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Everything posted by PrincessMommy

  1. I'm also someone who has had multiple painful sores throughout my life. Chocolate is a big culprit and I suspect sugar and wheat. I noticed when I went Low carb they went away and any time I cheated they would pop back. I now notice them more when I cheat with chocolate since I don't eat it often and when I do I get a breakout within a few hours. I use Rembrandt canker sore toothpaste too.
  2. Sounds like my house too. While he doesn't out and say I don't communicate enough, we do joke about the fact the our roles are reversed. My husband is an extrovert and a lover of attention (drama king??). It's exhausting.
  3. thanks everyone. We went out to lunch as a family and then she and I and her sister went and got some Godiva chocolates. She seems to be doing much better today. I think having talked with several of her girlfriends has helped. I do anticipate it's going to be a long summer though.
  4. I'm disappointed too. He was a nice guy and just her type. Sigh. They're both transferring to different four-year colleges (met at the local cc). He's been in the military and already had some bad experiences with long-distance relationships. I know she needs to go through the grieving and anger of a break-up - but it's just sucky right now. I wish we could all just fast-forward a few months. Thanks for the good words, prayers and positive thoughts.
  5. It was her first real serious relationship & break up and she's taking it quite hard. Any good thoughts or prayers would be appreciated.
  6. That was a great video and article. Thanks. I miss Mr. Rogers too.
  7. Wendy, I've had that happen on freecycle too... so that was a bit of a concern. I'm just going to do what Angela suggests (and you too really) and have the 2nd guy wait. Thanks! I kind of knew it was the right thing to do but just needed someone to hold my hand. :)
  8. I haven't sold many items on craigslist and have a question. I'm selling our refrigerator and someone contacted me to buy it (or rather he's "really interested" in the fridge). We negotiated a time but he can't come until 8pm tonight. Then someone else contact me and said he's ready to buy if it works and can come by to pick it up earlier today. Should I put the 2nd guy off until the 1st person has a chance to look at it? I told the 2nd person there was another interested party.
  9. :grouphug: Agreeing with Impish. If she can't be an adult when someone has a different belief system from her then I don't see why not.
  10. I'm glad you went to the doctors. I had cellulitis around my right eye about a month ago. I'm still dealing with antibiotics.
  11. This is my main problem with our house. But, we just moved in in Jan. It's so hard to figure out what will/will not work when you're walking through someone else's house. Sigh. Otherwise this house is just fine. I long ago gave up on "the dream home." I know some people are lucky enough to find it, but it has always eluded me. I guess I'm just hard to please.
  12. We've gone through this. Just last year with my college son. I had to go get him from college, he was completely incapacitated and could barely get out of his bed- never mind going to classes. It can be MUCH WORSE for boys/men... because well... they don't wash their hands before they go to the bathroom (TMI I know, but it will spread *there* - and it's extremely painful once it spreads there). Go to the doctors and get steroids. When it gets this bad it's really the best way to treat it and do it SOON. We've also tried the natural route and it just doesn't work fast enough when it spreads like that. For future possible outbreaks get RusTox homeopathic pills and taken them religiously in the spring. It does work. But for now, just bite the bullet and get the meds from the doctors.
  13. My BIL, who is a huge bibliophile, has pared down his book collection by at least 80%. He just hated the idea of moving them too. We have a lot less books now too. Not so much because we're big e-book fans, but books are so easily gotten when needed - why save them? Especially the ones I know I'll never read again. I pretty much keep only books I know are hard-to-find or have sentimental value.
  14. Wow, this is good news for me. I'm currently trying to find a decent corner china cabinet for our dining room. Perhaps I can get one cheap since they're "out" . ;) I collect clocks. I love them. I can't imagine not having them around. Although 1/2 of mine don't work. :glare:
  15. we had an Ektorp at one time and were quite pleased with it.
  16. Thank you Medieval Mom for starting this thread. I got the free version from Project Guttenberg for my Kindle and I'm greatly enjoying it.
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