think he only has about 1-2" between his back and his breast bone.
  9. The Smitten Kitchen used to be a favorite of mine. She takes beautiful pictures too so the whole blog looks like a work of art. Very inspiring. I haven't followed her in a few years, but back then she had a teenie-tiny NY kitchen and would often talk about how making yummy and beautiful food can be done even in a small space. I really liked her inspiration. Kayln's Kitchen is for those following South Beach but there's lots of yummy options for everyone.
  10. okay, so inquiring minds want to know... why do they even make gluconate zinc if it is going to be rejected?
  11. It's helped with itchy scalp? My scalp has been so itchy for years. Tried shampoos, but they don't really work for long. Thanks! I'm going to give the zinc a try. Also, does it *have* to be chelated? Has anyone used non-chelated zinc with similar results?
  12. I saw the part about it needing to be inexpensive. Tarps from the hard-ware store are a great option. But, one thing to consider is the price of trees you were thinking of getting. They wouldn't be cheap either. Perhaps budget the price of a tree (or two) and figure that as your price limit? Just an idea.
  13. I agree... it's one of the reasons we didn't have a 7th child. Sure, I'd love a baby (or a toddler), but the young-adult stage is emotionally hard - and my kids aren't rebelling terribly or falling off the deep end with life. I'll already be in my 50's & my dh will be in his 60's when our youngest hits this stage - I can't imagine doing as I get even older. But, the thing is... I don't feel I can adequately say something to young mom's who want a lot of kids. It just feels so anti-family.
  14. for nearly 20 yrs we had an in-ground pool and I hate (hate!) the sun. It gives me terrible headaches. I bought a big wooden market umbrella with a stand-alone stand. If I had to be out to watch the kids, I sat under there with my book. Occasionally I'd move the umbrella closer to the pool so I could put my feet in the water to cool off. if you have a pool and don't like the sun then they are definitely worth the investment.
  15. so sorry to see this. I hope everyone is spared the worst and that the firefighters get it under control soon.
  16. Are you sure you don't have wax build up? If so you'll need to irrigate to get the wax out. It can take multiple tries. We just went through this with my 11yr old and it took them about 30 mins. of irrigating to get all the wax out. Have someone look in your ear with a flashlight and see if there's wax there. You can do it yourself at home first though. Get warm water with a little hydrogen perioxide in a bowl. Using a bulb syringe squirt the water into the ear (using as much pressure as possible). Google around to look at the technique.
  17. May he rest in peace. What a great show The Andy Griffith Show was.
  18. no, I don't see that. And I really hope he doesn't hook up with that lady who was fawning all over him in the episode about the Mexican drugs.
  19. I agree. It's also nice to find something well written but not gloomy or smutty.
  20. It totally makes sense to me. We were incredibly lucky this time around. It's been so terribly hot, it makes a difficult situation much worse - imho. Do you have a friend's house to go to to get out of the heat? :grouphug:
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