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Everything posted by PrincessMommy

  1. Good grief!!! That is terribly insensitive. I'm so sorry. :grouphug:
  2. I go in cycles. When I do I have a set of prayers I use.
  3. I'm this way too. I'm quite uncomfortable with people making a big deal over me. This includes b-days too. But, I do like it that I don't fix dinner on Mother's Day (or my b-day).
  4. :grouphug: I'm sorry he's making you feel guilty and I'm sorry your not feeling well.
  5. Amen. I have a friend who lost her only child through a miscarriage. She's hates Mother's Day - it's just a reminder of what she never had.
  6. Did you ask them where they liked to get gift-cards from? My husband hates gift-cards. I don't really care, but he really doesn't like them. It's just his little pet-peeve :confused:..
  7. This sounds similar to our family. Although now a days, because many in our extended family (siblings, siblings in-laws) money is quite tight, we've all opted for no presents even at Christmas for the last several years. At least for the older kids and adults. We're all trying to be sensitive to those who have it a lot harder in this economy.
  8. yes, yes... exactly. This and others who wrote similar stories. I don't want to be the parent that gift useless junk either.
  9. Well... I didn't say it was tacky to get them a *present*. I *said* I thought it was tacky to give them money as a present. But, apparently a lot of people dont' think so so perhaps I'm wrong. We're just not a big gift giving family. My parents don't get me gifts - although I usually get a call and/or a card (a card is not a gift, IMO). It's no big deal... I think that's why it's always been difficult for me, because society says it SHOULD be a BIG deal. Good mom = b-day presents. So it stresses me out. KWIM?
  10. Thanks for the ideas. Our extended family is different. We don't do presents as a rule. We will call or send cards to in-laws and siblings, but not presents. Now, my mil used to give presents for b-days when she was younger. She was a great present giver - always knew the right thing to give to someone. But that was her. No one else really did that.
  11. Birthdays have always been stressful for me. I'm just not a good birthday present giver and now that several of my children have reached adulthood, it's getting even harder! My oldest's b-day is this coming week. She's married and off on her own. I have NO IDEA what to get her - or if I even should anymore. Last year I gave her money for her b-day, but honestly, I'm a bit uncomfortable with it because it seems kind of tacky. If you have adult children - how do you deal with birthdays????
  12. yes you do. Even if you weren't homeschooling you are the children's mother, and you and your husband's choices should be respected. period. I'm sorry she's like that :grouphug:
  13. :lurk5: I'm paying attention because in 5-10yrs we want to move into something smaller, more sustainable, and functional, and what I've dubbed our "Stay out of the nursing home, house." I had a blogging friend who looked seriously into building a yurt for their very large homeschooling family in TX. She stopped blogging soon after they bought the land so I never found out if they were able to realize their dream.
  14. praying for you now...and hoping you get some sleep.
  15. :grouphug:I don't have any good answers for you. I think it's a constant battle that many of us fight.
  16. I'm so sorry - whatever it is! Praying for you and the situation.
  17. excess water or the baby lying funny. My youngest was lying transverse at 21 weeks and it made me measure big (although not double).
  18. We put Ikea cabinets in our basement apartment in our old house. My mom picked out the style (the apart. was built for her and my dad) and they turned out quite nice. That was in 2004 and after my parents moved out my nephew and his wife lived there for a year. They are still in very good shape. In fact, they were a bit nicer than my cabinets! I would definitely consider getting them again if I had people interested in helping me put them together. THAT is lot of work, but fortunately, my dad was very willing to do most of that job.
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